Terbitan Terkini

First of all, let us praise the presence of Allah SWT, the Merciful and Merciful, because with His permission, the International proceedings from the implementation of the One Asia International Lecture program with the theme of Strengthening Entrepreneurship In The Asian Community can be resolved. As an illustration, the purpose of this International Lecture from One Asia Community is to get various ideas and ideas related to the formation of the Asian Community. Discussing the Asian Community based on various fields of study to provide the basis for the formation of the Great Asian Community in the future. And find various problems and obstacles faced in forming communities, explore ideas to deal with these problems and find out how a great Asian community must be established. One Asia International Lecture is divided into two parts, the first is about the Asian community in general. Lecture Secondly, lecture in class during the Fourteen Meetings, with lecturers each time a different meeting discusses about Asian Communities from various disciplines. And at the End of this International Lecture, the One Asia Japan Foundation provides Scholarships for the twenty best students during the International Lecture of the Asian Community. This proceeding is a collection of articles from Asian Community lecture material from both Indonesian and Outside Indonesian lecturers as well as from one Asian college student participants, a blast about Asian communities from a variety of different perspectives. These international proceedings can be resolved thanks to the support of various parties. For this reason, on this occasion, we would like to express our gratitude to: The Chancellor of the University of Pasundan along with the ranks, Fellow Committee. Specifically to the Chairperson of the One Asia Japan Foundation and One Asia Indonesia for the trust given to organize this International Program.