
  • International Conference on Innovations in Social Sciences Education and Engineering (ICOISSEE)

    International Conference on Innovations in Social Sciences Education and Engineering (ICOISSEE)

    Theme: The Role of Multidiciplinary Studies and Innovations in Facing the Complexity of Globalization and the Impact of the Post-Covid-19 Pndemic

    August 07, 2021

    Bandung, Indonesia

  • Webinar Nasional Pusat Penelitian FKIP Unpas Tahun 2020

    Prosiding Webinar Nasional Pusat Penelitian FKIP Unpas Tahun 2020

  • Conference Proceeding One Asia 2

    >First of all, let us express our gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, the Most Merciful and Merciful, because with His permission, the international proceedings of the implementation of the 2nd year One Asia International Lecture program, with the theme Exploring Ideas In Entrepreneurship Within Asia Community, can be completed. As an illustration, the purpose of this International Lecture from One Asia Community is: to get various thoughts and ideas related to the formation and development of the Asian Community. Discussing the Asian Community based on various fields of study to provide a basis for the formation and development of the Asian Community, as well as discovering various problems and obstacles faced in the formation, development of the community, exploring various ideas for dealing with problems and finding out how the Asian community will be in the future. This One Asia International Lecture is divided into two parts, the first is about the Asian community through a public lecture. the second part, Lectures for Fourteen Meetings with the media during, with lecturers every time a different meeting discusses the Asian Community from various disciplines. This proceeding is a collection of articles from Asian Community lecture materials from teachers or speakers both Indonesian and foreign as well as from students participating in the One Asia lecture, who discuss Exploring Ideas in Entrepreneurship Within Asia Community from various different points of view. This international proceeding was completed thanks to the support of various parties. For this reason, on this occasion, we would like to give our permission to thank: Chancellor of Pasundan University and his staff, Chairman of the Community Service Institute, Committee Partners. In particular, the Chairperson of the One Asia (Eurasia) Foundation Japan and One Asia Indonesia for their trust in organizing this International Program.

  • The 1 International Conference on Innovation of Small Medium-sized Enterprise (ICIS) 2019

    The international conference, which is being organized by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences by initiative from Business Administration Departement has coduct The 1st International Conference on Innovation of SMEs (ICIS) on April 29, 2019. The conference’s theme is : “Innovation of SMEs ini the Context of Indonesia Revolution 4.0”. The main purpose of the conference is to bring a wide spectrum of participant who represent SMEs around developing countries, practitioner of SMEs, academicians to disseminate business opportunities, problems, solutions and research findings on SMEs. Specifically, ICIS intends to discuss and exchange knowledge on innovation in SMEs, best practices on SMEs in facing Revolution 4.4, and recent challenges of and opportunities for improving its knowledge and practices. Innovation in SMes includes action which provide mostly intermediated support to SMEs. These action take the form of tailored services and projects (innovation management capacity building, IPR management, etc…), networking and mobilization actions for innovation service providers and policymakers (i.e. exchange of experience between national innovation agencies); moreover. Horizon 2020 provides direct support to the Enterprise East Asean Network, a key player in improving SMEs acces to funding opportunities, for instance by providing brokerage services to SMEs looking for a coach under the East Asean Innovation Council pilot’s SMEs instrument. Innovation in SMEs funds additional activities intended to support entrepreneurship, internationalization, and improving acces to markets.

  • International Conference of One Asia Community

    Asia, the place where we belong to, is a large part of the world, which has an important role on the economy and world culture. Therefore, the Asia region today becomes a center of world attention and is getting attentions from various circles of communities and from many fields of knowledge. Countries in Asia have many similarities; although on the other hand has a lot of differences. In the mean time period, Asia has a good possibility to be able to build a some kind of large community of Great Asian Community (Komunitas Asia Raya). To build an Asian Community is not an easy matter, because Asia is a region that has much diversity in language, culture, and ethnic. It is, therefore, very important to look for ideas that could be a basic and important factor in order to form a community of Asia This course aims to get various thoughts and ideas associated with the formation of the Asian Community. Discussing on Great Asian Community based on various field of studies in order to provide a basis for the establishment of Great Asian Community in the future come. Finding various problems and obstacles encountered in the establishment of Great Asia community, exploring various ideas for dealing with these issues and finding out how Great Asian community should be established. As the ultimate goal of this course are expected to form an understanding of the formation of Great Asian Community and contribute to the purposes intended.

  • Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM)

    Acara ini dilakukan untuk mempublikasikan hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang telah dilakukan oleh para akademisi di lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi pada umumnya dan Universitas Pasundan khususnya, juga untuk meningkatkan kualitas para akdemisi dalam hal menulis, mengabdi serta mempublikasikan karya ilmiah, serta berkontribusi secara keilmuan maupun kepraktisan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Pasundan dan Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia. Dengan pemateri sebagai berikut: Keynote Speaker (Moch. Ridwan Kamil, S.T., M.UD./Gubernur Jawa Barat), Invited Speaker 1, (Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc./Direktur Riset dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Kemenristekdikti), Invited Speaker 2 (Dr. drh. R.Wisnu Nurcahyo/Universitas Gadjah Mada – Reviewer Kemenristekdikti) Keynote Speaker (Moch. Ridwan Kamil, S.T., M.UD./Gubernur Jawa Barat), Invited Speaker 1, (Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc./Direktur Riset dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Kemenristekdikti), Invited Speaker 2 (Dr. drh. R.Wisnu Nurcahyo/Universitas Gadjah Mada – Reviewer Kemenristekdikti) 

  • ICE (Internasional Conference on Education) FKIP Unpas

    We have chosen to focus on “Character Building Through Pricesly International Education” as the theme of the conference. The book of conference contains 34 selected articles from all participants. The participants come from academia as lecturers and researchers. The International conference has been made to be held as the realization of cooperation between PB Paguyuban Pasundan, and FKIP Universitas Pasundan. Hopefully, these articles may give benefit to all of us for the development of education. In addition, it is also expected to be a reference for the nation and state-building efforts so that science and technology becomes a strong pillar in the face of the ASEAN Economic Community.

  • Sepeda(Seminar Pendidikan Dasar) PGSD FKIP Unpas

    Melalui seminar nasional ini diharapkan dapat membangun masyarakat yang memiliki kemampuan literasi digital sebagai keterampilan dasar pada Abad 21 dengan menghadirkan suasana yang edukatif, ajang diskusi hasil penelitian, sehingga dapat memunculkan gagasan dan ide yang inovatif, serta membangun jejaring antar praktisi, pemerhati pendidikan maupun LPTK. Manfaat kegiatan ini yaitu: 1) Mampu memperoleh pengetahuan dan wawasan terkini tentang dunia pendidikan, khususnya berkenaan dengan kemampuan literasi digital untuk membentuk karakter generasi milenial; 2) Mampu meningkatkan mutu praktisi pendidikan melalui kegiatan sharing dan publikasi hasil penelitian; dan 3) Mampu menciptakan jejaring yang baik antara praktisi, pemerhati pendidikan dan LPTK. Adapun narasumber kegiatan ini yaitu: 1) Dr. Ir. Paristianti Nurwardani, MP. (Direktur Pembelajaran pada Direktorat Jenderal Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan Kemenristek dikti); 2) Dr. Fahrurrozi, M.Pd (Dosen Pascasarjana Prodi Pendidikan Dasar UNJ, Ketua I Himpunan Dosen PGSD Indonesia); dan 3) Ifa Hanifah Misbach, M.A. Psikolog, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesian (UPI), Penyusun Peraturan Walikota “Bandung Masagi”.

  • Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency


    The 1st Inter-university Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency (IFSAC) which will be held on October 2nd-3rd2018, and adopted theme of Emerging Creativity and Innovation in the Digital Economy Era (ECIDEE) is being organized and collaborated for the first time by cooperative between Universitas Pasundan, the Coordinator of Private Higher Education Region IV, and The Association of Indonesian Professor West Java-Banten Province Region IV. The purpose of this conference is to disseminate research finding on digital economy through the world. The conference highlights is the presentation of successful research, its commercialization and experiences of lecturer in higher education and local government officials in the implementation of creativity and innovation in the digital economy era, abound in their respective units based on research finding.


    Emerging Creativity and Innovation in the Digital Economy Era (ECIDEE)


    Economic, Accounting, Finance, Marketing and Management 
    Digital economy based on Government Policy 
    Business Administration and Entrepreneurship
    Economic Education and Economic Law
    Digital economy on Engineering and Information Technology
    Digital economy based on cultural heritage perspective
    Digital economy based on religion perspective