First of all, let us express our gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, the Most Merciful and Merciful, because with His permission, the international proceedings of the implementation of the 2nd year One Asia International Lecture program, with the theme Exploring Ideas In Entrepreneurship Within Asia Community, can be completed. As an illustration, the purpose of this International Lecture from One Asia Community is: to get various thoughts and ideas related to the formation and development of the Asian Community. Discussing the Asian Community based on various fields of study to provide a basis for the formation and development of the Asian Community, as well as discovering various problems and obstacles faced in the formation, development of the community, exploring various ideas for dealing with problems and finding out how the Asian community will be in the future. This One Asia International Lecture is divided into two parts, the first is about the Asian community through a public lecture. the second part, Lectures for Fourteen Meetings with the media during, with lecturers every time a different meeting discusses the Asian Community from various disciplines. This proceeding is a collection of articles from Asian Community lecture materials from teachers or speakers both Indonesian and foreign as well as from students participating in the One Asia lecture, who discuss Exploring Ideas in Entrepreneurship Within Asia Community from various different points of view. This international proceeding was completed thanks to the support of various parties. For this reason, on this occasion, we would like to give our permission to thank: Chancellor of Pasundan University and his staff, Chairman of the Community Service Institute, Committee Partners. In particular, the Chairperson of the One Asia (Eurasia) Foundation Japan and One Asia Indonesia for their trust in organizing this International Program.

Published: 2020-12-04
