Savings As a Major Factor in Appointment of Distribution of Credit in addition to Other Third Party Funds

  • D E Y Bernardin Universitas BSI, Indonesia
  • I Sofyan Universitas BSI, Indonesia
  • Y Komalasari Universitas BSI, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze lending in the form of third party funds or savings, current accounts and time deposits, the Bank BJB annual report population and samples of financial statements for the last twelve years from 2006 to 2017 taken from the Indonesia Stock Exchange or IDX. With the descriptive method of verification and using time series data. The results of the study show that the distribution of credit is highly determined in its ability to spread from the results of third party funds collection, which consists of savings, current accounts and time deposits. Of the total third party funds collected, only savings with a very significant value between Current accounts and deposit values, this shows that the most supportive fund in determining the loan distribution fund is savings, because the progress of the savings value is always changing rapidly, because there is no time benchmark for withdrawal and storage and many customers save their funds because the business process or payroll is different from the Current accounts or time deposit that is pegged at the time of storage and disbursement.

How to Cite
Bernardin, D. E. Y., Sofyan, I., & Komalasari, Y. (2019). Savings As a Major Factor in Appointment of Distribution of Credit in addition to Other Third Party Funds. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 10 - 17. Retrieved from