• Ani Setiani Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
  • Afief Maula Novendra Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Tools, Entrepreneurship Models, learning practices


Qualitative approach research method with the title "Model of Learning Tools Based on Entrepreneurship Model in Learning Practices" which is motivated by the difficulty of teachers in making learning devices that are able to contribute to some world preparations such as facing industrial revolution 4.0 which promotes the technology of cyber physical systems, sustainable development in ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) and Sustainable Development Goals (SGDS). The purpose of this study is to evaluate learning tools based on entrepreneurship models. This study uses research and development with descriptive analysis. Broadly speaking, this research consists of three stages, namely (1) preliminary study by making a plan (documentary study, research instrument), (2) developing and processing data (data collection and Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and (3 ) Trial. The results of the study show that: 1) 2017 revised curriculum development in 2017 has not fully paid attention to the local potential, the revised 2017 curriculum should be implemented to pay attention to local potential through learning activities with more local content than national and international material content; 2) applicable learning tools with permendikbud developed with learning of entrepreneurship; 3) develop teaching materials that have high economic value and added value; 4) making learning applications based on android applications; 5) applying entrepreneurship- based learning models through the practice of learning using the ICARE method.

How to Cite
Setiani, A., & Maula Novendra, A. (2019). MODEL ENTREPRENEURSHIP DALAM PRAKTIK PEMBELAJARAN. Sepeda(Seminar Pendidikan Dasar) PGSD FKIP Unpas, 1(1), 356 - 365. Retrieved from