• Sherani Soraya Putri 3Department of International Relations Universitas Pasundan, Bandung
  • M. Budiana 3Department of International Relations Universitas Pasundan, Bandung
  • Taufik Taufik Department of International Relations Universitas Pasundan, Bandung
Keywords: Ecopreneurship., Global Value Chain, Palm Sugar


Economic dynamics have become an interesting role in the development of entrepreneurship. Ecopreneurship is a relevant basis for the concept of a country's sustainable development. Furthermore, it is important to apply the values ​​of local wisdom which form the basis of the world of entrepreneurship. Accomodating the value of local wisdom is a manifestation of increased intelligence that has an impact on the international world. Thus, an effort is needed to increase natural resources that can be explored wisely. Palm sugar is an opportunity to be used as an accumulation chain for economic sustainability that is closely related to the environment. So that it will create a collaboration between ecological, social and economic elements based on increasing collective awareness for economic welfare based on the principles of justice and equality.


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