• Eki Baihaki Pasundan University
Keywords: Local Wisdom, Pentahelic


Pentahelic synergy is also in line with the local wisdom of Ranah Minang "Basamo Mako Manjadi." The term Pentahelix refers to the collaboration of 5 strategic subject elements that synergize for great solutions to care for and honor the environment, namely: Academician, Business, Community, Government and Media, commonly abbreviated as ABCGM. President Jokowi also tried to introduce and endorse local wisdom at the 2018 IMF and Word Bank Annual Meetings, which was conveyed by our President using metaphorical diction from the fantasy film series, "Game of Throne". The message that President Jokowi wants to convey even though the film's illustrative metaphor contains a very serious content, namely inviting the world's citizens to work together to overcome real problems that are in sight, otherwise the earth will face destruction more quickly. Do not let them be busy competing and fighting, they often forget the real threat of attack from the North, namely Evil Winter. Jokowi in his speech reminded 'winter is coming'. A popular reminder line in the film. Through the message 'winter is coming', Don't because of the fight between these big countries, we neglect to protect the earth we live in. Then ignore the Evil Winter attack which will cover the earth with ice and human-produced waste pollutants that will destroy the earth that they inhabit together.


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