• Dynda Nethania Bahagi Public Administration Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Pasundan, Bandung
  • Acep Roni Hamdani Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Pasundan, Bandung
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Government Culture Culture


Entrepreneurship is a person who exerts the resources of the desire or an achievement from within a person to do
something useful for him and others in the form of a business with the results of the ideas created. Efforts to maximize these
resources are carried out by the existence of designs, ideas, innovations, processes, controls and goals. Business opportunities
depend very much on what field you want to be in. Young businessmen are none other than think independently, are optimistic,
always looking for challenges and opportunities to improve their business. Of course, in determining what business to build for
young businessmen, there is a big concern which is needed by the Government Preneur Culture, which means freedom in
determining the work culture, schedule, and even the uniform used. Because you have this freedom, you will be at your own risk.
With this, young businessmen in processing and carrying out their business need to start with a mindset by way of thinking in an
area where this mindset is formed from several beliefs in the mind and personal self, as well as how the work culture is a
philosophy based on a view of life as a value. -values that become traits, habits and also the driving force that is cultivated to
achieve success according to the vision and mission. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method in
technical terms, data collection is done by observation and documentation methods.


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