• Nikita Mauza Aleta Nugraha Food Technology Faculty of Technic Pasundan University Bandung
  • Asep Dedy Sutrisno Universitas Pasundan
  • Erna Nurmalinda3 Universitas Pasundan
Keywords: jamu, beras kencur, business strategy


Indonesia is one of the largest countries in Asia producing spices, with Indonesia's abundant wealth, spices being one of the highlight commodities in the world. Spices become one of the ingredients that have many properties as well as benefits for health. Turmeric, temulawak, rice kencur, ginger are a type of spice used in the manufacture of herbs. Jamu is one of the local drinks from Indonesia that has been a cultural heritage since centuries ago. Herbal medicine is one of the drinks that acts as a traditional medicine that provides many properties for people. Long before the discovery of medicines, Indonesians made various herbs from various spices for the maintenance of health, prevention and treatment of various types of diseases. Looking at the current modernization era the use of herbal medicine as a drug has been ruled out by the absence of drugs made from chemicals. Therefore, herbal herbs that are the cultural heritage of Indonesia need to be introduced to the main world of the Asian continent as a nutritious herb one of them is kencur rice herbal milk with the addition of this article will be discussed about herbal, the origin of herbal herbs, the making of kencur rice herbs and how to develop a business strategy for kencur rice products.


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