The purpose of this research is to improve and explore deeper about digital marketing in order to enhance the growth of micro, small and medium traditional jamu industry. The number of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) of traditional medicine was increased from 626 in 2017 to 672 in 2019. The potential of traditional medicine in Indonesia is substantial as Indonesia is the second largest biodiversity country in the world. Jamu as traditional medicine can be seen as functional drink. Jamu has been an indigenous medicine in Indonesia, usually prepared from herbal materials such as leaves, bark, roots and flowers. It has become an important symbol of national identity; much of its appeal lies in its association with Indonesian 'tradition'. Unfortunately, the market for jamu is still low, thus hindering the growth of this particular industry. This happens because the consumers nowadays think that jamu is an old-fashioned drink, taste bitter and has an unpleasant flavor. Luckily the evolution of technology takes effects on the community to support many business activities, moreover through spreading information. The direct effect that can be noticed and giving a big impact for the selling volume and profit for micro, small and medium enterprises is through digital marketing. Digital marketing uses the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services. This type of marketing can be seen as the best way to promote and significantly increase the monthly profit. Not only implementing digital marketing for micro, small and medium jamu enterprises will increase the number of selling volume and monthly profit, but it also can widen the market for traditional jamu by rising the awareness of the benefit of drinking jamu as functional drink as well.
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