• Muhammad Reggy Ramdani Faculty of Engineer, Universitas Pasundan, Bandung
  • Purmaningrum Maeni Faculty of Art and Literature, Universitas Pasundan, Bandung
Keywords: Asia, Entrepreneurship, Unique


This article is for entrepreneurs who want to make their business more unique and durable than ever because people
always keep up with what is trending without thinking about what will happen in the next three months. They will end up in
bankruptcy, but some will survive too. Everything that is trending is not always on top. It will be dynamically derived
following consumer demand. Just like the new meme, I found before, "Adapt, Improvise, Overcome." Bandung's clothing
market became popular in the early 2000s when many young people produced and sold their products to friends and young
people all over the city. However, slowly it lowered the interest of consumers and went out of business. So the author made
some decisions and research on the Apparel Market. Currently, the enthusiasm for clothing in Indonesia is still high, as
evidenced by the case of Uniqlo selling limited edition products that recently occurred throughout the country and sold out and
seeing that the best-selling SpeedTuner product is also well known among private vehicles. Then the writer thought what if
PD. Mekar Jaya make a unique product with a motif that matches the Asian personality and has more value from military and
motorcycle-based consumer points of view. The author finds a method for how a product can last a long time, namely by
exchanging ideas with friends of different professions, then making a sketch depicting military-based consumer motorcycle
motifs, such as a shirt from Korea made in 1988 with motorsport sketches based on press body shirts. Then marketed some
samples and promoted them through consumers' personal experiences with online media. Consumers are asked for their
honesty and judgment on products to promote clothing. The added value of this product, namely maintaining the authenticity
of the product and making the company character different from the others, also makes consumer satisfaction.


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