• Muhammad Nashir Ranggapoda Law Faculty of Law, Pasundan University Bandung
  • Vikry Abdullah Rahiem Pasundan University, Bandung
Keywords: Dried Vegetables, Asean-China Free Trade Agreement, Dried Vegetable Entrepreneurs in Indonesia


The Free Trade Agreement (free trade area) is a form of cooperation between several countries in the economic sector
which has the aim of helping each other's economies between countries. The forms of products that are traded in the "free trade
area" have no boundaries. One of the products to be discussed in this study is included in the food category, namely processed
products of dried vegetables. This product is indispensable for the world community including the Asian community because the
processed dry vegetable product is a seasoning for serving food. Indonesia has abundant natural resources, it's no wonder that
many export commodities come from the management of natural resources, one of which is chili agriculture. Even so, the
processed products derived from vegetable farming have not been maximized, including processed dry vegetables, there are
several factors that have caused Indonesia to not be maximized in the processing of dry vegetables. In this reseKetarch, we will
later explain the market opportunities for dry vegetable processed products in the free trade agreement, especially ASEAN-China,
the problems faced by dry vegetable processed product entrepreneurs in Indonesia and efforts to solve problems for dry vegetable
processed product entrepreneurs in Indonesia in order to increase competitiveness. market for processed dry vegetables in the
export sector. This study uses an empirical juridical approach, descriptive analytical research specifications, data collection
methods by interview and literature study, and qualitative analytical methods as a method of analyzing data. The results of this
study indicate that the export activities of processed dry vegetable products through the Asean-China free trade agreement (ACFTA) policy have great potential for dry vegetable entrepreneurs.


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