• Fadila Nuraprilia Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Pasundan,Bandung, Indonesia
  • Yusman Taufik Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Engineering,Universitas Pasundan,Bandung, Indonesia
  • Taufiqulloh Dahlan Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Pasundan,Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: ecopreneurship, waste, innovation, environmental technology, bioplastic, refuse derived fuel


Waste is an environmental problem that most dominates and cannot be resolved properly. One of the causes is human consumptive behavior which causes environmental damage. This is frightened by the large amount of garbage that has been mounting in several regions of Indonesia. If environmental problems continue and without management, human welfare will be achieved, one of which is economic welfare. The need for environmental technology innovation in waste management is a solution to environmental problems in Indonesia. Utilization of waste in environmental technology that creates an alternative ecopreneurship product can balance the economy and the environment, because besides being able to add to the pile of waste, the products of this environmental technology innovation can be used as a business to overcome economic burdens, one of which is Bioplastic innovation and Refuse Derived Fuel. Bioplastics are plastics or polymers which naturally can be easily degraded either through attack by microorganisms or by weather (moisture and solar radiation). Meanwhile, Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) is treated with biodrying waste. RDF can be used as a renewable fuel derived from combustible waste. This study aims to introduce environmental technology innovation and the concept of ecopreneurship as an attractive and opportunity business concept.


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