The Analysis of The Performance Management Approaches on The Effectiveness of Hospital Patient Services in Tasikmalaya and Banjar Cities

  • R Rustandi STIA YPPT Priatim Tasikmalaya, Indonesia


This study aims to examine how the performance management approach and the extent of its influence on the effectiveness of inpatient services in the general hospitals of Tasikmalaya City and Banjar City. This research is focused on the type of quantitative research and refers to the theory of a performance management approach which has three components, namely an actor-based performance management approach, a behavior-based performance management approach, and an results-based performance management approach. This study uses an explanatory survey. The population and sample of this study are employees in the general hospital of Tasikmalaya City and Banjar City. Sampling technique uses proportional random sampling with 122 respondents. Primary data is obtained through questionnaires designed according to the needs of research and observation. Secondary data is obtained through documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that the performance management approach has a significant influence on the effectiveness of inpatient services at the General Hospital of Tasikmalaya City and Banjar City. On the other hand, the behavior-based performance management approach has an insignificant influence on the effectiveness of inpatient services at the General Hospital of Tasikmalaya City and Banjar. The actor-based management approach at the General Hospital of Tasikmalaya City and Banjar City shows the power displayed by employees or medical personnel, where medical personnel are able to display ways and strategies in the communication  process  with  all  of  their  subordinates,  especially  helping  to  provide services which is more effective in all patients. The Strength at the Public Hospital, among others; appearance, discipline and obedience to the rules, willingness and ability to learn, collaboration ability and teamwork, and high work loyalty. That power can change and give a significant influence on the effectiveness of the service. The results of the research have an impact on the working climate of the General Hospital, especially the ongoing communication process carried out by employees with their direct superiors more relying on the actor-based management approach and results-based management approach at the General Hospital. Therefore, the performance management approach is considered to be able to contribute and be applied in the Public Hospital of Tasikmalaya and Banjar Cities

How to Cite
Rustandi, R. (2019). The Analysis of The Performance Management Approaches on The Effectiveness of Hospital Patient Services in Tasikmalaya and Banjar Cities. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 409 - 416. Retrieved from