The Influence of Community Empowerment to Support Sustainable Tourism Development: Evidence from Homestay in Tanjung Lesung

  • D Kristanto Swiss German University, Indonesia
  • N Krisnawati Swiss German University, Indonesia


This research discuss the influence of community empowerment in homestay to support sustainable tourism development in Tanjung Lesung. It aim to analyse to what extent community empowerment will influence the sustainable tourism development and develop strategies to improve it. The data was collected by quantitative approach which the questionnaires were distributed to twenty five homestay owners. In-depth interview was conducted with three homestay owners and three homestay guests to gain internal and external analysis  as  supportive  information.  Simple  Linear  Regression  was  used  to  analyze  the influence of the community empowerment. Based on the findings, community empowerment in homestay has significant influence towards sustainable tourism development in Tanjung Lesung by fifty seven point seven percent. Based on in-depth interview, the homestay owners were  positively  respond  and  support  the  topic  and  the  implication,  and  the  guests  were expecting the improvement and development of homestays and tourism in Tanjung Lesung.

How to Cite
Kristanto, D., & Krisnawati, N. (2019). The Influence of Community Empowerment to Support Sustainable Tourism Development: Evidence from Homestay in Tanjung Lesung. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 392. Retrieved from