The Influence of Culture on the Shift of Household Shopping Behavior Pattern from Traditional Markets to Modern Markets in Makassar Indonesia

  • E E Pramiarsih Universitas Langlangbuana, Indonesia
  • A Mahsyar University Makassar, Indonesia


This study was motivated by the phenomenon of the recent rapid growth of modern shopping centers that led to a shift in behavior pattern of household shopping previously done in traditional markets and then switched to the modern markets. There are many factors that influence the behavior pattern, one of them is the cultural factor which influences the shift in shopping behavior. This study aims to describe and analyze how the cultural aspect that is deeply rooted in the local community which actually still has behavior patterns of traditional cultural behavior mixing with the modern, causes household shopping behavior pattern in the traditional market then experienced a shift to the modern market. The research used survey method with 257 respondents chosen with accidental respondent method. The collected data then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) model with the assistance of AMOS Software Version 18.0. The result of the research indicates that culture has positive and significant influence on the shift of household shopping behavior pattern in the city of Makassar. Cultural factor has great contribution that can influence the attitude of someone in shopping. Customer’s behavior in choosing their very basic needs such as staple commodities especially in religious holidays in Makassar is a habit, and the belief to shop in traditional markets that are considered able to meet all their needs then changed and shifted to the modern markets. Customers choose to shift to the modern market because the comfortable market condition and the large amount of goods needed with price certainty.

How to Cite
E Pramiarsih, E., & Mahsyar, A. (2019). The Influence of Culture on the Shift of Household Shopping Behavior Pattern from Traditional Markets to Modern Markets in Makassar Indonesia. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 342 - 348. Retrieved from