The Effect of Creativity on Learning Result of Education Economic Eyes in Teaching Graduate Students Using Learning Media Based Information and Coventional Technology

  • A N Amalia STKIP Panca Sakti Bekasi, Indonesia
  • S Supriyadi STKIP Panca Sakti Bekasi, Indonesia


Internal and external factors are the variables that can affect the learning outcomes of students' economic education courses. To optimize the learning outcomes of economics education subjects required knowledge about the influence of a factor and interaction factor. This study aims to determine the factor of creativity to the learning outcomes of economics education courses on students who are taught by the media of learning based on information technology and instructional media conventional. The interaction between creativity and instructional media used on students' educational economics learning outcomes is also analyzed. This study is a quasi-experiment with the population of all students of the fourth semester of Economic Education Studies Program STKIP Panca Sakti, Kota Bekasi. The sample of 120 students was taken using multi-stage random sampling technique. The data of learning result of videography and creativity is obtained by using the valid and reliable instrument. Data were analyzed by using regression analysis. From the results of data analysis can be concluded that there is an interaction between creativity and learning media (based on information technology and conventional) to result of learning subject of student education economy. In students who are taught with information technology-based media have no significant effect on the learning outcomes of the educational economy either in groups of students with high or low creativity levels. In students who are taught by conventional media, creativity has a significant effect on educational economy learning result in student group with high creativity level of determination coefficient 28,6%, while in student group with low creativity level coefficient determination 38,6%.

How to Cite
N Amalia, A., & Supriyadi, S. (2019). The Effect of Creativity on Learning Result of Education Economic Eyes in Teaching Graduate Students Using Learning Media Based Information and Coventional Technology. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 204 - 208. Retrieved from