Self-Efficacy (SE) or self-confidence is an important component in mathematics learning that must be improved, so that teaching procedures are able to convince students. The subjects of this study were PPG participants in the Mathematics Department of a private LPTK in Bandung, which before the workshop activities began with courageous learning. The research method used is the Embedded Design Mixed Method with the Embedded type of experimental model. The instrument used was the online test on e-learning and closed statement SE on a scale of 10. The results of the study were (1) There was no significant difference in learning outcomes of PPG Mathematics at Pasundan University between SMP, SMA and SMK. However, the results of bold learning are descriptive, the learning outcomes of PPG Mathematics are above the average (≥ 75), (2) There is no significant difference between the PPG Mathematics participants at Pasundan University between SMP, SMA, and SMK. However, the self-efficacy of PPG Mathematics participants is in the Very Good category (8.6 from the 0-10 interval), (3) There is no bold effect of PPG on self-efficacy, with the equation model formed is: Y = α + b X1 = 8,745 + 0X1.
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