Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) 2019-08-10T01:15:57+07:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Acara ini dilakukan untuk mempublikasikan hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang telah dilakukan oleh para akademisi di lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi pada umumnya dan Universitas Pasundan khususnya, juga untuk meningkatkan kualitas para akdemisi dalam hal menulis, mengabdi serta mempublikasikan karya ilmiah, serta berkontribusi secara keilmuan maupun kepraktisan.&nbsp;Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Pasundan dan Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia. Dengan pemateri sebagai berikut: Keynote Speaker (Moch. Ridwan Kamil, S.T., M.UD./Gubernur Jawa Barat), Invited Speaker 1, (Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc./Direktur Riset dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Kemenristekdikti), Invited Speaker 2 (Dr. drh. R.Wisnu Nurcahyo/Universitas Gadjah Mada – Reviewer Kemenristekdikti) Keynote Speaker (Moch. Ridwan Kamil, S.T., M.UD./Gubernur Jawa Barat), Invited Speaker 1, (Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc./Direktur Riset dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Kemenristekdikti), Invited Speaker 2 (Dr. drh. R.Wisnu Nurcahyo/Universitas Gadjah Mada – Reviewer Kemenristekdikti)&nbsp;</p> PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT (PKM) 2019-08-10T01:15:57+07:00 Dindin Abdurohim BS Acep Roni Hamdani <p>Acara ini dilakukan untuk mempublikasikan hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang telah dilakukan oleh para akademisi di lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi pada umumnya dan Universitas Pasundan khususnya, juga untuk meningkatkan kualitas para akdemisi dalam hal menulis, mengabdi serta mempublikasikan karya ilmiah, serta berkontribusi secara keilmuan maupun kepraktisan.&nbsp;Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Pasundan dan Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia. Dengan pemateri sebagai berikut: Keynote Speaker (Moch. Ridwan Kamil, S.T., M.UD./Gubernur Jawa Barat), Invited Speaker 1, (Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc./Direktur Riset dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Kemenristekdikti), Invited Speaker 2 (Dr. drh. R.Wisnu Nurcahyo/Universitas Gadjah Mada – Reviewer Kemenristekdikti) Keynote Speaker (Moch. Ridwan Kamil, S.T., M.UD./Gubernur Jawa Barat), Invited Speaker 1, (Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc./Direktur Riset dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Kemenristekdikti), Invited Speaker 2 (Dr. drh. R.Wisnu Nurcahyo/Universitas Gadjah Mada – Reviewer Kemenristekdikti)&nbsp;</p> 2019-07-30T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMBERDAYAAN PELAKU USAHA KECIL MELALUI DIVERSIFIKASI PRODUK OLAHAN BUAH PALA DI DESA WANAYASA, KECAMATAN WANAYASA, KABUPATEN PURWAKARTA, PROVINSI JAWA BARAT 2019-07-30T04:38:35+07:00 Abu Huraerah <p>The problems of small-scale businesses in of pala (myristica fragrans) processed products at Desa Wanayasa are production, product processing, marketing, financial management, and financial or capital. The purpose of this activity are: (1) to empower the Wanayasa village community through diversification of pala processed products (2) to develop pala processed products by involving business actors, such as producers, traders, and distributors, (3) developing networks among stakeholders (stakeholders ), namely: business people, village communities, village governments, BUMDes (Badan Usaha Milik Desa), Pasundan University, and (4) to increase the income of families of small-scale business actors in the production of processed pala. The methods used are: (1) FGD (Focus Group Discussion), (2) training, (3) technical guidance, and (4) mentoring. Meanwhile, the stages of implementing activities include: (1) social preparation, (2) program preparation, (3) program implementation, (4) monitoring and evaluation, (5) workshops, and (6) reporting. The results achieved from this activity are; (1) increased knowledge and skills of small-scale business actors about the diversification of pala processed products (syrup, jelly candy and jam), (2) increasing knowledge of pala small-scale entrepreneurs about simple bookkeeping and marketing strategies, (3) the development of networks among stakeholders, namely: business people, village communities, village governments, BUMDes (Badan Usaha Milik Desa) or village-owned business board, Pasundan University, (4) small- scale businesses can do packaging of pala processed products after obtaining technical guidance and mentoring activities, and (5) the increase in income of families of small-scale business actors from the results of the business of pala processed products.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI GURU DALAM MENYUSUN PROPOSAL PENELITIAN TINDAKAN KELAS MELALUI MODEL PELATIHAN PARTISIPATIF DENGAN PENDAMPINGAN INTENSIF DI UPTD PENDIDIKAN KECAMATAN SAGALAHERANG KABUPATEN SUBANG 2019-07-30T04:45:32+07:00 Acep Roni Hamdani Feby Inggriyani Yeye Sukmaya <p>The purpose of this community service is to develop the ability of teachers to develop Classroom Action Research Proposals (CAR). Because there are still many teachers who do not comprehensively understand PTK. Whereas through PTK the problems of education and learning can be studied, improved and completed, so the process of education and learning becomes more innovative and better learning outcomes can be realized systematically. PTK is expected to be able to create a learning culture among teacher-students in schools. PTK offers opportunities as a performance development strategy, because this research approach places educators and other education personnel as researchers, as agents of change whose work patterns are collaborative. This training was attended by teachers in the UPTD Education district. Sagalaherang which was attended by 24 teachers from 8 schools. The methods used in this training are: presentations, discussions, question and answer and individual or group exercises to make PTK proposals. The objectives of this service activity are: 1) motivating teachers to improve their ability to carry out CAR; 2) provide direct skills for conducting PTK; 3) provide understanding to teachers about the usefulness of PTK to improve the quality of learning in schools; 4) train teachers to be able to make their own PTK proposals; 5) share experiences in KTI writing and achievements achieved by KTI writers; 6) and recognize the potential of students that can be developed by teachers to improve learning outcomes.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENINGKATAN PERAN SERTA WANITA DALAM UPAYA PENINGKATAN KEAHLIAN MELALUI EDUKASI MEDIA ONLINE DAN PENGENALAN BISNIS UMKM BAGI ANGGOTA PKK DI KECAMATAN KADUNGORA KABUPATEN GARUT PROVINSI JAWA BARAT TAHUN 2018 2019-07-30T04:51:05+07:00 Andre Suryaningprang Erik Syawal Alghifari <p>In advancing a village or city, women play an important role in teruma economic activities in MSME activities. With the presence of MSMEs women can help the family economy, therefore women need to be motivated to get success in entrepreneurship. Educational activities about the development of MSME women's empowerment efforts aim to help women who are usually just housewives, to be able to know how to start doing business and grow their entrepreneurial spirit as well as managing it with good and professional management. The method used is a model of active participation through interactive discussions. Looking at the public response, it is expected that follow-up will be taken as an effort to increase the income of the local community, among others by providing knowledge about the importance of increasing the introduction of products in Kadungora Subdistrict, Garut Regency in order to increase additional income for those who already have businesses and gain insight for new entrepreneurs.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SOSIALISASI PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT KEPADA SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR DAN PEMERIKSAAN KESEHATAN BAGI MASYARAKAT DI KOTA CIMAHI 2019-07-30T06:34:27+07:00 Andri Andrian Rusman <p>Dedication after the vision of the Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani and Faculty of Medicine developed a focus on promotive and preventive matters which are expected to lead to its implementation in the health sector towards a Healthy Indonesia. Program Program Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) at the elementary school level is very important, because it is the next generation of the nation and is planted in schools that will be brought home, thus affecting the behavior of their families. Diets and patterns of physical activity in the era of modernization in Indonesian society, have made the first order of death caused by degenerative diseases. Counseling and health checks for early detection of degenerative diseases are sought to reduce mortality from degenerative diseases. The PHBS program includes how to Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) and how to brush your teeth properly, the target is for students of Baros 5 Elementary School class 1-2 and Baros 6 grades 4-5-6, in Cimahi, on November 26, 2017 Extension activities on Diabetes Mellitus and laboratory examinations for the Persadia Hospital of Dustira and Prolanis Hospital Siliwangi Clinic, on December 28, 2017 at FK Unjani. CTPS activities and proper brushing of elementary school students are grouped into 16 elementary school classes, in each class a simple counseling, demonstration of hand washing with soap and demonstration of brushing your teeth properly. Every elementary school student is given the opportunity to do CTPS and brush his teeth properly. Laboratory examinations for the community include examination of height, weight, vital signs, laboratory cholesterol, gout and glucose. The two activities, carried out by FK new students of the<br>2017 class were accompanied by BEM KM FK Unjani and each group was accompanied by a FK lecturer as a supervisor. Diabetes Mellitus counseling is carried out by FK lecturers. PHBS socialization involved 846 people consisting of 16 supervisors, 4 FK employees, 40 BEM KM FK student committees, 235 FK new students in 2017, 16 elementary teachers and 535 elementary students. The PHBS resource person consists of general practitioners and dentists. Laboratory examination and Diabetes Mellitus counseling activities were attended by 162 elderly participants. 89 participants had normal blood pressure and 73 participants had high blood pressure. 119 participants with normal glucose levels and 43 participants with high glucose levels. 80 participants with normal cholesterol levels and 82 participants with high cholesterol levels. 75 participants with normal uric acid levels and 87 participants with high uric acid levels. The enthusiasm of elementary school participants from PHBS socialization, seemed very enthusiastic, they were very motivated to want to know more, be active in practicing it and be very happy. People who have high blood pressure as much as 45%, high glucose levels 26%, high cholesterol levels 51% and high uric acid levels 54%. These results indicate that the elderly still cannot maintain good health. The hope, this activity can be carried out routinely and continuously.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN MELALUI KEARIFAN LOKAL UNTUK MASYARAKAT DI KABUPATEN NIAS 2019-07-30T06:39:47+07:00 Ariesa Pandanwangi <p>Public schools in Amandraya of Southern Nias are until now lacks of available teachers although they have helped by local churches. Drawing lesson for elementary students is tought as a media to learn to appreciate their daily lives, yet it still use few local culture contents. On the other side, farmers of Amandraya have little use of their abundant nature to support local agriculture. Through both phenomenon, local-wisdom is used as learning method strategy in two society-service activites where Language of Form is introduced to local teachers at elementary school (first activity), and a practice of making liquid-compost-fertilizer for a small group of local farmers (second activity). Creative experiment method is applied to former activity while direct coaching to the latter. Result of the former activity is teacher’s basic ability to understand student’s drawing through Language of Form, and the latter activity results knowledge and simple practical skill to make fertilizer for those farmers.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT UNTUK MEMBANGUN STRUKTUR ORGANISASI BAGI BISNIS KELUARGA 2019-07-30T06:45:12+07:00 Asni Harianti <p>La Fresa Strawberry is a small and medium family business engaged in premium strawberry plantation agribusiness and located in Pasir Ipis Lembang. The production of his plantation produces strawberries which have sweet and flavorful flavors. This company has grown rapidly and has penetrated the Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya markets through the distribution channels of premium retailers. The need for large strawberries in urban areas makes companies have to maintain taste quality, supply quantity and regulate cropping patterns for sustainable harvests. To carry out this business, companies face problems not having a clear organizational structure and job description. The function of delegation of tasks and authority has not gone well and rests on the owner of the company. Responding to these problems, Universitas Kristen Maranatha through the Faculty of Economics consisting of lecturers and students of Entrepreneurship Concentration has collaborated with small and medium entrepreneurs La Fresa in the form of research and community service activities. This activity resulted in the preparation of organizational structure documents for the company, as the implementation of management science and entrepreneurship, a form of university service to the community, especially for family Business.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERAN AKTIF MAHASISWA DALAM MEMANFAATKAN SISTEM GORDYN GO HOME UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PEREKONOMIAN MASYARAKAT DESA CIKASO 2019-07-30T06:49:20+07:00 Asnirul Jannah <p>In each village, of course they have the potential of their respective villages, but it is often found that the villagers are less able to develop their skills. Like the example in the village of Cikaso, Tanjungsari. Some of the factors that make the community less develop the great potential of the skills ability as Gordyn craftsmen include the lack of capital owned, the length of time to be able to find consumers who are not balanced with work time when having to go around the city to get consumers. Based on the existing problems in the community as well as high awareness by students to be able to help develop the economy of the Cikaso village community other than to improve the community's economy also to foster a sense of student service. While the results of the implementation will be more descriptive in nature, the aim is to get a general picture in detail and related to the potential skills of the community in the world of Gordyn craftsmen as a basis for developing the potential of the Cikaso village community. a kampung gordyn cooperative with the gordyn go home system to answer all the obstacles that exist in the community starting from before and after giving innovation to the community. Students also help online marketing and financial management that is good for cooperatives and society.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENDEKATAN PARTISIPASI KOLABORATIF PADA STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN INDUSTRI ALAS KAKI HANDMADE DI BANDUNG 2019-07-30T06:53:36+07:00 Asnita Frida Sebayang <p>The footwear industry is one industry that has strategic value for the national industry because it is able to absorb a large workforce and has a strong history as a provider of great added value to the economy. Sebayang (2015) found that there were nine cultural capital patterns found in the footwear industry in Cibaduyut Bandung. The findings of the study require various empowering strategies not only in the short time training and mentoring process but in continuous process. There are several collaborative participatory steps that have been taken in the period of service from 2007 to 2018 namely; activate various institutions to carry out sustainable collaboration both involving the government (working group, preparation of master plans for the footwear industry, trade and industry exhibitions), industrial communities (establishment of Indonesian Shoe Maker Association institutions, collaboration with related industries) and universities (strengthening HR capacity in the form of continuous training and mentoring). The method of collaborative participation that is applied is born from the tradition of qualitative research which then produces learning patterns that change industrial behavior towards more productive and competitive behavior. Collaboration is one of the key forces to encourage competitiveness through social capital. Some of the outputs of the service activities are: the establishment of a legal entity for the footwear industry association and all its equipment (including work programs and activities), the implementation of various activities carried out through collaborative work like; footwear technical training, digital marketing training, entrepreneurship training, design training, joint exhibitions at Indonesia and abroad. In the context of participation, actor must be willing to help the implementation of various activities not hampered by time, place and bureaucratic constraints. The form of benefits that have been received with the use of this method are; accessibility to various programs organized by various parties (government, private sector, universities and communities), trust formation among industry players and related stakeholders, and experience/capacity improvement for the shoe maker.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## BUDAYA DAN PENDIDIKAN GENERASI MUDA DI BEBERAPA DESA DI KABUPATEN SUMBA TIMUR 2019-07-30T07:03:37+07:00 Audyati Gany <p>East Sumba is one of the districts located on the island of Sumba, with Sumba people. The Sumba<br>tribe is quite capable of maintaining their distinctive culture and belief, namely Marapu, even though many of them now adhere to Christianity, Catholicism and Islam. Marapu is the basis of philosophy in their culture, or the customs of the people of Sumba, which is reflected in the traditional ceremonies, traditional houses and the design of the buildings they built, or the decorations seen in the carvings and woven fabrics they produce. For the people of Sumba, the education that must be taken by their children is not important to be a top priority. According to them, without having to go to school and have high education, their children can live well. The basic economic resources of the people of Sumba are mostly guaranteed, with the possession of a number of pets as supplies for their lives. From the results of lectures, discussions and interviews with high school students and teachers from various schools and villages, it was found that most of the younger generation had a strong enough desire to continue their studies at a higher level. At the elementary school level, there was a high enthusiasm for continuing to attend school, but their study activities were sometimes disrupted by traditional ceremonies that they had to follow. Enthusiasm of students and teachers also needs to be supported by adequate supporting facilities such as electricity, because in certain villages there are still schools that have not been supported by electricity facilities, so they have to use generators where sound vibrations interfere with the learning process.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN INTERNET SEHAT UNTUK SISWA SEKOLAH MASTER 2019-07-30T07:29:21+07:00 Bambang Tri Wahyono Bayu Hananto <p>Street children are one of the social phenomena that become a problem in several big cities throughout Indonesia, their existence requires considerable attention in an effort to reduce the negative impact that lurks them. The Master School is one of the schools that is engaged in the world of education with the aim of students being street children and dhuafa. The purpose of this community service is to assist the master school in providing training on how to interact with the internet positively (healthy internet). The learning method used in this program of community service activities is to provide training and socialization regarding the use of healthy internet by practicing direct access to several web portals. The results of the implementation of community service activities are expected to provide positive knowledge to students, the importance of internet health, and can be used to increase knowledge about good internet use.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## MEDIA EKSPRESI UNTUK ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS 2019-07-30T07:34:05+07:00 Belinda Sukapura Dewi <p>&nbsp;The media for the expression of children with special needs varies greatly, depending on the child's motor skills. If the motor skill of the child is weaker, then the media used is simpler, so that in this community service program, to be able to adjust to the media to be given, several children with relatively good motor skills have been chosen. The purpose of holding this training is to see the tendency of children with special needs in expressing themselves using a new media. The method used is the mentoring system, which is when researchers, assisted by special assistants, work together in helping children in making their artwork. When the programme takes place, the researcher as the content provider will deliver the material to the special assistant who helps to communicate to the child concerned. This training was given to children with special needs from Percik Insani with an introduction of a new media (cold wax batik). This media was chosen because it contains a local content with familiar techniques (beginning with drawing). This technique helps ease children to express their feelings and imagination in the artwork. An artwork is a way for a child to interact or communicate the feelings in his heart to others. Through their artwork, children with special needs can use art as a means of expression and to understand themselves.<br><br></p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ALAT BANTU USAHA RUMAHAN OLAHAN TUTUT (KEONG SAWAH) SEBAGAI CAMILAN KULINER DI BANDUNG DAN CIMAHI 2019-07-30T07:39:05+07:00 Budi Upayarto Agus Saleh Boyke Nugrahanto <p>Most of the producer of tutut (snails/pila ampullacea) dishes when cutting the tip of the snails shell<br>still using simple tools such as tower pincer, pliers and machetes. The process being unsafe, also with relatively low production capacity. Therefore we are as the implementing team from Politeknik TEDC Community Partnership in Bandung made the design, and produced snails shell cutting machines by applying Appropriate Technology so that the production process was safer. This activity has an impact on improving the secure of the cutting process to home industry partners Mrs. Mimi binti Dose, at Jl. Bukit Raya Atas, Kampung Cipicung Girang RT 03 / RW 10 No. 73 Punclut Ciumbuleuit Bandung West Java and Mr. Olig, at Jl. Babakan Kp. Marga Endah RT 03 / RW 03 No. 101<br>Kelurahan Cimahi District Cimahi Utara City of Cimahi, West Java. It is expected that through this snails shell cutting machine the output produced can help to increase productivity, health, and work safety and affect their welfare. The results obtained from this activity are: 1) This snails shell cutting machine can speed up the cutting process safely. 2) The resulting output is better quality, 3) Labor<br>load is lighter and safety is more awake because human power was replaced by machines.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMANFAATAN PHOTO PRODUCT DAN FACEBOOK MARKETING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN OMSET PENJUALAN UMKM PARONGPONG 2019-07-30T08:16:27+07:00 Cahyo Prianto Nisa Hanum Harani Marismiati Marismiati <p>Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as a type of business that grows from<br>the society, have a huge economic impact on people's lives. MSMEs can be a means to open and absorb jobs. Nowadays technological advances have developed so rapidly, in terms of communication various social media can be a new means of communication. The development of social media for ease of communication can be used by MSME players to increase their sales turnover. Community Service Activities (PKM) are carried out by using training methods and mentoring to bridge MSMEs so that they can optimize the role of social media, especially Facebook as a media in marketing their products. To be more effective, previously UMKM players were trained on how to take good photos product so that they looked more attractive when marketed. This PKM aims to 1) improve the ability of MSMEs in taking their photo products. 2). MSMEs can use Facebook as a means of marketing their products. The target of this PKM is the UMKM which is incorporated in the Parongpong MSME community located in the village of Cihanjuang, West Bandung Regency. After being assisted within 1 month, it was obtained data that there were<br>86% of MSME participants who applied Facebook marketing received an increase in sales turnover. So it can be concluded that improving the appearance of the product by giving a touch of photo product techniques then applying it to the facebook marketing technique can increase sales turnover.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## P3E KERAJINAN ANYAM BAMBU, MENDONG, PANDAN, DI DESA MARGOSARI KECAMATAN RAJAPOLAH KABUPATEN TASIKMALAYA SEBAGAI UNGGULAN DAERAH 2019-07-30T08:36:37+07:00 Dadang Mulyana Rd. Panca Pertiwi Hidayati T. Subarsyah S Dheni Harmaen <p>The community service program that has been programmed by the Directorate of Research and Community Service of the Directorate of Higher Education, we continue with the Export Product Development program or the Regional Superior Development Program (PPUD) developed into the Regional Superior Development Program (PPUD) in Margosari village, Rajapolah District, Kab. Tasikmalaya, this is the implementation of the objectives of our team to help and develop partner businesses in a better direction along with an increase in previous activities. Crafts that are made from bamboo, pandanus and mendong are still able to position themselves as one of the practical and economical commodities as a complete facility needed by humans, which is still maintained by the people around today. Therefore the team tried in this activity to take the title of Export Product Development Program (P3E) Bamboo Weaving Handicrafts, Mendong, and Pandanus in Margosari Village, Rajapolah District, Tasikmalaya Regency as Regional Superior "By using the Appropriate Technology (TTG) implementation method that was adjusted to the background , local social culture. The achievement of P3E activities can reach around 90% according to the team's plan, so that the product becomes a superior product that is able to compete globally in the international market. As a result of this activity, we can describe the increase in the type, shape, number of goods exported, both quality and quantity improvements in terms of quantity. This happens because our team helps with the dominant factors that determine and greatly influence the back and forth of a company (UKM), including in terms of selection and procurement of raw materials, design / layout of safe areas of a company, production equipment, and things matters relating to financial statements. Assistance in the field is carried out on a scheduled basis according to the readiness and agreement of our team with the UKM. The results of the whole set of activities can be arranged as a guidebook as an ingredient for the UKM.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENERAPAN LITERASI KEUANGAN ISLAM MELALUI GERAKAN “KENCLENG” DI SMK LAB BUSINESS SCHOOL TANGERANG 2019-07-30T08:49:53+07:00 Dadang Saepuloh Iis Aisyah <p>The purpose of this activity is to provide an understanding of Islamic Financial Literacy in the "Kencleng" (Sedekah) movement so that students are trained to give sedekah, share with people in need. The method used in this activity is by giving material and discussion specifically to the Student Council as the manager of the "Kencleng" movement, General Socialization at weekly events on Friday and giving special material to classes. Interesting material using motivational offerings to play videos to show sharing is beautiful. To measure the success of the activities carried out pre-test and post-test understanding of the material, there was an increase in understanding of Islamic financial literacy, as well as monitoring the implementation of the "kencleng" movement by communicating both to OSIS administrators and supervisors after the socialization was completed through the MoU between the Faculties and schools with Number: 222 / FKIP-UNIS / III / 2016.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENERAPAN FORMAT AKUNTANSI SEDERHANA PADA TOKO KELONTONG 2019-07-30T09:25:37+07:00 Dendy Syaiful Akbar Benny Prawiranegara Dede Abdul Rozak <p>The form of this activity is training in the application of accounting for 10 grocery store owners in Mangkubumi Village, Sadananya District, Ciamis Regency. The results of the situation analysis show that the grocery store owners do not have systematic and structured books, and the grocery store owners do not separate the business finance from their personal finances. These conditions cause the profits obtained and business development cannot be known with certainty. The solution offered for this problem is to make a simple accounting format using terms that are easily understood by grocery store owners. The method used in this activity is the demonstration and lecture method to provide examples and explain step by step in applying a simple accounting format. The stages carried out in this activity are: 1) Providing an understanding of the importance of accounting in the business; 2) Training on the application of a simple accounting format; 3) Assistance in the application of a simple accounting format; 4) Evaluate the results of activities, and; 5) Follow up on evaluation results. The results of the activity show the progress of the grocery store owners in understanding the importance of accounting in the business, as well as an increase in skills in applying a simple accounting format.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## UPAYA ALIH USAHA PETANI DI LAHAN RAWAN EROSI DENGAN USAHA BUDIDAYA JAMUR (Studi Kasus di Kp. Pamegatan Desa Mekarjaya Garut) 2019-07-30T09:31:27+07:00 Siti Syarah Maesyaroh Ervi Herawati Maryati Puspitasari <p>The aim of this program is to provide solutions to farmers who are on erosion land in order to be able to switch businesses to other types of businesses that can overcome the problems that have been faced. Mushroom cultivation has many advantages and is quite profitable so it is considered to be the right solution for business transfer from farmers on erosion-prone land. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and train farmers and then analyze the results. The research data was obtained by observation, documentation and interviews with farmers who were fostered and the results of a review of the literature. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. The result is mushroom cultivation has several advantages compared to several other types of vegetable plants. The RC ratio of mushroom cultivation is also quite high compared to other cultivation, and the type<br>most suitable for cultivation in the village is a type of white oyster mushroom.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## KEGIATAN PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT: PERANCANGAN SARANA PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI UNTUK SEKOLAH CAHAYA AL- FUQRON, DESA GUNUNG SARI KECAMATAN MAUK, KABUPATEN TANGERANG 2019-07-30T09:35:25+07:00 Devanny Gumulya Ryan Adiputra <p>Early childhood education is one of the most important stages in the process of child growth. This program was designed in order to prepare young children for further education at the elementary school stage. However, many early childhood education facilities, especialy owned by the government located in villages still have unfeasible facilities, based on data from Early Childhood Education Association in 2016. From unfit buildings to inadequate learning facilities. UPH saw this as an oppounity to do community service, since it is necessary to design an appropriate and suitable learning tool for children in their early childhood age, in which case study was conduct on an early childhood education facility located in a village in Mauk area, Cahaya Al Fuqron. The design process begins with researching data through observation to the facility, interviews with the people in the area as well expert on the early childhood education. The results were twenty multifunction furnitures designed and produced for the school. Hopefully in the long run this can be developed to another inadequate early childhood education facilities in other villages and provide appropriate and suitable facilities to the children with lower-middle class target market. The design also supports the home-based furniture industry and as an effort to support and assisting earlychildhood educationnationally.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENANGANAN KORBAN BENCANA ALAM BERBASIS METODE HYPNOSIS. HYPNOHEALING SEBUAH METODE SUBSTITUSI TRAUMA HEALING YANG EFEKTIF 2019-07-30T09:43:08+07:00 Dewi Puspaningtyas Faeni Ratih Puspitaningtyas Faeni <p>Trauma Healing Therapy is a post-traumatic psychological therapy process. The Community Service that has been conducted in the past few years were in various earthquake-prone areas, namely; in Padang-West Sumatra, Bantul-Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Pidie Jaya, Blangpadang- Special Region of Aceh, Mount Merapi and the surrounding areas of the Special Region of Yogyakar- ta and Palu-Southeast Sulawesi. In the post-disaster Community Service, the methodology used is the Hypnosis method, or better known as HypnoHealing. A very simple method, but far more effective when compared to trauma healing practices using other methods. Hypnohealing is needed for victims of natural disasters, because HypnoHealing is able to accelerate the recovery of the psychological condition of the victims after the earthquake. The effectiveness of this method is that people affected by disasters can immediately carry out their social functions as before the natural disasters occured. This method is able to eliminate anxiety, fear and sadness that arise after a disaster occurs. The main point is to increase the level of sincerity when someone loses their belongings, property, houses, live- stock and missing relatives that are never found again. The hypnohealing process is very simple and easy to conduct by anyone. All it takes is only tetha music with low decibels which has an influence on brain frequencies so that brain waves are in alpha and tetha waves, namely 8-12 Herz, which are highly receptive brain waves for induction of positive suggestions. Brain waves are graphically slow, because neurotransmitters that regulate feeling / psychological hormones namely endorphine and betha endorphine are produced in perfect form which at the same time becomes a sedative or tran- quillizer for the body, provides a comfortable effect, eliminates trauma and provides a feeling of calm. Besides providing a calm and comfortable effect, positive suggestions will be delivered to the subcon- scious, thus creating an urge to rise again and increase the level of trust in each of them and be able to move from the current conditions towards improvement.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## NILAI ESTETIKA KRIA ANYAM BAMBU HALUS SEBAGAI KOMEDITI EKSPOR DI UKM RAJAPOLAH KAB. TASIKMALAYA (Skema: Program Pengembangan Produk Ekspor /P3E Dikti) 2019-07-30T10:07:09+07:00 Dheni Harmaen Dadang Mulyana <p>The development of aesthetic values in the craft has made changes in terms of function, form, appearance and even in terms of meaning, these changes will also appear to change aesthetic values in a craft work, because the essence of aesthetics is beauty, while changes are always followed by information and technology development. In terms of language, the term kria used in Indonesian comes from the Sanskrit language, namely the word Kriya, if it is transferred to the Javanese language it means work or action, and especially work related to religious ceremonies. Aesthetic values in a kria (folkcrafts) can be dictated by several supporting aspects, including human resources, raw materials, work processes, distinctive features, aspects of use, outlook on life, management &amp; marketing and so on. So that the product contains elements of line, shape, texture, color, composition of each item that it produces. The service program carried out by our team from Pasundan University lecturers was implementing the results of the "Competitive Grant" scheme program followed by a service program with the Ministry of Research and Technology's "P3E" scheme (Executive Product Development Program). The aim of this program is to help them (SMEs) specifically export products that are made from bamboo plants that are environmentally friendly to increase their production from time to time, so that they (SMEs) in Rajapolah, Tasikmalaya Regency can help government programs in empowering people who are active, productive, creative and innovative, which in turn can help them improve their lives. The things that were done by our team in the service program, including the development of soft skills and skills, cultivation and selection of special raw materials from fine bamboo plants, processes and tools of production, management &amp; marketing, displays (display of product results), layouts (layout) organizing the room, including the bookkeeping, etc. The implementation method used in implementing this program is the Appropriate Technology approach, which is carried out systematically starting from conditioning the team and partners to the establishment of the Group Discusion Forum (FGD) which ends with field assistance or technical guidance. This is done because kria art is a branch or branch of art that is undergoing a transformation, both its form and function with regard to its status and position in the development of art in Indonesia.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## KAMPANYE SOSIAL “SELAMAT TINGGAL STYROFOAM” DI KELURAHAN CIJAGRA KECAMATAN LENGKONG KOTA BANDUNG 2019-07-30T10:12:34+07:00 Dhini Ardianti Nur Ratih Devi Affandi Charisma Asri Fitrananda <p>A circular issued by the Bandung City Government regarding the dangers posed by the use of Styrofoam for food and beverage packaging materials certainly requires socialization to the grassroots. Departing from the results of the study, waste dominated by Styrofoam in the city of Bandung reached 27 tons per month. This prompted the Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Team (PPM) to campaign for the "Goodbye Styrofoam" program, especially for residents and food traders as the most Styrofoam users. The target in this activity is the residents of Cijagra Sub-District, Lengkong District, Bandung, because the area borders the Cikapundung River, which has the same risk as other flooded areas, besides the area when the rainy season arrives, the water flow from the river often overflows and fill the streets around the settlement. Moreover, every weekend, this area is an area of CFD (Car Free Day) which certainly generates a lot of garbage, which is often a homework for local residents. The method of activity includes social campaigns by conducting counseling on the dangers of Styrofoam, food bazaar activities and exhibitions of photos with the theme of danger of Styrofoam itself. The results of the community service activities are (1) the increased knowledge and understanding of the participants, from those who initially did not know the dangers of Styrofoam to know the reasons and reasons for prohibiting the use of Styrofoam-based food / beverage packaging; (2) changing the mindset to prevent (preventive) by backing to nature or carrying a misting container from home or merchant preparing containers / packaging made from environmentally friendly and safe (microwavable / safety food). The outcome of this activity is publication through local mass media (electronic media), namely in the Halo-halo Bandung program on BandungTV.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## MENCIPTAKAN KEMANDIRIAN INDUSTRI SEPATU CIBADUYUT KOTA BANDUNG MELALUI REKAYASA DESAIN, TEKNOLOGI DAN MANAJEMEN 2019-07-30T10:19:53+07:00 Dindin Abdurohim BS Siti Patimah Yanti Susila Tresnawati Tendy Y. Ramadin Toto Hardianto <p>The Hi_Link program is a collaborative program between Universities (Unpas &amp; ITB), Department of Industry and Trade of the City of Bandung and Narista Footwear Business Partner, which aims to increase independence, competitiveness and added value, and encourage exports of Narista's footwear industry, besides expected to increase partnerships between universities, industries and local governments. This program starts with research and continues the application of Science and Technology, Partner Location in Cibaduyut Shoe Industry Center, Bandung City. Some partner problems: (1) the level of damage reaching 30 percent in the production process, (2) diversification of products and international market-oriented designs, (3) access to capital, (4) promotion and marketing, especially limited exports, and (5) ability management. This activity includes the application of design, technology and management engineering including entrepreneurship, business communication, and accounting. Design engineering is carried out for the development of design and product diversification taking into account the technical capabilities of craftsmen, local culture, and international design trends. Engineering technology is directed at the application of process control technology, Pon Machines, and Product Refinement Machines (Grinders). Whereas management includes entrepreneurship, Business Communication, and Accounting, factors of support for the application of design engineering and technology. Included in this activity: identification of maps of the capabilities and potential of the Cibaduyut shoe industry center, specifically Narista, Approach Method used by providing training, consulting, and Bimtek, institutional strengthening, strengthening aspects of marketing, dissemination of research results, and patent registration (including Brands / Brands) .</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PKM KELOMPOK USAHA KERAJINAN LIDI DESA KAWASEN KECAMATAN BANJARSARI KABUPATEN CIAMIS PROVINSI JAWA BARAT 2019-07-30T10:26:10+07:00 Elin Herlina Dini Yuliani Mukhtar Abdul Kader <p>The partners in Partnership Community Program are two micro business groups of woven<br>craftsmen in Kawasen Village, Banjarsari District, Ciamis Regency, namely Wiradhana Raharja, located in Panimban and Batukurng Sejahtera village. The problem faced by partners today is the continuity of the development of micro-enterprises, the lack of business management knowledge. The design controlled by partners is still only a few of the four designs that are very susceptible to competition, on the other hand the marketing media still uses personal communication and lack of cooperation and support from the environment outside the webbing group. The solution offered in the development of the woven stick business partners in mentoring activities is; increase knowledge about production; increase business management knowledge and skills; and improve design knowledge and online marketing technology. Based on the results of training and mentoring, it has improved partner knowledge so that it can manage its business well through business management, starting from production management, bookkeeping management, marketing management. Through design training, partners can manage the website together to add and fill new content under village coordination so as to improve the role of the village as a regulation in entrepreneurship of the village's superior products. This activity provides contribution to increase partner knowledge, increase coordination between business actors, increase sociopreneurship, and technology diffusion.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TEKNOLOGI TEPAT GUNA PRODUK OLAHAN UBI JALAR DI DESA KERTABASUKI KECAMATAN MAJA 2019-07-30T10:30:31+07:00 Ellen Rusliati Mulyaningrum Mulyaningrum <p>Sweet potato is one of the dominant crops in Kertabasuki village, especially in the dry season. Nevertherless, local farmers cannot enjoy theirharvestbecause of lowest price of the sweet potatoes in the local markaet. Sweet potato’s nature is not durable, therefore farmers unable to increase income. It was the reason why the young populationdid not interested in farming field. Method of Comunity Services program used are training, technical guidance, assistance, and facilitation. Processing sweet potatoes into flour is one of the methods of preserving also an effort to increase the utilization of sweet potato so that it can be used as a raw material for food industries. The use of appropriate technology for sweet potato processing, assets management, capital budgeting, and accurate product costing are expected to be Kertabasuki village a center for processing sweet potato, cassava, rice, sticky rice, and breadfruitbe flour.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMBERDAYAAN USAHA KECIL INDUSTRI KONFEKSI DAN SABLON DALAM MENINGKATKAN DAYA SAING DI KOTA BANDUNG 2019-07-30T10:38:07+07:00 Elly Komala Qisthy Rabathy <p>Business Confection and Screen Printing as a supplier of Factory Outlets, distros and clothing for the<br>Jakarta area, especially the Dago area (Jl.Ir.H.Juanda) in Bandung city. One of the business centers for Confection and Screen Printing in the city of Bandung is on Jl. PHH. Mustopha / Jl.Suci especially those in Sukapada Village, Cibenying Kidul District. There are two groups or categories of Business Confection and Screen Printing in the Sukapada sub-district of Cibenying Kidul Subdistrict, namely small scale and medium scale. Various problems faced by Business Confection and Screen Printing on both partners, based on agreement, priority issues to be handled by the Team are as follows: 1)<br>Increasing the Power of Creativity and Innovation, 2) Improving the ability to manage or business<br>management that is good and right, 3) Facilitation purchase of equipment such as: Add film, Screen and press machines for the production process, 4) Facilitate access to Clients and Mediation of business partnerships (cooperation) with clients such as Factory Outlets, and or Distro and or Clothing, until the existence of business employment contracts. The target of the implementation of this Program is the Creation of Business Conflict Independence and Screen Printing for both partners. The method of approach used in implementing this program includes: Training, Technical Guidance, Mentoring, Facilitation and Business Mediation. In addition to preparing methods, the team also determines procedures, steps. the implementation team is an expert in the field from the Pasundan University Bandung environment, who has experience in implementing empowerment programs, especially SMEs. In addition to the procedure the team sets out the steps, which are prepared the steps of the activity plan Include: division of team assignments, program preparation, training, mentoring, facilitation, mediation, and evaluation and submission of reports, to journal writing. The expectations of the team with the implementation of the IbM program can minimize the problems of Business Confection and Screen Printing for both partners, and as material for evaluation and follow-up in order to empower MSMEs.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TEKNOLOGI SISTEM PAKAR KESEHATAN HEWAN TERNAK SAPI SEBAGAI USAHA MELESTARIKAN KEARIFAN LOKAL USAHA BETERNAK SAPI DI DESA SIDOMULYO, KECAMATAN TAMBAN CATUR, KABUPATEN KAPUAS, PROVINSI KALIMANTAN TENGAH 2019-07-30T10:53:19+07:00 Enny Dwi Oktaviyani Sherly Christina <p>One of local wisdom must be safeguarded in cattle farming is keep cattle healt to maintain the quality of beef production as a food is worth consuming so that the business productivity of cattle sales to increase. Problems with livestock farmer groups in Sidomulyo Village, Tamban Catur Subdistrict, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan Province are a lack of information and insights regarding cattle health care, disease prevention, early treatment of cattle disease, because veterinarians location so far from partner locations and limited number of Veterinarians, and there is no animal health facilities at partner locations. The implementation method consists of collecting data, making expert systems, testing expert systems, mentoring, and evaluate service results. Service activities results are expert system availability on cattle livestock health, mentoring process for livestock farmer groups, and activities results evaluation that are useful for activities service sustainability. Based on the activity results, it can be concluded that this service activity contributes to preserving the local wisdom of cattle farming business so as to produce superior quality beef that is well consumed through health care efforts, disease prevention, and early handling of cattle disease using cattle animal health expert system technology.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## MEMBANGUN MODEL AGROEDUWISATA LAHAN KERING MELALUI PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DESA BABAU KABUPATEN KUPANG 2019-07-30T10:59:12+07:00 Erna Hartati <p>The concept of developing agro-tourism is one of the strategies to improve the welfare of the community by matching all the resources owned through integrated activities between education, agriculture and tourism or recreation. The long-term goal is to maximize the variety of local potential that is owned in an area to improve community welfare and the short-term goal of developing dryland agro-tourism in the village of Babau, Kupang Regency through community empowerment. To achieve this goal the community is given knowledge and skills through education and training in the cultivation and production of agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and fruit orchards. Location determination by considering the land area that has not been cultivated is quite high, most of the population are farming, the use of appropriate technology is still limited, the number of poor households is quite high, the cattle population which is the superior product is still low. The method used to achieve the goal is through education and training / counseling activities. The material provided is the technology of Intensification of Organic-Based Control Aerobic Rice (IPAT-BO), livestock technology, forage crop cultivation of the Three Strata System (STS) model and fruit plants, forage processing and Completely-Plus Feed making technology (PK -P). The results achieved showed the attendance of 90% of participants while the response of participants was 70-80% actively asking questions and very enthusiastic in conducting demonstration plots. Conclusion the results of education and training in order to develop dryland agro-tourism in the village of Babau, Kupang, are potential enough to be realized and targeted at the end of the second year or the beginning of the 3rd year can be visited as an agro tourism facility as well as educational and agribusiness resources to improve the community economy.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## GENERASI MUDA YANG BERTEKNOLOGI UNTUK KEMAJUAN BANGSA DAN NEGARA INDONESIA MELALUI PENGENALAN OTOMATISASI MENGGUNAKAN PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER 2019-07-30T12:27:10+07:00 Erwani Merry Sartika Audyati Gany Novie Theresia Br. Pasaribu <p>The young generation as human resources who will play an important role in the development of NKRI need to be supported by the introduction of Technology that supports many industrial developments. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is one of the technologies that currently supports industrial operations, because by studying this technology, the younger generation will get an idea of the development of technology in the industry through the process of automation. The introduction and training program given to students will add insight and practical abilities to students, so that it can become a provision for later. Through the CARE method (Attractive Lecture, Programming Practice Activities, Realization of Implementation &amp; Simulation, Evaluation), helping students will gain additional experience and expertise. This activity was attended by 65 students from 12 high school / vocational schools in West Java. The survey results stated that the activities held for these students were very useful and students were satisfied. In addition, there is a desire or need for students as a young generation to get training or socialization about other technologies that can be used to support the progress of the nation and the State of Indonesia.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SISTIM KEWARISAN MASYARAKAT SEMENDO BERBASIS KEARIFAN LOKAL 2019-07-30T12:30:33+07:00 Evi Oktarina Erniwati Erniwati <p>The inheritance law of a group of people is strongly influenced by the religious beliefs and local wisdom of the area. One of the local wisdoms in Semendo village is sistim kewarisan Asking tubang, Maaf Tubang is the name given to the eldest daughter as inheritor of inheritance from parents. Based on this, the problem is whether the Wait Tubang inheritance system is still applied in the Semendo area and how the application of the Perpetual Waiting inheritance system is based on that local wisdom. this research is descriptive analysis that is describing, describing, explaining and revealing the system of local customary law or other legislation, its existence in people's lives and its relevance. The subject as a data source is the Semendo Village community and the Semendo Village Community in Palembang. The existence of traditional inheritance waiting for Tubang still exists today, this can be seen from the obligations they carry out, among others: (1). Trying to make rice fields work well. Rice fields are the main capital to be able to maintain survival for kinship, (2). Maintain and manage the inheritance properly (3). Maintain and take care of parents, in-laws, grandparents and grandparents who have not been able to live independently and maintain good relations with the jurai (big family)</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PROGRAM DERADIKALISASI MENANGKAL ANCAMAN TERORISME BERBASIS MURAL DI KELURAHAN KEDOYA UTARA 2019-07-30T12:33:40+07:00 Fahlesa Munabari <p>Terrorism has become a serious problem for the nation that has the potential to shake off state security. The stability of the government can also experience the dynamics resulting from acts of terrorism. Terrorism has a variety of actions that are increasingly difficult to stem. But not in the sense that it cannot be prevented. The most important prevention and the first is to fortify themselves from the process of recruitment of terrorism through deradicalization programs. Terrorist recruitment targets all groups with diverse backgrounds. The recruitment media used can be directly (offline) or even through electronic media (online). Dissemination of "Deradicalization Program Counteracting Media-Based Terrorism Threats Mural for Communities in Gang Alms SDN 01 North Kedoya Village" on 02 May 2018 located at SDN 01 Gang Kedoya Utara Village was the first step to fortify itself from the information terrorism distortion in Indonesia. This is important because the terrorist recruitment process is now targeting the youth. Moreover, terrorism propaganda carried out via electronic media can stimulate emotions towards the governance of Indonesia. This has the potential to worsen the situation and expedite the next process of terrorist recruitment. Dependence on electronic media, especially social media among young people must receive special attention. The ease of access to receiving and expressing opinions is the starting point for the thought pattern expected by the terrorist network. Therefore, understanding the definition, action and prevention of terrorism from an early age is expected to reduce the incessant process of recruitment of terrorists among young people. De-radicalization programs can be the answer to preventing terrorism. One way is through mural media.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGEMBANGAN IMPLEMEN TRAKTOR PORTABEL MULTIFUNGSI DI IKM ALSINTAN SUKABUMI 2019-07-30T12:36:06+07:00 Farid Rizayana Herman Somantri <p>Multifunctional Portable Tractors are the result of innovative research at the Mechanical Engineering University of Pasundan which began in 2018 commercialized. This tractor can be folded and carried by one person (portable) and can be used for work other than processing land, such as pumping air, providing electricity through generators and others (multifunctional). These routine tools are called applicants, which are played by a tractor engine which is transmitted through a gearbox that functions as a Power Take-Off (PTO). Sukabumi Regency is a location driven by the Government of Sukabumi Regency as the center of ALSINTAN component production (Tools and Agricultural Machinery). So far, the SMIs in Sukabumi District provide components for the tractor industry and agricultural machinery and equipment industries. Because the work is still job-ordered, the IKM circle is highly dependent on its large industry. Portable Tractor application development program to develop products from Multifunctional Portable Tractors such as Pest Sprayers, Enumerators (leaves and tree branches for animal feed), Rice Thresher, Corn Sheller, and many other application products. Product development is carried out by proposers with IKM in the Alsintan center of Sukabumi Regency.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI TRAKTOR PORTABEL MULTIFUNGSI BAGI KELOMPOK TANI BALISUK DAN PADA IKHLAS II DESA DAYEUHLUHUR KECAMATAN GANEAS, KABUPATEN SUMEDANG, JAWA BARAT 2019-07-30T12:51:57+07:00 Farid Rizayana Arief Rahmat Ramdhani <p>The area of farmers 'land tenure is getting narrower, making it difficult to improve farmers' welfare. In<br>2012, the land tenure per farmer was 0.22 hectares and is expected to be 0.18 hectares in 2050. This makes it difficult to improve farmers' welfare, narrowing land tenure resulting in inefficient farming. To optimize agricultural processing in narrow land and sloping land as described above, a research team from Pasundan University developed a Portable Tractor product. The application of Multifunctional Portable Tractor technology that will be carried out by LPM UNPAS aims to increase the role of UNPAS in developing Appropriate Technology through the application of Science and Technology, increasing the commercial and academic content of research and application that can be disseminated, and campus creativity in matters of agricultural products . While the specific objective is to accelerate the dissemination and utilization of potential portable portable tractors from the results of research and development of UNPAS to the community. The specific target to be achieved is to disseminate TTG applications for Multifunctional Portable Tractors for Animal Feed Chopping (Chopper) machines. The method used in implementing TTG to the community, starting with the identification of community needs is carried out together with the activity partners. Furthermore, the design, manufacture of equipment, equipment performance testing, assistance, dissemination of the use of Multifunctional Portable Tractors for the community is carried out by involving the community.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGUATAN DAN PEREMAJAAN SARANA IRIGASI UNTUK MENDUKUNG PERTANIAN DALAM RANGKA PENGUATAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT DESA SIMPANG PETAI 2019-07-30T12:57:51+07:00 Feri Candra Iswadi HR Zultiniar Zultiniar Iwantono Iwantono Ferry Fatnanta Azriyenni Azriyenni Soewignjo Soewignjo <p>The Simpang Petai village is located about 45 km from the city of Pekanbaru, which is the area of Rumbio Jaya District, Rumbio Jaya Regency, Riau Province. The Simpang petai village has a rice field of 24 hectares. The location of paddy farms is located in the Kampar watershed so that this land is very fertile and very suitable for processing. At the end of 2015, the intersection of Petai received assistance from the Kampar district government in the form of an irrigation system using a water pump. This assistance program aims to intensify agriculture and increase agricultural production. But this system only had a short run because in early 2016 there had been a major flood in this intersection of the village due to the overflowing of the Kampar river. This flood causes damage to the diesel engine and water pump so that the irrigation system can no longer function. And also, the water distribution pipes to the rice fields were damaged and leaked a lot. To overcome this problem, in mid-2018, the University of Riau's Community Service team has carried out activities to reactivate the damaged irrigation system by repairing water pumping machines and distribution pipes and adding new distribution pipelines to support agriculture in order to strengthen the community's economy. village intersection petai. The program for assisted village grant activities is a multi-year program and is expected to provide benefits to rural communities by increasing farmers' rice production. The method of service activities is carrying out surveys and identifying problems in the field, carrying out repairs and testing of irrigation pumps and water distribution pipelines and adding new water distribution pipelines. From the results of the tests carried out it can be seen that the pump irrigation system is able to function again and can irrigate the fields well and quickly.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## OPTIMALISASI POTENSI WISATA & EKONOMI SERTA AKUNTABILITAS DANA DESA PADA DESA CIBULUH 2019-07-30T13:06:14+07:00 Gery Raphael Lusanjaya Amelia Limijaya Puji Astuti Rahayu Monica Paramita Ratna Putri Dewanti Haryani Chandra <p>This community service activity was performed by a team from Accounting Department, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung (UNPAR) and is a continuation of the previous one. The partner of this activity is Cibuluh Village, located in Kecamatan Tanjungsiang, Kabupaten Subang. The purposes of this activity are twofold, firstly to optimize the village’s tourism objects and economic potential and secondly to improve the accountability of village fund reporting. To support the attainment of the above-mentioned purposes, there were some activities undertaken as well as recommendations given to the partner, i.e. (1) suggestions for village tour packages and their prices (2) improvements for promotion and marketing of the village’s products and tourism objects (3) calculation of cost of goods sold using traditional costing system utilizing cassava chips as an example (4) profit sharing mechanism among tourism objects investors (5) mechanism of village’s financial management and examples of accounting journal entries in relation to village government budget realization report which is expected to improve the village fund accountability. It is expected that this community service engagement could contribute to the accomplishment of the partner’s vision and mission, so as to improve the village society’s wellbeing. In addition, it is also in line with UNPAR’s slogan, which in essence states to seek knowledge to be devoted to the society. If possible to be performed, the next community service activity should be directed towards the implementation phase of some proposals/ recommendations given, as well as mentoring to the village’s officials and society during the implementation process.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## UPAYA PENGEMBANGAN WISATA ALAM BERBASIS KEARIFAN LOKAL DI KECAMATAN PAKENJENG GARUT SELATAN 2019-07-30T13:09:06+07:00 Hery Haerudin <p>Tourism is one sector that contributes significantly to local revenue, nature tourism is the most attractive destination for tourists to visit the area. just call nature tourism in several areas on the island of Bali, Central Java, East Java, West Java and many other areas, which every weekend or holiday, are always crowded with visitors who have jobs, education, economics and different cultures. One interesting thing from some of the most visited tourist destinations is natural tourism which has local value or better known as local wisdom such as the value of art, culture and the originality or authenticity of the attractions offered. based on the background above, Community Service (PKM) was held in Pakenjeng District, Garut Regency. The objectives of the PKM program are: a. To develop natural tourism potential based on local wisdom, b. to increase the original income of Pakenjeng District, Garut Regency, c. To increase the income and standard of living of the people of Pakenjeng District, Garut Regency. the method of implementing this activity consists of four stages, namely: program planning (survey and interview), program implementation (providing direct practice training), evaluation, and reflection (mentoring program). the results of this PKM program have not been seen significantly because it still requires follow-up and assistance from the central government of Garut Regency in particular and assistance from the government of West Java<br>Province in general.
</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPLEMENTASI NILAI-NILAI BUDAYA PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP PENGEMBANGAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA DAN PERUSAHAAN PADA PT. SIMAYA JEJARING MANDIRI DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT (OCAI) 2019-07-30T13:12:05+07:00 Wayan Kemara Giri Made Irma Dwiputranti <p>The implementation of OCAI aims to apply the influence of management leadership to the development of human resources towards leadership at PT. Simaya Jejaring Mandiri, which is applied in its company, which is still hierarchical, and hopes for its employees to turn it into an adhocary leadership. The method used in this implementation is descriptive analysis and verivicative analysis using instruments called "Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) Method. Data obtained through observation and interviews, using a Likert scale questionnaire on 34 respondents. Data were analyzed using comparative analysis of current conditions with the expected conditions. The results of the implementation show that there is an influence of the hierarchy leadership style applied by the management of PT Simaya Jejaring Mandiri affecting future business development. The employees wanted a change in the leadership style of the hierarchy to become an adhocracy. From the results of the current hierarchy style study of mean 30.76 with adhocary equal to mean 18.14, whereas what is desired by employees of PT Simaya Jejaring Mandiri for a hierarchical value of mean 28.31 with an adhocracy of mean 20.91 as well as the application of marketing with mean 24, 81 and clan with 24.71, this shows the need for changes in the leadership style of the management of PT Simaya Jejaring Mandiri. This means that employees expect a work environment with a family atmosphere, and companies need to provide better freedom for employees to innovate so that the target of becoming a leader in the investment market can be achieved, according to the company's vision and mission that has been set.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH CUSTOMER RELATONSHIP MANAGEMENT TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN JASA PERPOSAN PADA ASOSIASI PERUSAHAAN JASA PENGIRIMAN EKSPRES POS DAN LOGISTIK INDONESIA JAWA BARAT 2019-07-30T13:14:02+07:00 Wayan Kemara Giri <p>This service aims to determine the effect of customer relationship management on customer service satisfaction on Express Services and Logistics Services Association in West Java. The method used in this service was descriptive analysis and verivative analysis conducted at ASPERINDO West Java outlets / outlets. Data obtained through observation and interviews, using a Likert scale questionnaire on 38 respondents. Data were analyzed using path analysis. The results of dedication show that Customer Relationship Management has an effect on Customer Satisfaction, where it can be seen in each dimension that is in customer relationship management and customer satisfaction. While overall<br>/ simultaneous Customer Relationship Management has a large and significant influence on customer satisfaction, which is equal to 76.1%. And the other 33.9% are other influences that are not included in this dimension of service.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN PENGELOLAAN WEB PROMOSI PADA YAYASAN INSAN MADANI BOGOR 2019-07-30T13:22:43+07:00 Iin Ernawati Ichsan Mardani Mayanda Mega Santoni <p>Student increased at the Bogor Insan Madani Foundation hav not increase, one of the major factors that can influence the existence of the foundation as an educational institution.The existence of online information media in the form of sites is needed because it can help to provide information to the wider community and as a means of promotion. Based on these needs, a web was developed and produced an online-based in the form of a site by applying the prototype method as the chosen model. The resulting site is intended as a school promotion, but the skills in managing the site have not been owned by their employee in related foundations, so training activities are held that aim to provide provisions in developing and managing it.The activity received a very good response from all participants in terms of usefulness. The participants felt the increasing knowledge and skills they were able to design and manage a site and not just use it. Some selected participants are recommended to become managers of school sites so that they can work together to manage the sites that are already available.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN PENYUSUNAN HARGA POKOK PENJUALAN UMKM (KASUS PADA NUNI COOKIES) 2019-07-30T13:27:20+07:00 Indah Rahayu Lestari Rinny Meidiyustiani <p>The understanding of small and medium businesses regarding the need to calculate the Cost of Sales in running their business is still very small. Business people are usually still having trouble determining the right way to determine the price, especially if the type of product or service offered has been circulating in the market. That is why most of the business people still use trial and error strategies or rely on their instincts in determining prices that are suitable for their products. The purpose of this service activity is to provide skills in compiling the cost of goods sold for MSMEs, in this case given to Nuni Cookies, one of the MSMEs in Tangerang City. Based on the problems faced by partners, the solutions offered are by training and mentoring to partners on partner businesses, namely the baking and bread manufacturing industry. Based on the solutions offered are (1) providing information about the costs needed to control production costs, (2) partners can calculate the cost of production (3) partners can determine the standard selling price according to the actual cost of goods sold. The method of production cost applied to partners is in the form of a full costing calculation method, where the determination of the cost of all production costs is calculated, by not distinguishing between variable production costs and fixed production costs, because they will be included in the cost of production.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## MEMBANGUN SOCIOPREUNERSHIP DAN INOVASI PRODUK MELALUI NILAI-NILAI KEARIFAN LOKAL PADA KELOMPOK TANI TIRTA MULYA DESA CIPINANG KECAMATAN CIMAUNG- KABUPATEN BANDUNG 2019-07-30T13:30:30+07:00 Ira Murweni Ramayani Yusuf <p>Indonesia's human and natural resources are very large and have the potential to bring prosperity and prosperity to the people if they are able to be empowered in the right way. Through a social entrepreneurship approach and product innovation developed based on local wisdom values, it is expected that there will be new breakthroughs in the development of agricultural and plantation products produced by the Tirta Mulya Farmers Group in Cipinang Village, Cimaung District, Bandung Regency. The approach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach using snowball sampling techniques and SWOT analysis. The study of the results of Community Service was conducted to provide a green solution to Tirta Mulya Farmer Group which requires training in product development and improvement in the welfare of members of the farmer group who are generally still in the middle to lower economic level. Through this field and empirical study, it is expected to be able to encourage further research on the application of social entrepreneurship models and innovation of agricultural and plantation products through local wisdom values that can be developed in various regions in Indonesia.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMANFAATAN SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SEBAGAI SUPLAI AUTOMATIC WATERING SYSTEM BAGI MITRA PETANI BUAH DAN SAYUR DI DESA KUALU NENAS 2019-07-30T13:49:12+07:00 Iswadi Hasyim Rosma Feblil Huda Agus Ika Putra Padil Padil <p>The Village of Kualu Nenas in Tambang District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province, is located 32 km from Pekanbaru, the Capital of Riau Province. All villages in the Tambang District have been planned by the Kampar Regency Government as the suppliers of fruits and vegetables to the region of Kampar Regency and Pekanbaru City, respectively. Currently, the community is very active in utilizing marginal land both between residents' housing and those located on the edge of the village as a source of income. Like most areas just below the equator belt, the high intensity of sunshine, it causes the water source in the agricultural area to dry up during the dry season. Therefore, during the dry season, farmers are not able to cultivate their farming. In order to improve the production of farming area, a solution to this condition is needed to overcome the availability of water sources. Therefore, the aim of this article is to present the application of solar photovoltaic generation system as a power supply for the Automatic watering system in farming area. During the implementation of this technology, team have been collaborated with two group of farmers in the Village of Kulau Nenas. Water sources are transported using an Automatic watering system which consists of submersible water pum and water lines to farming land are. As a backup resource during the condition where the water source dries completely, then the aresian well was developed. By using this solution appraoch, the availability of water can be supplied continuously and farmer can cultivate their land throughout the season.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## INOVASI PEMBANGUNAN DESA MELALUI PENGEMBANGAN DESA WISATA DI WILAYAH KECAMATAN KASOMALANG KABUPATEN SUBANG PROVINSI JAWA BARAT 2019-07-30T13:53:15+07:00 Iwan Henri Kusnadi <p>Kasomalang Sub-district located in the southern region of Subang Regency which has very prospective natural potential in rural development especially in tourism sector in the Kasomalang sub-district. The natural wealth of the village with its natural variation needs to be developed with problems that are not currently integrated between planning and implementation of tourist villages in the Kasomalang Sub-distric Subang Regency. The community service method that is carried out is assistance for several villages in the sub-district of Kasomalang that uses the location of community service activities through the Subang University Real Work Lecture 2017/2018 academic year namely Kasomalang Kulon Village, Pasanggrahan Village, Sindangsari Village and Bojongloa Village that have potential in developing tourism villages in Subang Regency. The results of community service have shown some results, including the innovation of the development of tourist villages in the Kasomalang Sub-District, Subang Regency, which need to be built integratively in village tourism packages. The results of community service also showed that one of the important factors in the innovation of tourism development in the villages of Kasomalang Sub-district was through empowering rural communities as a strategy that could encourage the progress of rural tourism. The rural tourism innovation sector also needs to be built through village economic institutions such as BUMDES (Village-Owned Enterprises) which are the challenges of village, sub-district and district governments. For community service carried out by the Subang University in Kasomalang Sub-district, it has encouraged communities, governments and stakeholders regarding the development of tourism villages. In several things that need attention in community service in the Kasomalang Sub-district in Subang Regency are 1) Need for integrated village tourism development plans in Kasomalang Sub-district; 2) The need for regional government policdies that can encourage the strengthening of tourism villages in the sub-districts; 3) Support of village tourism development programs from the Regional Government which are continuously and directed; 4) Stakeholder participation in the development of tourist villages; 5) Collaboration and participation of various parties, both the community and the private sector. Community service in the development of village tourism carried out by the Subang University has its own value as a manifestation of the role of the University in carrying out the third Tri Dharma of Higher Education namely Community Service. The Subang University needs to continue to establish pro-active cooperation, especially in following up community service in the Kasomalang Sub-district area. Some of cooperation forms include cooperation with the private sector, social organizations and observers of tourist villages. Besides that, Subang University needs to collaborate with several universities, especially those in the West Java region that have a concern in village tourism innovation. Community service carried out by the Subang University in the Kasomalang Sub-district area is an integral part of the responsibility Subang University in encouraging and developing the Development of Subang Regency and West Java.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENDAMPINGAN TEKNOLOGI PENGOLAHAN NIRA MENJADI GULA SEMUT DI KECAMATAN GUNUNGHALU KABUPATEN BANDUNG BARAT 2019-07-30T14:23:16+07:00 Jaka Rukmana Istiyati Inayah <p>Mentoring activities carried out with a background want to help increase the productivity of the sapper farmers in Gununghalu District, West Bandung Regency. This goal is described as a number of specific objectives, namely assisting technology in the process of processing palm sugar into ant sugar as well as assisting in ant sugar packaging technology. This activity was carried out using the lecture method, discussion, demonstration, direct practice, and observation. The lecture method is used in the process of delivering training material. Besides that, it is also used to provide motivation to the farmers to always survive and increase the spirit of business as the main capital in increasing the productivity of farmers. The discussion method is used as a medium of communication when the training takes place so that two-way communication occurs between the speaker and the craftsmen. The demonstration method is used in the process of giving examples in each training, so that it gives convenience to sugar craftsmen in understanding the material presented. The practice method is directly used to apply the material that has been obtained, of course with the guidance of the speaker. The observation method is carried out to observe the ability of sugar craftsmen both during the training process and after training.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE EMPOWERMENT OF COASTAL SOCIETY THROUGH USEFULL INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY (STUDY IN DISTRICT OF DUMBO RAYA AND HULONTHALANGI, TOWN OF GORONTALO, PROVINCE OF GORONTALO) 2019-07-30T14:25:27+07:00 Juliati Prihatin <p>The Subdistrict of Dumbo Raya (house of village head of North Leato and South Leato) and Subdistrict of Hulonthalangi (house of village head of Tanjung Kramat and Pohe) are two Subdistricts wich located in Town of Gorontalo. The coastal of society in two Subdistricts for the greather part to use traditional catch of fish yet who called “tagahu”. Tagahu used for catch fish of nike (small fish), but tagahu sometimes involved in coral reef so it is damage. The smaller part of coastal of society to use modern of catch. The implementation of it there are much barrier so important cost. The effect about that fisheries borrow to “rentenir”. If the fisheries borrow to bank, he didn’t to pay because he didn’n have income fixe so that is fisheries pressure. The goal of submission to the society in two Subsdistrics based on the above is to know how the empowerment of coastal society through usefull innovation of technology. The method of this submission to the society are forum group discussion and public hearing in two Subdistrics. The result of this submission to the society show that (1) The government through cooperation give to help soft loan without compound interest for fisheries who didn’t call on full of help, (2) Fpr society who lived in side river give socialization about impact of environmental of dirtied and important abot gerbage management with innovative and creative. The important to do research about design of distribution sharf fish because it has the predator of tuna fish if fisheries get tuna fish. Based on regulation fisheries who make “pukat cincin” should has catch fish with distance about 12 mil, but important much money to the that distance.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PKM GURU SMA DI KOTA DAN KABUPATEN BANDUNG DALAM KEGIATAN PENGOLAHAN DATA, SETUP WEBSITE E-JOURNAL, DAN OPEN JOURNAL SYSTEM BERBASIS E-LEARNING 2019-07-30T14:29:10+07:00 Jusep Saputra Thesa Kandaga Anggoro Ari Nurcahyo <p>Subject Teacher Consultation (MGMP) is one of the non-structural organizations that has 5 objectives, one of which is to provide opportunities for teachers to develop technology. That goal will be if teachers are skilled and used to using the technology and able to upgrade themselves. The MGMP included in the Community Partnership Program (PKM) is the Mathematics MGMP of Bandung City and Regency. The partner solution procedure will be carried out by training, mentoring and mentoring. The results of the PKM are as follows: (1) The teacher's ability to understand, master, and practice in making research instruments either test or non-test is in the fairly good category, (3) The teacher's ability to input data according to data or scale data is in a good category , (4) the ability of teachers to use video conferencing to get guidance and assistance in working on assignments is in the good category; (5) The ability of teachers to process research data with SPSS; analyze, and interpret the research data in the good category. (6) The ability of teachers to understand, master, and practice in making scientific articles in a fairly good category; (7) The teacher's ability to understand the arrangement of e-journal websites, submission of e-ISSN, and DOI, as well as using OJS for the publication of scientific articles is in a good category.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENINGKATAN KAPASITAS USAHA UMKM DI KECAMATAN JAMBLANG KABUPATEN CIREBON 2019-07-30T14:33:07+07:00 Kartono Kartono Ratna Tiharita S Roni Mulyatno <p>With the existence of the SMEs sector, unemployment due to the workforce that is not absorbed in the world of work is reduced. Even the SMEs sector has proven to be a strong pillar of the economy. Even though the growth of SMEs in several regions in Indonesia shows encouraging developments from year to year, it still leaves many problems. Facilitation of increasing business capacity for SMEs as an effort to empower SMEs to exist and succeed sustainably in running a business. The aim of increasing business capacity for SMEs is: To provide managerial knowledge and skills for SMEs actors, to build business networks for SMEs, to analyze and identify local potential resources that can be developed into economic businesses for SMEs, conduct business continuity analysis and identify links potential economic efforts to be developed starting from the aspect of availability of raw materials, processing and production techniques, product marketing and sustainability of businesses that are managed independently. The method used in increasing business capacity for MSMEs, namely: 1) Conducting Entrepreneurship workshops for SMEs, 2) providing guidance and mentoring for SMEs.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENERAPAN STRATEGI DIGITAL MARKETING TERHADAP PENGEMBANGAN USAHA JUS HONJE DIDESA/KECATAMAN MANGUNJAYA KABUPATEN PENGANDARAN 2019-07-30T14:40:20+07:00 Keni Kaniawati Agung Sudjatmoko <p>Mangunjaya Village in Pangandaran Regency, West Java is a village that has many strategic potentials that have many business opportunities to be optimized. Especially for agricultural areas in Mangunjaya there are honje plants that have been around for a long time. This fruit initially did not have economic value, but Mrs. Hj. Oyoh, a teacher who cares for the community in Mangunjaya Subdistrict, he has a creative idea, that honje fruit can be processed into juice or other useful products. However, in developing its business there are several problems including the honje juice marketing problem which is still very traditional in nature and is only distributed to the Kuntum Mekar all-purpose cooperative (KSU), travel access is very difficult to reach, absence or difficulty of juice preservatives difficult to remember order orders many from several regions so that they cannot last long, have not had a good financial management record in developing their business. There are several methods of approach used to solve the above problems, namely the method of training, mentoring and monitoring. To overcome this problem there are several things done by the Research Team, namely by bringing several experts in digital marketing strategy training in order to develop their business in PKM activities in Mangunjaya Village, Pangandaran Regency, especially for the UMKM activists in terms of implementing digital marketing strategies so they can have competitiveness and can develop their business.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## KETAHANAN KELUARGA MELALUI KEGIATAN PENDIDIKAN HUKUM TENTANG PKDRT DI WILAYAH KELURAHAN NEGLASARI KOTA BANDUNG 2019-07-30T14:43:31+07:00 Leni Widi Mulyani Maman Budiman Anta Ramadhan <p>This dedication will be carried out in the Neglasari Village, Cibeuying Kaler Subdistrict, Bandung City which is continuing to develop and develop its area by conducting various activities. The work program that will be carried out concentrates on the family resilience program devoted to the Elimination of Domestic Violence. The team cooperated with the PKK 1 working group (Negotiations) in the Neglasari village through a family resilience program. Based on the observation of working group 1, this working group has difficulties in providing socialization about the elimination of domestic violence. The specific target of this service is so that partners in this case are working group 1 can play a more active role as a special counselor for the elimination of domestic violence, while maximizing the Clinical Legal Education (CLE) institution in providing legal assistance in the form of legal education. Objectives to be achieved Development towards building a harmonious society and ready to take changes towards improvement and progress in accordance with prevailing values and norms. Family resilience can be carried out well through four pillars including spiritual or religious, prosperity, security or comfort and the last pillar of justice. The method that will be used in achieving the above objectives is carried out through training, guidance, and assistance. Training includes legal counseling with interactive legal teaching methods, guidance through monitoring activities carried out by working groups 1 and mentoring through joint activities between working groups 1 and teams in providing legal education on the Elimination of Violence in the household.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMANFAATAN PEKARANGAN RUMAH DENGAN PENANAMAN TANAMAN HIAS 2019-07-30T14:51:47+07:00 Lilis Amaliah Rosdiana Lia Sugiarti <p>This paper have to inviting people of Rt.07 Desa Jatimekar Kecamatan Situraja Kabupaten Sumedang for utilizing their home yard look more beautiful. Than, this activity can increasing their incomes. They can selling the plant. The authors need to give counseling to the people of Rt.07 Desa Jatimekar Kecamatan Situraja Kabupaten Sumedang. It would be more beautiful if the yard of the house is planted with ornamental plants. The authors uses the method of education outside of school that is conducting education in stages and continuously. The results obtained after counseling, especially mothers in the area have started planting their home grounds with ornamental plants such as orchids, kamboja, anthurium, and many others.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN SISTEM AKUNTANSI DAN PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL BAGI PEREMPUAN PELAKU UMKM DI DESA KERTABASUKI KECAMATAN MAJA KABUPATEN MAJALENGKA 2019-07-30T14:55:11+07:00 Liza Laila Nurwulan Ruslina Lisda <p>The plurality of Indonesian life, causing a variety of perspectives on the understanding of the concept of justice and gender equality in the economic aspect, regardless of sex, race, religion, ethnicity, social status, education level, cultural differences and customs. The success of SMEs in Indonesia can not be separated from the role of women in improving the national economy, strengthening the economic resilience of families and communities, contribute to the efforts to reduce poverty and ensure sustainable economic growth. Financial management becomes one of the important aspects for the advancement of SMEs through the use of accounting to produce financial information that can be used for decision making for users, can support SME financial progress. There are still many SMEs which have not been used to support business activities accounting because accounting is considered something that is difficult and important. Internal problems of SMEs is difficult to distinguish the business interests with personal interests / family in the recording business transactions and confront bad behavior on honesty / integrity and loyalty of employees who worked for him. Women's Community Economic Observer (komPEP) FEB Unpas provide accounting training for SMEs in the village of Maja Kertabasuki District of Majalengka in the implementation of community service in 2016 is divided into two semesters. The interest and response training participants were very enthusiastic and results are in accordance with the training objectives measured by indicators that have been established, namely a)Participants who attend at least 80% of the specified targets, b) the existence of brainstorming and active participation of the participants in the training process, c) knowledge of the participants about the accounting systems and internal controls increased by at least 80% (through questionnaires and pre-post test) and d ) the follow-up plan in the form of work plan made by the participants, both groups and individuals. We concluded that training activities on Accounting and Internal Control Systems for women SMEs has been given by komPEP Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Pasundan has run adequately in accordance with their<br>original purpose.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN KREATIVITAS SENI PATCHWORK STIMULUS INDUSTRI KREATIF RT 02 RW 04 KELURAHAN SUKAMISKIN KECAMATAN SUKAJADI BANDUNG 2019-07-30T15:00:29+07:00 Lois Denissa Tan Indra Janti <p>The art of patchwork from patchwork material is not only assessed as an attempt to utilize pieces of fabric left over from making clothes. Patchwork can be made into pieces of various geometric patterns, then reunited with machine sewing techniques to be a medium for increasing creativity in making ready-to-use items. Pieces of patchwork patterns can be arranged into unique and interesting compositions by combining the pieces, the color, texture, motif and direction of the fabric according to the principle of composition. Unconventional sewing techniques with tolerance to fabric seams on the outside can be modified by pulling out fabric fibers intentionally in order to give the impression of unfinished swing attractive sewing. The definition of composition is now not looking for unity, harmony, neatness in a rigid sense. Instead, explore the realms outside the public domain, become<br>ready-to-use items of artistic value and potentially trigger the growth of the creative industry.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## BIOKONVERSI KOTORAN TERNAK MENJADI PUPUK KASCING DI DESA CIKANDANG KECAMATAN CIKAJANG KABUPATEN GARUT 2019-07-30T15:03:20+07:00 Mega Royani Hanny Hidayati Nafi’ah <p>Kampung Domba Indonesia livestock group (KDI), located in Cikandang Village, Cikajang Subdistrict, Garut Regency has had a lot of problems regarding manure and a lot of processing has not been done. Livestock waste produced in one month can reach 600 kg and if it is not processed, it will pollute the environment. The method used to overcome these problems is by conducting counseling, training and mentoring bioconversion of manure into vermicompost (vermicomos). Kascing is a method of making compost with the help of earthworms. The advantage of this vermicompost is that it can shorten the production time of compost fertilizer. The production of organic fertilizers as a result of conversion of livestock manure besides being able to overcome environmental pollution can also be a source of additional sustainable income for farmers.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SOSIALISASI KONSEP REHABILITASI NARKOBA SEBAGAI PENCEGAHAN SECONDARY OFFENDER BAGI RESIDEN BALAI BESAR REHABILITASI BADAN NARKOTIKA NASIONAL (BNN) DI LIDO, BOGOR, JAWA BARAT 2019-07-30T15:05:35+07:00 Monica Margaret <p>So far, the law enforcement officials still see the Narcotics Law oriented towards imprisonment for drug users/addicts, so that they are considered like criminals. Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) changed its strategy in handling drug cases. Rehabilitation efforts are considered more effective for eradicating drugs than throwing users into prison. If the user is thrown in jail with the dealer, they will meet. There, it was feared that people who had become users instead became dealers. This is also related to the criminology studies where drug rehabilitation can be an effort to prevent drug abusers from reverting to deviant behavior or even becoming secondary offenders. This community service activity uses a method in the form of a seminar filled with presentation activities, talk shows and discussions with the residenst who take part in this activities at Balai Besar Rehabilitasi BNN Lido with officers and students of Budi Luhur University, which held on May 3rd, 2018 at Balai Besar Rehabilitasi BNN Lido on Cigombong District, Bogor Regency, West Java. Balai Besar Rehabilitasi BNN Lido, Indonesia is a place devoted to rehabilitating the victims of drug abuse in Indonesia. Rehabilitation is an important step to save addicts from the shackles of narcotics and illegal drugs. Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics accommodates the method of solving narcotics problems that must be carried out in a balanced manner, namely that narcotics abusers must be encouraged, forced and arrested to be thrown into rehabilitation centers so as not to become addicts or secondary offenders.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGOLAHAN SAMPAH PELASTIK MENJADI PAVING BLOK DENGAN PEMBUATAN MESIN PRODUKSI 2019-07-30T15:13:24+07:00 M. Hariansyah Karim H M. Lutfi <p>Trash has not been handled properly. During this waste is dumped into the Final Disposal (TPA), so that the waste will contaminate the soil, water and air, and the environment. One of them is an organic trash such as plastic bags crackle, which can decompose up to 450 years. So it is necessary efforts to process waste into useful items, such as souvenirs and paving block. The expected goals (a) producing equipment appropriate technology to manage plastic waste into paving block, (b) increase the income of the family economy. The method is applied starting with the sorting of waste, heating plastic, conventional presses and laboratory testing and marketing techniques. Results obtained in the form of block-shaped beam paving material, size (5x10x20) cm and a weight of 0.27 kg block paving unit, requiring as much as 0.3 kg plastic bags. Based on the analysis of the production cost estimated sales for one (1) is Rp 2.000 press the test results reach 230 kg / cm2, and expected to be able to replace the block that made the dari pavin g mixture of sand and cement.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## STRATEGI PENCEGAHAN DAN PENANGGULANGAN CYBER BULLYING PADA GENERASI MILENIAL DI SMA ISLAM HARAPAN IBU 2019-07-30T15:17:22+07:00 Muhammad Zaky Lucky Nurhadiyanto <p>Cyber bullying is one of the latent effects of rapid technological progress. The emergence of various social media that are not balanced with the ability to use them, creates a gap in the transformation of evil. One of these crimes is cyber bullying. The use of social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter is a means of disseminating cyber bullying. The target community of this activity are Islamic high school students of Harapan Ibu with characteristics ranging in age from 14-15 years, actively using social media, having more than one social media account, and having been involved in cyber bullying activities. The method of activities carried out in the form of talk shows, discussions, and making videos are positively contended. This method is the implementation of a community-based crime prevention strategy. The activity target indicators are the participants' understanding of the types, impacts and prevention strategies of digital media-based cyber bullying crime.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PRESERVED FLOWER SEBAGAI BUNGA ALTERNATIF PERANGKAI BUNGA 2019-07-30T15:22:37+07:00 Muharam Wirakusumah Gatot Santoso Magnaz Lestira Oktaroza <p>Originally, cut flowers can only survive in 4-5 days before wilting. To slowdown the wilt rate of cut flowers is to soak the ends of cut flowers in water. Unfortunately, this method is ineffective because decay in parts that are submerged in water gets faster. The method developed in the research conducted at Pasundan University is to soak the cut flowers in glycerin liquid for a certain time depending on the type of the flower to be processed, then the cut flowers are piled up in a mixture of Silica gel and Zanzibar sand. Research for various flowers, the composition of Glycerin, Silica gel and Zanzibar sand has been carried out and produced innovative products in the form of flowers that no longer contain water but remain supple, not brittle when touched and the colors remain natural and can stay fresh for long periods of time. The selling value of the flowers that have been processed or often called preserved flowers is currently quite high because most of the products sold are imported products. Challenges faced by businesses in empowering local flowers to have high selling value, so the method developed at Pasundan University will encourage craftsmen or florists to use processed flowers rather than fresh flowers because resistance to wilt is too high.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## KELOMPOK PETANI DAN PENGRAJIN LABU BOTOL MEMBUAT CENDERA MATA KHAS DI KABUPATEN CIAMIS 2019-07-30T15:30:11+07:00 Mujaddid Faruk Romdah Romansyah Eki Aristriyana Iwan Setiawan <p>Groups of farmers and bottle gourd craftsmen make special souvenirs in Ciamis Regency aimed at overcoming the problem of low productivity of farmers, low selling prices of products, lack of product development, difficulties in marketing products, and low purchasing power of the people. While the specific targets to be achieved are increasing the people's purchasing power with the creation of special souvenirs products in Ciamis Regency through the utilization of the availability of tourism sector. This research employed used four stages : 1) Submission of information (socialization / counseling) to members of the Bottle Gourd Farmers Groups, 2) Making demonstration plots to groups of farmers which include: piloting bottle gourd cultivation, piloting post-harvest processing applications for craft raw materials . 3) skills training to make souvenir made from bottle gourd to be special souvenirs from Ciamis to the wood craftsmen. 4) Marketing of products through opening souvenir shop and outlets in historical tourism objects Ciung Wanara Ciamis 5) Dissemination on the results of research activities. the time alotment for this research is one year. Results revealed that Farmers get knowledge to optimize bottle gourd cultivation and post-harvest processing so that productivity is increasing. Then, craftsmen can produce souvenirs from bottle gourds and the price is increasing. Besides, the availability of marketing place located in Karangkamulyan tourism objects. Through this result, the cooperative collaboration is happened among farmers groups, craftsmen and markets, so that people's purchasing power is increasing.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN MANAJEMEN RISIKO BAGI USAHA KECIL MENENGAH (FORUM PENGUSAHA MUDA MAJALENGKA) 2019-07-30T15:33:58+07:00 Mulyaningrum Mulyaningrum Ellen Rusliati <p>Risk Management Training introduces the notion of the concept of risk to young entrepreneurs in&nbsp; Majalengka, as entrepreneurs in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). In addition, this training provides an understanding of how to minimize risk in the context of business organizations. Through this training, members of Majalengka's Young Entrepreneurs Forum (Forum Pengusaha Muda Majalengka = FPMM) are expected to gain a more comprehensive understanding of risk management in a business organization, including risk identification, risk measurement, risk management, and other aspects such as governance in risk management. This is because of the fact that risks are always everywhere. Therefore the manager's job is to make the members of the business organization become more aware of the risks. Furthermore, young entrepreneurs as SME managers can take anticipatory actions, in order to be able to create added value for the company or business organization. This training uses teaching methods, discussions, case studies, and presentations from trainees.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENINGKATAN NILAI TAMBAH JAHE MERAH KELOMPOK TANI SRI MUKTI DESA GEGEMPALAN 2019-07-30T15:39:23+07:00 Nana Darna Nurdiana Mulyatini M. Aziz Basari <p>The poverty rate in rural areas is greater than the level of poverty in urban areas so far due to the economic resources of rural communities that rely on the agricultural sector. Most of the livelihoods of rural communities are farming. Another problem, the agricultural sector can’t be used as a livelihood by the community because agricultural products continue to decrease. The purpose of service is to create added value that can be done by people in agricultural areas in an effort to improve their standard of living. The aim of the paper is to create added value that can be done by people in agricultural areas in an effort to improve their standard of living. The method used was trial and error in the production process with a case study design in the Sri Mukti Farmer group to produce ginger powder packaged products in the village of Gegempalan, Cikoneng Sub-District, Ciamis Regency, West Java Province. The results of the paper in the form of a ginger powder which has an added value of Rp. 46,500 per Kg. As for the processed red ginger powder with PAS branded packaging that has been circulating in the market as village cash souvenirs produced by the Sri Mukti Farmer group, the obstacles faced by farmer groups are the standard of production or processing. Because processing can only be done by one person by relying on experience and skills that cannot be shared with other members</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGENALAN DAN PELATIHAN KETERAMPILAN SENI DECOUPAGE UNTUK MEMBERI NILAI TAMBAH PADA PRODUK KERAJINAN TANGAN MASYARAKAT DI KOTA PONTIANAK 2019-07-30T15:45:23+07:00 Netty Herawati Aliyah Nur'aini Hanum Dewi Utami <p>Being an entrepreneur has not become the concern of most Indonesian people. This is caused by to the general assumption of our societythat assesses a person's success based on his employment status. On the other hand academics are in fact required to prepare graduates who are ready to contribute to society. Moreover, the potential for entrepreneurship in Indonesia is immense, including inPontianak. The spread of enthusiasm in entrepreneurship is important, one way is through activities to introduce entrepreneurial ideas.This article is an elaboration of the community service activity of the FISIP UNTAN's lecturer in initiating creative industry opportunities for decoupage skills combined with traditional local handicrafts. This activity was attended by 30 women, and carried out using two approaches; first, a mentalistic approach, which is to provide motivation to participants regarding the significance of performing entrepreneurship. Second, a social conditioning approach, by executing a workshop. The participants had the opportunities to practice a new craftsmanship to change the appearance of the products and increase their function. This activity refers to the strategy of Innovation Diffusion by Everett M. Rogers. The results of the activity indicate that the innovation of decoupage art creation in local handicrafts can increase economic value as well as product aesthetics. Results obtained from this activity show that participants received decoupage innovations and experienced the benefits directly in the form of independent works.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## STANDARISASI DAN SERTIFIKASI PANGAN INDUSTRI RUMAH TANGGA (PIRT) UNTUK PENINGKATAN DAYA SAING PRODUK GULA AREN DI KECAMATAN PUPUAN KABUPATEN TABANAN 2019-07-31T00:59:10+07:00 N.LG. Astariyani I.A. Listya Dewi I K. Sardiana <p>The purpose of community service is to improve the competitiveness of palm sugar products through the certification of Household Food Product Permits (PIRT). The methods adopted to achieve these goals are through education, training, science and technology simulation, mentoring, and the design of applied appropriate technologies. The results obtained show that through the standardization of palm sugar products can increase product prices to reach 35%, and the acquisition of PIRT has been able to expand market opportunities to modern markets such as supermarkets and minimart</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## KAJIAN PROPERTY INSURANCE AWARNESS UNTUK PROTEKSI ASET PADA KOPERASI KESEJAHTERAAN MAHASISWA BANDUNG (KKMB) 2019-07-31T01:01:04+07:00 Noneng Nurjanah <p>Kepemilikan Koperasi Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa Bandung (KKMB) in the form of Property Assets on<br>Jl. Jalapran No 11, Sukaluyu, Cibeunying Kaler, Bandung City, West Java requires special attention in terms of asset protection from a variety of risks. This is because these assets are leased to the private sector to do business, so demand the Koperasi Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa Bandung (KKMB) to guarantee the best risk given to the tenants. Property Insurance is insurance that guarantees the risk of fixed assets in the form of buildings and contents such as houses, shops, warehouses, offices and others. Standard guarantees in Property insurance include (PSAKI or Flexas, PAR and EQ). Based on the results of the Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) in the form of study activities and discussions on property insurance coverage analysis, feedback shows members of the Kepemilikan Koperasi Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa Bandung (KKMB) understand the importance of risk insurance for property assets, understand the outline and basis of property insurance guarantees, but not yet understand complete details such as the extended clause of the insurance guarantee. The conclusion of this PKM is the need for additional training on clause insurance for property policies and training<br>in property insurance claims.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGEMBANGAN PRODUK UNGGULAN BERBAHAN DASAR HASIL NELAYAN DESA SUNGSANG IV, KABUPATEN BANYUASIN, SUMATERA SELATAN 2019-07-31T01:04:36+07:00 Novita W.S,M. Michael Khrisna Aditya Triana R.Dewi <p>The purpose of this community service is to find a strategy for developing products from the catches of fishermen in Sungsang IV Village, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra. The products made from local products from fishermen's products are made by groups of women fishermen and PKK mothers. The method used to find product development strategies using SWOT analysis techniques, namely Strenght, Weakneses, Opportunity, and Threat, after that can be made a priority sequence of programs based on each aspect, namely aspects of human resources, infrastructure, institutions and marketing. To overcome the above problems, the method used is conducting training, counseling, mentoring, field studies and implementation of these activity. The implementation of community service activities received a positive response from the public, the Government's Department of industry, trade and cooperatives of South Sumatra provincial government, Education, sports and tourism District Banyuasin, South Sumatra.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PROGRAM HIDROPONIK WIYONG SEBAGAI UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN BERCOCOK TANAM MASYARAKAT DESA 2019-07-31T01:13:47+07:00 Nurkholis Huday Toriah Siti Aniva Isna Silvia Tiara Permata Putri Ardi Satria Tama Eva Azizah Yuni Dwi Rahmawati P Ahmad Hafijudin Cita Dwi Rosita <p>The Wiyong Village community is one of the communities in the Cirebon Regency with the term working as a farmer. However, the economic level of the people is still low. In addition, most people are active as housewives and more productive costs prefer to migrate abroad, namely the potential of nature in agriculture is underutilized, such as narrow land use. The Wiyong Hydroponic Program is a service program carried out in Wiyong Village, Susukan Sub-District, Cirebon Regency in July, November 2017 as a farming medium. The existence of this program is based on village development grant programs carried out by Unswagati Cirebon Reasoning and Scientific UKM. In connection with this, the program has several objectives, namely: 1) Enhancing community skills in farming by empowering housewives through hydroponic planting media 2) Developing vegetable production from hydroponic growing media for food and market needs. This method of implementation, various problems, analysis of community conditions, community group mapping, socialization of hydroponic media, training, and guidance on hydroponics, public training programs, publication training, and training programs. The results obtained are: 1) The formation of positive activities is to wash hydroponic plants continuously. The community is involved in managing hydroponic plants and is directly involved with buildings that start with hydroponic media starting from seeding skills, checking nutrition and periodically treating hydroponic plants. 2) People can produce vegetables with superior vegetable quality. Meanwhile, the realization of Wiyong Hydroponic Agro-tourism that is developing from this sustainability program with various parties.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN ADVANCE EXCELL BAGI INVENTORY MANAGEMENT PADA KOPERASI KONSUMEN SYARIAH SINERGI POTENSI UMAT 2019-07-31T01:17:37+07:00 Edi Supardi Mubasiran Mubasiran <p>Pengelolaan dan pencatatan atas persediaan persediaan di Koperasi Konsumen Syariah Sinergi Potensi Umat (KKS SPOT) berbeda antara satu dengan yang lainnya, untuk persediaan yang berasal dari DC SB Mart digunakan sistim SB Mart dimulai dari pembuatan PO, penerimaan barang, penjualan dan pelaporannya. Sementara persediaan dari mitra langsung menggunakan sistim rene dan accurate. Penggunaan dua sistim berbeda dalam satu gerai mengakibatkan terjadinya kesalahan dalam pelaporan, ketidakefektifan dalam penandaan dan pengelolaan barang di gerai, yang mengakibatkan banyaknya keluhan yang muncul dari customer yang harus menunggu lama dan supplier yang menerima pembayaran terlambat dikarenakan laporan dari gerai harus di cek secara manual sebelum dapat di proses lebih lanjut datanya. Pengurus KKS SPOT bermaksud untuk membuat satu sistim yang dapat mengintegrasikan kedua sistim tadi dalam satu sistim yang dapat di control secara langsung oleh pengurus KKS SPOT. Untuk mengembangkan sistim sendiri diperlukan tahapan-tahapan tertentu diantaranya pembuatan SOP yang disetujui Bersama, formulir yang telah mengakomodir semua kebutuhan serta bentuk laporan yang telah mengakomodir semua kebutuhan dilapangan serta keinginan manajemen dalam hal ini pengurus KKS SPOT. Berdasarkan hasil program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) berupa kegiatan kajian dan pelatihan mengenai Advance Excell bagi Inventory Management Pada KKS SPOT, feedback menunjukan anggota Koperasi Konsumen Syariah Sinergi Potensi Umat (KKS SPOT) memahami pentingnya Advance Excell dalam meminimalisir beban kerja mereka dan dapat menggunakan fungsi-fungsi didalam Ms. Excell untuk mempercepat pekerjaan mereka dan memetakan formulir dan rumus yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan sistim persediaan di gerai. Kesimpulan dari PKM ini adalah MS. Excell dapat dipergunakan sebagai alat untuk membantu staff KKS SPOT dalam mengelola persediaan gerai saat ini guna merancang bentuk system persediaan gerai yang akan dikembangkan oleh KKS SPOT dimasa yang akan datang.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN BUDIDAYA SAYURAN ORGANIK PADA UMAT PAROKI SANTO ALFONSUS NANDAN YOGYAKARTA 2019-07-31T01:20:20+07:00 Patricius Kianto Atmodjo Dewi Retnaningati <p>In an effort to realize the spirit of love for the environment and the independence of healthy food, training on organic vegetable cultivation has been carried out for Catholics at the Paroki Santo Alfonsus Nandan Sleman Yogyakarta. This training includes making organic fertilizers from green waste trees, cultivating vegetables organically in polybags. The participants of the training were 45 representatives from each of the 21 paroki neighborhoods, who gained theoretical knowledge, piloting and practice themselves in their homes and mentoring. To motivate trainees to carry out organic vegetable cultivation, an organic vegetable cultivation competition was held. The result of this training showed the training participants wanted to practice processing organic waste into organic fertilizer and using it for the cultivation of organic vegetables and the results were used to meet their own needs. 60% of participants were still actively doing organic cultivation, and the rest stopped due to lack of interest and impatience. The existence of assistance in the form of coach visits and the existence of competitions is enough to provide motivation for trainees to practice the knowledge and skills acquired in their daily lives. This activity takes place from April 2017 to March 2018.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMANFAATAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI SERTA PENYUSUNAN BLUE PRINT PENGEMBANGAN USAHA PADA SALAH SATU PESANTREN DI KOTA TASIKMALAYA 2019-07-31T01:24:15+07:00 R. Reza El Akbar Ipah Muzdalipah Ratna Rustina Joni A. Mughni <p>Tasikmalaya have a nickname the city of santri (a city with many Islamic boarding schools), one of them is the Riyadlul Ulum Wad Dakwah Islamic boarding school. Santri as educated participants taught to have faith, knowledge, and devotion, besides having general knowledge and skills. This pesantren has 17 business units involving the santri so that in addition to having religious knowledge, the santri trained to have an entrepreneurial spirit. The empowerment of santri for business activities in the pesantren environment is very useful for stimulating, developing and forming entrepreneurial competencies for santri in the pesantren environment. The problems that exist include business unit managers not yet optimal, managers between business units are not yet integrated, have not utilized information technology in the management of business units, have not utilized effective communication patterns in mobilizing investors. Other problems do not yet have a blue print plan for business development in Islamic boarding schools. From this description, this paper aims to explain one of the results of the Siliwangi University PKM team in utilizing information technology, as well as providing assistance to make strategic planning by making a blue print of business development. The method used based on three approaches, namely the system and information technology approach, a strategic plan for sharia-based financial management and a series of mathematical calculations to optimize and achieve business effectiveness and efficiency. The implementation stage consists of three stages. In the initial stages, preparations made for the analysis of the pesantren's business environment and the preparation of training modules that were right on target in accordance with the conditions of the service partner schools. The core stages of the activity are in the form of training and assistance, as well as the making of blue print business development. These three stages have been complete and a blue print of business development integrated between business units.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN PENERAPAN E-COMMERCE MENGGUNAKAN TOKOPEDIA UNTUK USAHA MIKRO, KECIL MENENGAH (UMKM) KOTA TANGERANG 2019-07-31T01:32:14+07:00 Ratna Ujiandari Ari Saputro <p>Electronic commerce (English: electronic commerce or e-commerce) is the distribution, purchase, sale, marketing of goods and services through electronic systems such as the internet or television, www, or other computer networks. E- commerce can involve electronic fund transfers, electronic data exchanges, automated inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems.The information technology industry sees e-commerce activities as the application and implemetation of e-business (e-business) related to commercial transactions, such as: electronic fund transfers, SCM (supply chain management), electronic marketing (e-marketing), or online marketing (online marketing), online transaction processing, electronic data interchange / EDI, etc. The UMKM executant in the city on Tangerang still do not understand the use of the internet as a means to market products resulting from their creativity, which in addition to reaching a wider market can also improve living standards, especially for UMKM executant. The training is given based on the approach to the learning process of theory and learning practice of opening an online shop on toopedia, the results expected from this training are adding skills that can be applied and utilized directly by participants in improving their quality.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMBERDAYAAN KELOMPOK ORANG TUA SISWA POS PAUD WILAYAH KELURAHAN PASIR KALIKI KOTA CIMAHI JAWA BARAT 2019-07-31T01:36:17+07:00 Ratu Fenny Muldiani Siti Samsiyah Purwaningsih Kunlestiowati Hadiningrum Nani Yuningsih <p>Every early childhood has potential that needs to be developed optimally. One of the potential is scientific intelligence. Interaction in science education can take place in a family, school or community environment. Parents are the main formers of the child's personality, therefore there needs an effort in developing parents competence , especially to manage an interesting and easy science activity in relation to the child's growth process in everyday life. Due to the limitations of science and information, based on the survey results of the parents group of POS PAUD students in Kelurahan Pasir Kaliki, Cimahi City, found the far conditions from ideal about how parents interact and engage in the education process of their children, especially in science learning. To overcome this situation, through the Community Service of Politeknik Negeri Bandung activities, as an effort to empower the parents group of POS PAUD students were given guidance and training. Parents of students are provided with science materials for early childhood that are packaged in daily language using educative props assistance so the parents have the skills and creative thinking as competences in introducing science to their children at home. These educative props are then submitted to POS PAUD as a support to increase the number and types of educative props in schools. The activity evaluation results showed that participants felt a huge benefit in increasing their understanding and skills in introducing science to children. The results of the questionnaire with 12 items of statements and 20 respondents showed parents perceptions about the benefits of science training included in the good category (with a total score of 966).</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN E-COMMERCE DAN PENGEMBANGAN DIRI SERTA KETERAMPILAN BERBAHASA ASING BAGI SISWA SEKOLAH DALAM KEBUDAYAAN BANTEN 2019-07-31T01:39:36+07:00 Reni Haerani Yanti Anggraini Djoko Subali <p>The development of information technology is increasing rapidly at this time that has changed the lifestyle of society, including in terms of trade or business. One of the most rapid developments is e-commerce. This field will continue to grow and has an impact on the company's business progress, especially in improving direct marketing, organizational transformation and organizational redefinition, and also improving the quality of student competencies or improving the quality of human resources. Improving the quality of human resources that starts earlier can affect the competitiveness of the individual. The culture of Banten Province is very unique. The various ethnic groups that inhabit Banten region make the culture of Banten Province increase diversely. The diverse mixed multi-ethnic makes the tradition of Banten cultural peculiar, unique and interesting. Communities and cultures everywhere always change. This change, apart from the population and its composition, is also due to the diffusion of culture, new discoveries, especially technology and innovation, and also language.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMANFAATAN DAUN DAN UBI JALAR UNGU DALAM PEMBUATAN “BUBUR PELANGI” DI DESA SUKAWENING, DRAMAGA, KABUPATEN BOGOR, JAWA BARAT 2019-07-31T01:49:14+07:00 Retno Mardhiati Ni Ketut Sutiari Nurbani Kalsum Ade Chandra Iwansyah Mahani Mahani Sudikno Sudikno Renan Prasta Jenie Nurfi Afriansyah <p>Sukawening village is one of the regions that yields purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.). Purple sweet potato contains antosianin and possess antioksidant activity. There were 37 (age 50-70) individual of Sukawening villagers who join this activity in Posbindu (Intergrated Development Post) Tunas Mekar 2 in 2014. The activity done was demonstaration of “bubur pelangi” (rainbow-like-colored porridge) making. The ingridients are purple sweet potato, their leaves, Thai lemon basil leaves, rice, pumpkin, spinach, kangkong, long bean, corn and salt. The method to make the porridge is cook 500 gr rice with 6 L water for 15 minutes, then add the purple sweet potato, pumpkin, and the corn. After 15 minutes, put sweet purple potato leaves, Thai lemon basil leaves, spinach, kangkong, and long bean. Keep cooking it until it get thickened. Before it is served put a little salt in it. The sweet potato give stong color that prettify the presentation of bubur pelangi. The purple color of sweet potato is in harmoby with the yellow color from corn and pumpkin. The nutrition for 10 portion of bubur pelangi are energy (4684,7 kkal), carbohydrate (951,8 gr), protein (97,31 gr), fat (10,8 gr), calsium (445,6 mgr), Phosphor (2808,5 mgr), Fe (32,3 mgr), Vit A (3438,1 mgr), Vit B (2,7 mgr), and Vit C (218,3 mgr). Each partisipant stated that they like the presentation of bubur pelangi. This demonstration of bubur pelangi making is useful for the society, beside increasing their knowldege regarding purple sweet potato benefit. Moreover, it is attractive so people are interested in attending health and nutrition socialization activity.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## BUDIDAYA AYAM KAMPUNG UNGGUL BERBASIS PAKAN LOKAL 2019-07-31T01:55:20+07:00 Revolson Alexius Mege Jantje Ngangi Alfonds Andrew Maramis Jeane Mantiri <p>Laikit Village, located in Dimembe Subdistrict, North Minahasa Regency is one of<br>the villages that has a strategic position because it is flanked by three urban areas namely Manado, Airmadidi and Likupang. The potential of agricultural food crops and people's livestock should make Laikit a developed and self-sufficient village especially animal food such as free-range chicken. The free-range chicken farming in general is still carried out traditionally, even though local biological resources are available which can be formulated as local feed ingredients. As a result, very low productivity and easy inbreeding occur causing a decrease in the genetic quality of local free-range chickens. As a solution to these problems, a program called Diseminasi Produk Teknologi kepada Masyarakat (DPTM) has been carried out, aimed at applying knowledge and technology as well as cultivation skills of superior free-range chicken based on local feed to increase productivity, which in turn can increase economic income of society. The methods of this program use a combination of “science application” and “appropriate technology” with adult learning approach (Andragogics), so as to facilitate the creation of mechanisms, procedures and conditions that support the process of independent learning, as well as creating active participation and collaboration between the community and community service providers. Through this activity, it has been facilitated the efforts to increase knowledge and technology, as well as the business skills of free-range chicken farming by utilizing locally bioresources feeds with an achievement of 87 percent. The results were also achieved that the use of local bioresource-based feeds could increase the growth of free-range chickens which were not significantly<br>different from the use of factory feed.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMANFAATAN SISA OLAHAN IKAN DAN RAJUNGAN SEBAGAI INCOME GENERIC BAGI MASYARAKAT MUNDU PESISIR KABUPATEN CIREBON 2019-07-31T02:29:20+07:00 Ria Adriyani Nurhannah Widianti Erna Erna Agus Siswanto <p>The fishing community in Mundu Pesisir Village, Cirebon Regency, West Java generally fills their daily lifes through fishing activities. However, these skills have not been able to meet their needs because the income earned is uncertain. Based on field studies, the wives of fishermen have the potential to use processed fish leftovers and crab which have been disposed of when they became raw materials for making crackers. The purpose of the service is to provide the concept of revitalization through the Tatanan Ekonomi Masyarakat Nelayan (TEMAN) program so that people will have an income with simple and group business management. This program is implemented by applying (1) the lecture method to convey business motivation to the fishermen's wife group; (2) discussion the method as a medium of communication between the service team, trainers, and group members in the context of the progress of making fish paste crackers and crab crackers; (3) direct practice methods are used to demonstrate the manufacturing process based on the training that has been obtained; (4) comparative study methods provide insight to members regarding developing SMEsso that they have experience as capital in managing small business activities, but can provide regular income (income generic). The implementation of the TEMAN program greatly helped fishermen's wives in pioneering the business of utilizing leftover processed fish and lemi as raw original materials for making crackers. The results of this service show that (1) community are able to pioneer cracker business as one of the typical products of Mundu Pesisir Village; and (2) simple business management training and marketing training generate generic income for groups of IDR 500,000 per week.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMBERDAYAAN PEREMPUAN DALAM PEMANFAATAN BANTUAN CSR PT. TELKOM DI KELURAHAN SUKAPURA KECAMATAN KIARACONDONG KOTA BANDUNG 2019-07-31T02:31:54+07:00 Riany L. Nurwulan Nina Kurniasih <p>The community service with the theme of Women's Empowerment aims to support empowerment activities for women housewives and adolescents organized by a group "Iqra House" in Sukapura Sub-District, Kiaracondong District, Bandung City, as recipients of CSR assistance from PT. Telkom is a set of women's empowerment equipment, namely ovens, mixers, sewing machines, and obras machines. It was found a problem, that for the continued use of assistance, this group was constrained by the availability of basic practice materials, because it did not collect fees from participants. The continuity of activities only uses makeshift materials from participants and administrators. Through the method of lecturing and demonstration, the activities carried out were to provide cooking skills training and a set of materials for the practice of making cakes in addition to capital for the continuity of activities. It was held at the time that coincided with the month of Ramadan, so that the results of this activity belonged to the participants of the activity and were made as Eid cakes.The results of this training are increasing knowledge and skills in the participants of the activity, which can be utilized when participants intend to seek additional income either by accepting orders or selling their products directly. Based on monitoring and evaluation, women's empowerment activities can take place on an ongoing basis because of a sense of togetherness between the management, participants and the local government. Because of this activity which was originally only attended by local residents, the participants increased from other villages in Kiaracondong District. Thus the final results of the activity are increased capacity of participants, namely having the ability to fulfill their basic needs, express ideas, make life choices, carry out economic activities, reach out and mobilize resources, and participate in social activities.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI DAN PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT SEKITAR TAHURA ORANG KAYO HITAM SEBAGAI UPAYA PENANGGULANGAN KEBAKARAN HUTAN DAN LAHAN GAMBUT 2019-07-31T02:36:03+07:00 Richard Robintang Parulian Napitupulu Bambang Irawan Novriyanti Novriyanti <p>TAHURA Orang Kayo Hitam is a buffer zone of Berbak and Sembilang National Park which burns due to human activities, because its location is easily accessible to the public, both for taking wood and fishing. In addition to the 300 ha rehabilitation has been carried out with surrounding community such as Seponjen Village, quality improvement efforts also needed to reduce of access to collect directly the forest product from TAHURA. Its considered to interfere an imbalance of interests, both of conserving biodiversity and its ecosystem interests and the interests of the community's needs for the region. We offer solutions to build alternative livelihoods by managing floating cages collectively so that the community access efforts into Tahura area be diminishing. Based on our program that have been carried out, as many as more than 100% of the 30 target communities attended the seminar on forest fires and efforts to improve their microeconomics. The acccustomary people who fishing in TAHURA have been given the knowledge and techniques of floating cage cultivation, making peat water level monitoring equipment, and composting using simple technology. They was formed into 4 groups consisting of 5 people created their cages together on the Kumpeh River of Seponjen Village. This program will continue to be monitored and we hope the fish produced can be sustain in large<br>quantities, while reducing the dependence of the community on Tahura.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGETAHUAN PENYIMPANAN MAKANAN UNTUK MENGURANGI FOOD WASTE BAGI ANAK USIA DINI DALAM MENUNJANG SDGs 2019-07-31T02:47:56+07:00 Rika Isnarti Anita Afriani Sinulingga Haiyyu Darman Monier Sofia Trisni Ardila Putri <p>This outreach program aims to provide basic knowledge for early childhood or pre-school in supporting one of the achievements in the SDGs, especially achievement number 12, namely the realization of responsible and sustainable consumption and food production. However, the high number of food waste is one of the obstacles to realizing the goals of the SDGs. Providing basic education, awareness program on food nutrition and food management is one of the efforts that can be done to reduce the amount of food waste. However, the education of food waste and food management must be carried out from an early age because the waste of food has been formed early on, so that if awareness of food waste has been built since early, it is hoped that the future consumption patterns can minimize food waste. Education or knowledge about food nutrition in order to reduce food waste is very diverse and wide. For early childhood one of the knowledge that is expected to be mastered is knowing the storage technique well as an effort to reduce food waste early on. For this reason, this service program was held as a form of response to how to reduce food waste and establish behavioral awareness of food waste from an early age. This service uses two main methods, namely socialization in the form of giving stories with pictures to early childhood about food waste and continued with food storage games, where the target of service is given a food prototype and asked to store it in various containers. The results of this service show that, the target of service has a fundamental understanding of the awareness of food waste and knowing how to store the food they consume on a daily basis.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENYUSUNAN PROPOSAL STUDI KELAYAKAN PENGEMBANGAN USAHA BAGI INDUSTRI KECIL DI DESA BABAKAN KECAMATAN CIPARAY KABUPATEN BANDUNG 2019-07-31T02:50:19+07:00 Rizki Wahyuniardi <p>For Industry, capital availability is one important - yet intriguing aspect in business<br>development. Lack of capital has always been the main reason for stopping a business development - especially for small-scale industries. Capital generation through proposing certain loans is not preferable due to lack of confidence in paying it back from the business outcome / product sales outcome. This doubt has created a stagnant business system in the village. The loan system offered by banking organization was also not an option for the small business in the village. The reason was the unbearable burden of the loans refund to the bank. Little do they knew, that there are loan schemes from the bank which are reasonably affordable for small- scale business, as long as the business are firstly assessed in terms of its capability of making profits, hence its ability to return the bank loans. The small business owner in the village has not been familiar with the assessment which is included in a feasibility study for business - they did not know their business capability of making profit. Therefore, it is urgent that these small business owners understand the importance of the calculation of their business competency and their profit indication from the business. For the aforementioned necessities in the village, our community service provided a training to create a proper feasibility study proposal for the small business owners in the Babakan Village, Ciparay Subdistrict, Bandung Regency. The training will provide a substantial comprehension of the feasibility of a business and its development, the arrangement of a feasibility proposal for the business and also the accompaniment should there be any issues emerges. The proposal is expected to be a strong support for the business owner for proposing a bank loan or any loans. By creating the proposa, it is expected also that the small business owners understand their financial capability of the business and also the potential development from the business activity that they operate. In general, the understanding will improve their knowledge regarding the feasibility studies proposal which includes activity development and its impact, technology, human resource and also financial indications of their business.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENERAPAN KEARIFAN LOKAL SISTEM PERKAWINAN TAAMBIK ANAK DI DESA EMPAT LAWANG SUMATERA SELATAN 2019-07-31T02:53:34+07:00 Rusmini Rusmini Juniar Hartikasari <p>The taambik anak marriage system is a system of marriage based on local wisdom where a son-in-law is appointed as a child by his parents-in-law, this meaning is the same semendo as taking a child. Where the legal consequences of a marriage system like this are both settling down and earning a living at the wife's house. This service is field Research, which is to make direct observations about events relating to the title of service. This service is a qualitative service with the model case study service. Qualitative service is a service that intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the subject of devotion. In taambik marriages boys are still obliged to pay honest and dowry to women, men are not made heirs, and children who are produced from taambik marriages children do not break up with their father</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN UNTUK NON KEUANGAN BAGI APARATUR PEMERINTAH DESA BABAKAN KECAMATAN CIPARAY KABUPATEN BANDUNG 2019-07-31T02:55:18+07:00 Sidik Nurjaman <p>This community service objective is to improve the finance management knowledge of the village governmental officer of Babakan Village, Subdistrict Ciparay,Bandung Regency. The village is one of the potential villages that have a significant regional governmental budget (APBD) of 2.2 billion Rupiahs which required to be properly managed by the village officer. This burden of budget management would require finance-trained officers. However, in average, the village officers have never received finance and / or accounting education nor trainings in a formal institution. Therefore, the village government has included a human-resource development goal within their Medium-term Village Development Plan (RPJMDes) of 2013 – 2019. In order to give an aid for the needs of trained finance officer, which also in line with the human resource developmental program of the village, this community service provided finance training program for the non-finance officer of the village government. In the first year of the community service implementation, a portion of finance trainings were given to target staffs who are responsible for the village finance management and also to staffs from the division of village budgeting. The training portion for the first year comprises the making of financial report in the form of Finance journal, Balance, Profit and Loss, Cash Flow and Ratio which express the fitness of the regional finance. The first-year results showed that the target staffs have successfully managed to comprehend and actually implement the method to develop the proper bundle of financial report.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## UPAYA MENGEMBANGKAN KEMAMPUAN GURU KOTA BANDUNG DAN SEKITARNYA UNTUK MENDESAIN PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS STEM (SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS) MELALUI KEGIATAN LOKAKARYA 2019-07-31T02:59:43+07:00 Siti Sriyati Diana Rochintaniawati Ari Widodo Widi Purwianingsih Riandi Riandi <p>Community Service activities aim to develop the ability of teachers to design STEM- based learning (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic). Community Service activities were held in March 2018 at FPMIPA UPI Bandung. The participants of this activity were teachers in Bandung and its surroundings consisting of 35 different levels of education (PAUD, SD, SMP, SMA, SMK and students). The activities are carried out through several stages including: exposure to STEM, explanations about designing STEM-based learning, workshops designing STEM-based learning and presentation of STEM-based learning designs in groups. Teacher questionnaires were given to collect data about teacher demographics, teaching methods and facilities, perceptions of STEM. Based on the results of the questionnaire it is known that not many teachers have implemented STEM-based learning in their schools. This is supported by the results of the lesson plan made by the teacher at the workshop stage. The teacher is able to bring up new ideas in designing STEM-based lesson plan (RPP). In general, teachers are good at designing STEM and RPP-based learning that is made ready to be implemented in the classroom.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## UPAYA ALIH USAHA PETANI DI LAHAN RAWAN EROSI DENGAN USAHA BUDIDAYA JAMUR (STUDI KASUS DI KP PAMEGATAN DESA MEKARJAYA GARUT) 2019-07-31T03:05:44+07:00 Siti Syarah Maesyaroh Ervi Herawati Maryati Puspitasari <p>The aim of this program is to provide solutions to farmers who are on erosion land in order to be able to switch businesses to other types of businesses that can overcome the problems that have been faced. Mushroom cultivation has many advantages and is quite profitable so it is considered to be the right solution for business transfer from farmers on erosion-prone land. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and train farmers and then analyze the results. The research data was obtained by observation, documentation and interviews with farmers who were fostered and the results of a review of the literature. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. The result is mushroom cultivation has several advantages compared to several other types of vegetable plants. The RC ratio of mushroom cultivation is also quite high compared to other cultivation, and the type most suitable for cultivation in the village is a type of white oyster mushroom.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN DAN PRAKTIK BISNIS BERBASIS PELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP DI SMA NEGERI 9 KOTA TANGERANG 2019-07-31T03:10:07+07:00 Slamet Mudjijah Yugi Setyarko <p>SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang is a school that cares about the environment. One of the work programs of SMA 9 Tangerang is to become an Adiwiyata pilot school. This service activity is in the form of training and environmental-based business practices. Activities are followed by teachers and students. After participating in the dedication activities, the training participants are expected to be able to cultivate the principles of green entrepreneurship in the school environment and its surroundings. Activities carried out by the method of lecture, discussion, observation and direct practice. The first activity was the introduction of environmental preservation, green consumerism and green entrepreneurship. The second activity: waste treatment practices, the third activity: observation to the BudiLuhur University gallery as a pilot of a business incubator. Evaluation of activities recommends further activities in the form of ongoing assistance in waste reproduction activities and the establishment of business incubators.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL DALAM DIPLOMASI PUBLIK 2019-07-31T03:13:43+07:00 Sofia Trisni Ardila Putri Rika Isnarti <p>Social media has became youth daily accessible communication’s tool. It is recorded that around 120 million Indonesian are using social media. Considering those abundant number of social media users, we interested to deliver short training for students of MAN 2 Tanah Datar, West Sumatera related to the contribution as public diplomacy agent through activities in social media. Tanah datar located in mountain area, 3 hours drive from the capital city Padang. This region rich of cultural heritage with beautiful scenery. Unfortunately this region is still infamous compare to Bukittinggi for example. This community service is delivered for 250 students of MAN 2 Tanah Datar, who almost all of them are social media users. We deliver this community service in form of lecture with exercise (training) with giving an example of activities that can be clasified as public diplomacy through social media. We conducted pre and post test to measure student’s understanding of the topic. We found an indication that the students understand the training through the post test that we conduted after the lecture and also the exercise during lecture.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT PELATIHAN OPTIMALISASI BIAYA PEMASARAN UNTUK MEMBENTUK MODEL PENGELOLAAN BIAYA PEMASARAN YANG EFEKTIF 2019-07-31T03:16:36+07:00 Sri Ambarwati Sri Widyastuti <p>Presently, MSMEs in Indonesia growing very rapidly which carry out employment more than 90% of the total workforce. In order to promote its performance, MSMEs must be able to allocate and optimally manage marketing costs that their products and services can be accepted and purchased. This study aims to find factors that influence the optimization of marketing costs and analyze these factors to develop an effective and efficient marketing cost management model. The study was conducted at Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta. The sample used is 26 UMKM. Data were obtained using a questionnaire. Indepth interview technique used with an exploratory study technique to obtain information through individual interviews to gain understanding. Based on the analysis, can be concluded that the marketing cost model will be more effective if the marketing method is developed using an outlet network, using exhibition facilities by prioritizing products that use innovation by directing efforts to obtain sustainable coaching from private institutions/BUMNs with the use of a variety of marketing media including media on line.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENINGKATAN KECAKAPAN HIDUP (LIFE SKILLS) REMAJA MELALUI USAHA SABLON KAOS BERBASIS INSTITUSI 2019-07-31T03:19:45+07:00 Sumardani Sumardani Yuyun Yuningsih Nina Kurniasih <p>Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial Anak (LKSA) is an institution that has a real role in the effort of<br>responsibility to provide social welfare services to abandoned children by carrying out assistance and alleviation of neglected children, providing surrogate services for parents / guardians of children to fulfill their physical, mental and social needs. foster children so that they have broad, appropriate and adequate opportunities for the development of their personality as expected as part of the future generation of the nation's ideals. Therefore, the existence of Child Welfare Institutions is so important and strategic, in serving as well as preventing them from becoming neglected children, marginalized children, or children who are not cared for. LKSA Muhammadiyah Bandung is a child social welfare institution that provides social services and guidance to foster children, such as: education services, care services, physical guidance, and social guidance. However, the efforts made by the LKSA are very limited considering the costs they have come only from donors. The problem is actually preparing the children after graduating from high school, they are not prepared to go directly into the job field, what else to continue to the level of Higher Education. Thus, after graduating from high school they were unemployed and had difficulty finding work. Moreover, the institution's regulations only administer and finance children to senior high school, after which they will be returned to their parents for those who still have parents. For this reason, LKSA must provide them with skills and expertise or life skills. While the Institute itself has limited carrying capacity to shape and guide their expertise, both in terms of costs, human resources (HR), and equipment. On the basis of these problem conditions, the proponent team had the idea to make the Putra Muhammadiyah LKSA a partner in the Young Men Entrepreneur LKSAP creation program with the following priorities to create young men who have entrepreneurial spirit and have business / business knowledge and insights and have skills / expertise work. So that it is expected that once they graduate from high school, they can become teenagers who are independent and have expertise.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENINGKATAN PRODUK NIRA DI DUSUN GUNUNG PADANG KABUPATEN CIANJUR 2019-07-31T03:23:58+07:00 Sumartini Sumartini Willy Pranata Widjaja <p>Aren (Arrenga pinnata) is one of the palm families that has high economic potential and can thrive in tropical regions such as Indonesia. Palm plants can grow in all kinds of soil conditions, both clayey, calcareous and sandy. Beyond that, palm trees can still grow but are not optimal in producing. Aren into Productive Economic Commodities in Gunung Padang, Cianjur Regency "It is expected that the community can utilize palm sap as an increase in welfare, especially in economic matters. Furthermore, the specific target to be achieved is to provide knowledge / technology about the processing of palm sap into products of economic value to the community, especially to palm sugar farmers, especially those in the Gunung Padang area of Cianjur Regency. The problems that exist in farmer groups in Gunung Padang Subdistrict that are attached to each individual are one of the problems outside of technology, among others, most of the people there do not yet know the technology of the process of making ant sugar. These problems have many negative impacts, for that the practical solution is to debrief insights and the ability of farmers / craftsmen who were originally large as they did not know the technology of making ant sugar after this training could become a successful entrepreneur in the field of ant sugar The community has been able to utilize palm juice as an increase in welfare, especially in economic, scientific / technological issues about processing palm sugar into economic value products that exist in Gunung Padang, Cianjur Regency</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGOLAHAN SAMPAH TERPADU DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN INDUSTRI KREATIF DI MASYARAKAT KELURAHAN KERSAMENAK KECAMATAN KAWALU KOTA TASIKMALAYA 2019-07-31T03:27:42+07:00 Supratman Supratman Eri Cahrial Nani Ratnaningsih <p>The accumulation of garbage causes air pollution that is less healthy because of the unpleasant aroma. Household waste that is wasted every day has high economic value after being touched by creative hands. Organic waste can be processed into organic fertilizer which is needed to re-fertilize the soil and plant needs. Inorganic waste after cleaning can be used by mothers to make various kinds of creations such as wallets, bags, fruit and mats in their spare time. The skills to utilize both organic and inorganic waste can be developed to increase people's income. This Appropriate Technology (TTG) partner is a youth group named Taman Sari Youth Youth Institution (LEPPTASI) and a group of Women from the Taklim Al-Mutaqin 2 Assembly in Taman sari Housing, Karsamenak Village, Kawalu District, Tasikmalaya City. The TTG method included counseling and training in sorting and selecting organic and inorganic waste, the practice of enumerating organic waste, counseling and training on organic waste fermentation to quickly become compost, training and the practice of using coffee wrap used as bags, wallets and mats, assisting activities. The result of TTG is to improve the skills of partners in<br>utilizing waste to become a creative industry in the community.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SOSIALISASI KONSEP KENAKALAN REMAJA: PENCEGAHAN PERILAKU SEKS BEBAS DI KALANGAN REMAJA DI SMKN 2 TANGERANG SELATAN 2019-07-31T03:29:53+07:00 Supriyono B. Sumbogo <p>Juvenile delinquency seems to have become part of the social problems of the community and if we carefully analyze these facts, then a simple conclusion can be stated that the element of adolescence in a community group is a dominant or a lot of special attention. One of the juvenile delinquency which is a separate topic is free sex. Even free sex outside marriage is done by teenagers can be said is not a delinquency anymore, but something that is natural and has become a habit. This community service activity uses methods in the form of presentations, talk shows and discussions with participants of students of SMKN 2 Tangerang Selatan as well as all high school/vocational high school students in the South Tangerang region who participate in the 2017 South Tangerang City Scout Training, which was held on Sunday, November 19th, 2017. The majority of participants are students in the age range of teenagers right to be the target of the activity. This is based on the reason that adolescent development in adolescence, consists of early, middle and late adolence. Characteristics of adolescents in general in the form of bonds in peer group, emotionally unstable and need more attention summarized during the activity process. At this time, many teenagers are trapped in promiscuity. Adolescent association that is synonymous with negative association raises the opinion of adolescents that adolescence is the most beautiful period and is always a reason so many teenagers become victims of free sex and cause something deviant.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## INOVASI BUDI DAYA JAMUR TIRAM DENGAN PEMANFAATAN KAMAR-KAMAR KOSONG KOS-KOSAN MAHASISWA 2019-07-31T03:34:42+07:00 Suryani Suryani Sariani Sariani Femi Earnestly <p>Wisma Warta Ulak Karang Padang complex, located near the Bung Hatta University Campus I Gate. So far, mothers who have homes around the campus use their homes for boarding houses or student lodgings, but in recent years, starting in 2010 until now, due to the tsunami issue, lectures at Bung Hatta University Ulak Karang Campus I are almost 80% transferred to Campus II in the Aie Pacah area which is the green line for the Tsunami. As a result, many empty boarding rooms were left by students who had moved to the boarding-house location near Campus II. This also results in a loss of income for the community, especially these mothers. To overcome this, one way is to make an effort to innovate Oyster mushroom cultivation by utilizing the empty rooms of the boarding houses as the place/land for cultivation. The method of carrying out this activity was carried out beginning with Oyster mushroom cultivation training, business management training such as packaging, brands and business permits and bookkeeping training. With this community service program, good results were obtained, which were able to solve problems in terms of financial income or additional income for this group of women replacing the boarding house / lodging for Bung Hatta University students.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## DISEMINASI TEKNOLOGI KONVERSI GULA PALMA CETAK (KELAPA DAN SIWALAN) MENJADI GULA KRISTAL (SEMUT) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN NILAI EKONOMIS PRODUK 2019-07-31T03:38:53+07:00 Susinggih Wijana Dodyk Pranowo Susenohaji Susenohaji Novianti Adi Rohmanna <p>Palm sugar is a type of sugar which made from palm sap and usually it processed be“gula batok” and has been developed to crystal sugar because it more capable of increase consumer interest. However during the process of making ant sugar, it is necessary to have good quality sap (reduced sugar content &lt;6%) and this condition tends to be produced during the dry season. This certainly has an impact on the continuity of ant sugar production. Therefore, to overcome this problem reprocessing (reprocessing) or advanced methods from the form of print sugar into the form of ant sugar that has high economic value depends on the quality of the sugar produced. The Advanced Method (pedaling, drying, sifting and sieving) is carried out if the quality of the ant sugar produced from the reproduction is of good quality, but if the low-quality print sugar is carried out the process of reprocessing (molding, dissolving, FCS addition, crystallization, drying and sieving) as in the Granted Patent IDP000043934 procedure on December 21, 2016. In this activity dissemination activities have been carried out consisting of: a) reprocessing technology training; b) delivery of tools for making ant sugar; and c) assisting production technology. The object of dissemination that will be empowered consists of coconut sugar craft (UMKM) clusters in Nglegok Village, Kec. Nglegok, Blitar. Indicators used to measure technology adoption capabilities include: ease of technology adoption, increased production capacity of ant sugar, prices of ant sugar products produced, and increased income of craftsmen (UMKM) concerned. The results show that the process of technology dissemination can improve the quality of ant sugar so that it is more profitable for UMKM.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PKM KELOMPOK USAHA SEPATU RACING DESA CILAMPENI KATAPANG KABUPATEN BANDUNG 2019-07-31T09:22:55+07:00 T. Subarsyah S Frilia S. R Elli Ruslina Siti Rodiah <p>Berdasarkan analisis situasi tim kami di lapangan, UKM yang dijadikan mitra dalam skema pengabdian ini adalah kelompok perajin sepatu DLN racing di Desa Cilampeni Katapang Kabupaten Bandung. Nampak beberapa permasalahan pada UKM tersebut di antaranya pemilihan bahan baku, proses produksi, iklan dan merek usaha, dan sebagainya. Dari sekian permasalahan yang ada pada UKM tersebut, tim mencoba membantu beberapa masalah mitra sebagai prioritas utama dari segi: a) pengembangan soft-skill dan Harskill, pemerekan, iklan dan teknis pemsaran. Harga eceran yang ditawarkan juga tidak sebesar harga yang dijual oleh distributor. Hal ini menyebabkan sistem pemasaran mitra sangat rendah walaupun minat terhadap sepatu racing cukup tinggi. Program pengabdian ini bertujuan agar tim dapat membantu dan memberikan i de, gagasan, dan solusi terhadap permasalahan yang terdapat pada mitra (Bapak Jajang) sebagai ketua UKM sepatu racing di Desa Cilampeni Kecamatan Katapang Kabupaten Bandung guna meningkatkan penjualan sepatu racing dan memaksimalkan pemasaran yang disesuaikan dengan kemajuan teknologi. Adapun target khusus dalam kegiatan PKM ini adalah menjadikan mitra lebih mandiri dan dapat memperoleh penghasilan yang maksimal. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan PKM ini adalah pendekatan Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) yang di awali dengan pengondisian tim dengan menyusun rancangan kegiatan dengan membuat Forum Discussion Group (FGD) yang pada akhirnya merumuskan program pelatihan sekurang-kurangnya 8 jam. Adapun metode pelaksanaan kegiatan secara rinci adalah melakukan tanya jawab sebelum kegiatan pemberian materi berlangsung, guna mengetahui permasalahan yang lebih akurat yang dihadapi oleh mitra. Setelah itu pemberian materi oleh tim dan di akhiri dengan menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh mitra dan melakukan diskusi dalam membuat akun daring dengan memanfaatkan toko daring Tokopedia. Hasil dari pelatihan tersebut terciptnya akun toko daring untuk mempermudah mitra dalam melakukan penjualan sepatu racing secara mandiri. Kegiatan selanjutnya yang tim lakukan adalah melakukan pendampingan lapangan selama 6 bulan dengan memperhatikan juga tatakelola pembukuan, neraca, rugi laba, dan sebagainya.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN PENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN MEMBERIKAN PERTANYAAN TAKSONOMI KOGNITIF PADA GURU SEKOLAH DASAR 2019-07-31T10:44:54+07:00 Taufiqulloh Dahlan Jaka Permana Feby Inggriyani Abdul Mu’min Saud Acep Roni Hamdani <p>One of the skills that a teacher needs to master is asking skills. The purpose of community service is training to improve the skills of teacher-specific questions in providing cognitive questions. The cognitive question category refers to Bloom's cognitive taxonomy revised by Anderson and Krathwohl. The cognitive process aspect category is a comprehensive classification of cognitive processes of students in accordance with educational goals. This training was attended by elementary school teachers. The method of this training activity is carried out by presentation, discussion, question and answer and individual or group training to make questions based on cognitive taxonomy. Specifically the objectives obtained from this training are to obtain (1) description of the skills improvement training process providing cognitive taxonomy questions in primary school teachers. (2) Obtain an overview of the teacher's ability to provide cognitive taxonomic questions.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH DALAM MEMBANGUN DAERAH SADAR WISATA KASUNDAAN YANG BERBASIS KEARIFAN LOKAL 2019-07-31T10:51:30+07:00 Taufiqurokhman Taufiqurokhman Evi Satispi Andriansyah Andriansyah <p>The purpose of writing the results of dedication is to provide input on government policies in developing local wisdom-based tourism conscious areas. Indonesia's 70th ranking from 140 countries for tourism and travel competitiveness index. Its position is below Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand. Even though Indonesia has a very beautiful and enchanting wealth of nature and culture, it has even implemented a free visa visit and an ongoing visit year. The community service methodology uses descriptive qualitative methods, with a multidisciplinary approach. The reason is that community service is done naturally by using various methods, theories, techniques and instruments. As a result, the Tourism Awareness Program was launched since 2003, until now there needs to be an increase towards significant changes and results. The things that need to be improved are, resentment, security and safety as well as service and fostering local and creative industries to build awareness of people who have entrepreneurial characteristics. This community service is expected to be used as a Infinity region reference to build a conscious character of community tourism in the destination through local wisdom, and destinies in the Indonesian region in general.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERBANDINGAN PERFORMA PRODUKSI AYAM KAMPUNG LOKAL DAN AYAM KAMPUNG SUPER 2019-07-31T10:56:59+07:00 Tendy Kusmayadi Mega Royani Maryati Puspitasari <p>The aim of this program was to determine the performance of super native chicken production developed by the Campus Innovation Product Development Program (PPUPIK) at the University of Garut and to compare the growth rates between super native chicken and local native chicken. The benefit is to be used as information in seeing business opportunities from super native chicken farming. The research data was obtained by observation techniques, documentation from the production of super native chicken farming in chicken coops owned by the PPUPIK program, also by taking data from the literature. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. The performance of super native chicken compared to local native chickens has higher body weight, lower mortality, and lower feed conversion. Based on its performance, the super native chicken farming business is more profitable compared to local native chicken</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IbM USAHA PRODUK SUSU KEFIR 2019-07-31T11:01:39+07:00 Teuku Mufizar Dani Rohpandi <p>In Tasikmalaya city there are many kefir milk activists. Almost all kefir dairy entrepreneurs are still doing manual processing and marketing. Kefir milk processing is done using very simple equipment and has not used a measuring instrument so that the products produced by the production capacity and quality are still very low. To overcome this, the Science and Technology Team for the Community (IbM) STMIK Tasikmalaya, 1) Designing a website to promote and market it, 2) Providing the application of kefir milk production and processing management, and 3) Good financial management. With this, it will have an impact on increasing productivity in partners of the kefir Astina milk business owned by Mr. Asep Sutisna, having his address at Perum Griya Muncang Asri D-1, Kawalu Subdistrict, Tasikmalaya City and partner of Kefir milk entrepreneur Tamma Kefir, owned by Ms. Tatun Mustaotin, having his address at Jl. Burujul II No. 11 Ex. Nagarasari Kec. Cipedes, Tasikmalaya City. The goals to be achieved are good management of production and marketing, the output will help improve their quality, productivity and welfare. The results obtained from this activity: 1) Website to carry out product promotion and marketing. 2) Production supporting equipment and supporting measuring devices that will increase production quantity from 20 liters per week to 40 - 60 liters per week. 3) The quality of products is increasing and products are packaged more perfectly. And 4) Financial management applications to help control income and expenditure so that financial management is better.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## WORKSHOP ALAT PERAGA PEMBELAJARAN SEBAGAI UPAYA PENINGKATAN MINAT BELAJAR SISWA MENGGUNAKAN BATANG PERKALIAN DI SD N 024 TARAI BANGUN 2019-07-31T11:06:43+07:00 Theresia Lydia Nova Arnida Sari Granita Granita <p>Based on the results of discussions with teachers at SD N 024 Tarai Bangun Kampar Regency, it was concluded that the teachers at the elementary school wanted assistance in the form of workshops in the manufacture and use of teaching aids to develop the interest of elementary school students in learning compounded multiplication in mathematics. The multiplication method using the multiplication stem also aims to improve the affective ability of elementary school students to be creative in learning multiplication. This is caused by several factors, including: (1) Many students calculate multiplication using a simple and limited finger in calculating the multiplication of two numbers; (2) Students cannot complete the next material in the advanced class, because they have not been able to quickly break down the results of multiplication; (3) In fact, the teachers at SD N 024 Tarai Bangun Kampar District do not have much experience in making and using learning media in the form of teaching aids. The purpose of this service is to provide workshops in the form of making and using teaching aids in multiplication material. The method used is in the form of lectures, question and answer, demonstrations, the practice of making and using learning media in the form of teaching aids on multiplication. In the service process there is a two-way interaction between the service team and the service participants to convey their ideas, opinions, thoughts and experiences. The results of this service activity are: (1) Students in elementary school can calculate multiplication easily and pleasantly; (2) Students can complete the next material especially in multiplication in grades 4 and 5; and (3) the teachers directly participate in this service and can add insight into the implementation of elementary mathematics learning innovations using teaching aids in the form of multiplication rods.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## APLIKASI CARA PENGEMASAN PRODUK MINUMAN ROSELA AMAN BAGI UMKM DESA KARYA MUKTI KECAMATAN CAMPAKA. KABUPATEN CIANJUR 2019-07-31T13:30:16+07:00 Thomas Gozali Yusman Taufik <p>With the aim of developing resources for the community to have a strategic role in the Indonesian economy. Community service activities are problem solving, comprehensive, integrated, complete, and sustainable with non-singular goals. Packaging products or introducing rosella juice products which are produced as one of the flower products with super taste is available with various flavors, also with various flavors that cannot be overcome. Our consumers will be able to take roselle juice easily. The method of implementation is how to package products with packaging that will be carried out starting from the inspection of raw materials, weighing, labeling of pre-shipment packaging and packaging. During the packaging and packaging process, the PPM team from the Faculty of Engineering will be supervised to carry out quality. During this time the field of choice craftsmen has been given training in theory and practice, business meetings and coaching on their own training, results that can be accessed thus the masses who will carry out this activity are not limited to the limitations of the development and have strong competitiveness. From the results of packaging carried out by the pillars of the community given the opportunity to market at outlets around Gunung Padang and the verandas around the sub-district, until now this has been utilized by SMEs from the village.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGEMBANGAN USAHA PANTI ASUHAN PUTRI AISYIYAH MALANG (PAP’A) 2019-07-31T13:35:48+07:00 Titiek Ambarwati Fika Fitriasari <p>The Putri Aisyiyah Orphanage Malang business began in 2000, engaged in the food sector which is producing catering and wet cakes. Various wet cakes Putri Aisyiyah Orphanage Malang (Pap'a) has a very big opportunity on the market because there are still a few catering and wet cake businesses that are developing in Malang. The potential of this wet cake is quite large, and Pap'a is able to make wet cakes with tastes that are in accordance with the wishes of customers or consumers, so that this business develops quite rapidly. Wet cakes are snacks made from various mixtures of food raw materials and have various types and shapes. This wet cake is a term pinned for a type of cake that has a softer, relatively wet and soft texture. This type of cake has a relatively short shelf life because it has a higher moisture content compared to bakery cake types. This catering and wet cake can be used as a menu for guests, campus events, weddings with attractive wet cakes. The output of Community Service Activities through the Putri Aisyiyah Malang Orphanage business assistance program is an increase in sales volume and increased income for the Putri Aisyiyah Orphanage Malang. Apart from that, another outcome of the Putri Aisyiyah Malang Orphanage business assistance program was the existence of the Hygiene Worthy Certificate, and Scientific Publication.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## KAJIAN IMPLENTASI KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA (K3) LISTRIK DALAM PROSES BELAJAR MENGAJAR DI LINGKUNGAN PROGRAM STUDI TEKNIK OTOMASI SMKN 1 CIMAHI 2019-07-31T13:40:57+07:00 Toto Tohir Robert Adriaan P Sunarto Sunarto Yudi Prana Hikmat <p>Education should pay attention to the importance of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), one of which is SMKN 1 Cimahi, a vocational high school emphasizing more on practices than theories in their learning process. SMKN 1 Cimahi has these study program departments: 1) Electrical Engineering, 2) Communication Electrical Engineering, 3) Process Control, 4) Mechanical Control, 5) Industrial Automation Engineering, 6) Refrigeration Engineering, 7) Computer and Network Engineering, 8) Software Engineering, 9) Television Program Production and Broadcasting. In the practices learning process, the OSH equipment have not been maximally utilized both by students and lecturers because there are assumptions from the majority of the students and lecturers that the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is uninteresting and slows down the work though they are aware that the absence of PPE may cause negative effects. There are efforts in preventing or anticipating the possible accidents which are through civilizing the neatness, discipline, and taking care of the work environment for convenience and safety. The research object for the community service research activity which is held at SMKN 1 is the department of Industrial Automation Engineering, and the participants are the heads of the department, lecturers, technicians, and representatives of all departments’ students. The learning material focuses on the socialization of the OSH aspects on electrical because electricity is one of vital components and takes important role in facilitating learning process. All participants, aside from learning applied theories, are provided with direct field practices which are examining and testing on electric panels and grounding systems. It is acquired from this research that most participants become aware of the potential electric risks at workplace.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGEMBANGAN POTENSI DESA WISATA MELALUI ANALISA SWOT DI DESA CIKOLELET, SERANG, BANTEN 2019-07-31T13:48:06+07:00 Vienna Artina Sembiring Ira Maya Sari Ervina Taviprawati <p>Cikolelet Village is one of the villages located in Cinangka Regency, West Java. The location of Cikolelet village is adjacent to the tourist area of Anyer beach, Serang. Cikolelet Village has natural potential that can be developed as a tourism village based on nature, on the other hand villages also have shortcomings that need to be fostered. The process of introducing potential uses the SWOT analysis method. The SWOT analysis used is a tool to recognize the strengths, weaknesses of a village and see the opportunities and threats faced by the village. The activities carried out are in accordance with what is needed by the villagers, namely providing HR training, homestay, creative industries and excellent service to the surrounding residents, amounting to 30 people. The aim is to map the facts of the potential and constraints that Cikolelet village has and the results of the analysis found can be a reference for realizing Cikolelet village to become a tourist village.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMETAAN POTENSI PASAR DAN STRATEGI PEMASARAN TERUNG UNGU MANIS 2019-07-31T13:55:14+07:00 Yadi Ernawadi Elis Dwiana Ratnamurni <p>Based on problem identification recognized that the sweet eggplant producers in Cibeber Sub-District South Cimahi District Cumahi City still needed supervison in increasing the knowledge about the efective marketing steps. Hence, the community service was conducted based on the key idea according to marketing perspective. The method consist of identifying strengths and weaknesess of the producers by interviewing and discussing in a focus group that involved related parties. Furtfermore, identifying opportunities and threats that were obtained from market and competition research. The research result drive the produsers aware tha importance of shifting from etnocentrism to market orientation in order to design marketing strategy easier. The findings of the research showed that the producers still have to pay their attention for increasing their product quality attributes. Meanwhile, the setting pricing policy suggested is value based pricing in order to meet the balance of benefits and cost perceived by consumers. Beside that, the souvenir shops which offering specicific local snack supposed fit based on consumer perception. Finally, the use of social media in delivering the message of tengunis recommended in promoting the product efectively and efficiently.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMBERDAYAAN USAHA KECIL KERAJINAN AKAR WANGI DI KABUPATEN BANDUNG JAWA BARAT 2019-07-31T14:00:04+07:00 Yanti Susila Tresnawati Erwin M.Pribadi Dindin Abdurohim BS <p>Small Business Vetiver craft is a product of vetiver fiber that produces a variety of products such as calligraphy, tablecloths, flower vases, candle holders, prayer mats, gallon lids, and other creative products. Empowerment needs to be done because the priority problems faced by partners are as follows: Limited capacity of the number of ATMB equipment, Sewing Machines and Painting Tables, Do not have and do not understand financial reports, limited communication capabilities, Limited Expo (Product Exhibition), Do not have computers for promotional media on line. The target target of this community service activity (PKM) is to increase sales of partner calligraphy products. Approach methods used: training, technical guidance, assistance, and business facilitation. The results achieved from this activity are as follows: 1) Increased capacity of equipment and equipment in the production process, especially ATBM, sewing machines, painting tables. so that the partner's production process becomes more smooth and effective. 2) Having communication skills / skills, 3). Understanding the preparation and possession of Financial Statements both Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss and Cash Flow 4) And 6) Participating in exhibitions (Expo) and Obtaining an increase in additional capacity of a computer set and having Blog facilities. So that the product is increasingly known to consumers and increased sales (turnover).</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMANFAATAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI BAGI PENGEMBANGAN PEMASARAN PRODUK UMKM INDUSTRI KULIT (STUDI PADA KAWASAN SENTRA KULIT SUKAREGANG GARUT- JAWA BARAT) 2019-07-31T14:03:14+07:00 Yenny Maya Dora Ratna Komala Putri <p>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are large economic potentials because they can absorb a large number of workers, and they have resistance to external shocks. The general condition of leather MSMEs in Sukaregang Garut based on temporary observations that almost all business actors produce the same type of product with different quality and pricing. However, there are very few of the leather business actors use Information Technology as a tool to promote their products. This can create a competitiveness weakness for the MSME leather actors in Sukaregang Garut. The urgency of this research is to be able to apply information technology so that it can increase the competitiveness of the MSMEs in Sukaregang Garut. This study is conducted as a step to identify the determinants factors for the use of information technology in marketing so that the driving factors and inhibitors can be identified. Through this study, the right information technology can be proposed and it can fulfill the needs of MSMEs in running their business. The method in this study is a qualitative method. The data collecting technique is by interviewing the party of Leather MSMEs in Sukaregang Garut. Therefore, it can get a way of marketing for leather MSME products in Sukaregang Garut by using Information Technology as well as the training modules for MSME actors to market the Leather MSME products in Sukaregang Garut using Information Technology. The novelty in the results of this study is the production of training modules on the use of Information Technology about product marketing that is in accordance with the characteristics of the Leather MSMEs in Sukaregang Garut.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPLEMENTASI ILMU KEWIRAUSAHAAN DAN MEMBANGUN KEPEDULIAN DALAM KARYA NYATA BAGI PENGUSAHA KECIL MENENGAH 2019-07-31T14:13:30+07:00 Yolla Margaretha Henky Lisan Suwarno Asni Harianti Nur Nur Boedi Hartadi Kuslina Maya Malinda <p>Education, research and community service are “Tridharma” in Higher Education of Indonesia. In response to this, the university as one of the educational institutions has the responsibility to be able to educate and to produce students who are not only competent in the knowledge but also socially competent. Students as the nation's young generation who will inherit national values and culture must have adequate scientific and social competencies to advance the nation and the state. Universitas Kristen Maranatha through the collaboration of the Faculty of Economics Universitas Kristen Maranatha consisting of lecturers of Entrepreneurship Major and entrepreneurial concentration students held research activities and community service together with small and medium-sized entrepreneurs La Fresa in Lembang, Bandung. La Fresa is a strawberry plantation that wants to continue, to innovate and to develop its business. Through community service activities carried out by lecturers and students, many things are learned through a sense of caring and social responsibility through the real work of management and entrepreneurship in scientific implementation.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN PEMANFAATAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DALAM PENYEDIAAN PRESENTASI VIDEO PENGETAHUAN SAINS ANAK USIA TK MELALUI MEDIA WEBSITE YOUTUBE PADA TK AL ANSHARY KUNCIRAN INDAH 2019-07-31T14:32:58+07:00 Yuliazmi Yuliazmi Imelda Imelda Kukuh Harsanto Kukuh Harsanto <p>Early childhood education is believed to be the basis for the preparation of qualified human resources in the future. Therefore it must be carefully designed with fully considered to child development, science and technology changes and the developing culture. Teachers need to build their own creativity in order to be able to make innovative science teaching materials in accordance with current conditions. To increase the creativity of teachers in making innovative teaching materials in science materials for kindergarten students, it is necessary to prepare a work program implemented by the school. In addition to help teachers develop the potential of each of them, this work program can also improve the quality of the students taught. So to support the work program we provide Information Technology Utilization Training in Provision of Video Presentations in Science Knowledge for Kindergarten Age Children using Youtube Website Media at TK Al Anshary, Kunciran<br>Indah.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI PENGEMBANGAN PARIWISATA DAN PENINGKATAN KESEHATAN 2019-07-31T14:35:21+07:00 Zaenal Hirawan <p>Empowerment is a government effort to improve welfare through the development of potential in its territory. Tourism village development and health improvement is one of several efforts to empower the Cimanggu Village community with its specialties. With the participation of the community, Karangtaruna, the role of the village, the tourism potential of the Cimanggu Village College has changed. Pasirjaka is a village asset that was developed as an attraction for tourist villages coupled with herbal medicine from mangosteen peel which is used as a health attraction. Remote access and incomplete facilities in supporting the development of Jaka sand are a part that must be developed and improved by all parties in order to increase the economic level of the villagers.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IBM PEMBERDAYAAN PENGUSAHA KERIPIK ENDOG LEWO DENGAN PERBAIKAN PRODUKSI DAN MANAJEMEN USAHA DI DESA SUKAJAYA KECAMATAN MALANGBONG KABUPATEN GARUT 2019-07-31T14:39:35+07:00 Ikeu Kania Wati Susilawati Tatang Mulyana <p>The objective of IbM programs about Entrepreneurs Empowerment of Endog Lewo and Comring chips in Sukajaya villages is to empower the entrepreneurs of micro UMKM who produce chips traditionally made from cassava and tapioca flour in Sukajaya villages, Malangbong Garut. Generally, the entrepreneur problems is production process and business management that is still conventional. The specific target that wants to be achieved from this program is the entrepreneurs are able to simply expand the product and apply business management such as separating personal and business finance, business recording and accounting, applying product marketing strategy and improving entrepreneurship motivation. The method used in order to achieve program objectives is trough individual approaches to the entrepreneurs and employers who involved in production activities. The approaches are: (1) counselling approach in order to improve entrepreneur knowledge, (2) training approach in order to improve entrepreneur skill in managing business, and (3) awareness approach in order to improve entrepreneurship act and motivation. In general, the planning of IbM activity program is surveying the similar business in Sukajaya village, then two entrepreneur partner who are suitable to be targeted by the IbM program are chosen. It is discussed the weakness and obstacles from production aspect and business management with the program partners. Furthermore, several counselling programs, training, product improvement demonstrations and discussions will be conducted in order to increasing the knowledge, skills and attitudes of entrepreneurs’ partner in managing their business. The result of this counselling and training activity has succeeded, although it has not maximally achieved. Some of the businessman has already practiced simple management in their business accounting and tried to access business capital to the bank. The sustainability of the IbM program is expected to continue and to be seen from the results of the impact evaluation and final evaluation that will be carried out on business actors who are quite successful with small business actors or newbies.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELATIHAN PENGINTEGRASIAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM PEMBELAJARAN TEMATIK PADA GURU SEKOLAH DASAR 2019-07-31T14:43:47+07:00 Feby Inggriyani Acep Roni Hamdani Abdul Mumin Saud Taufiqulloh Dahlan <p>The purpose of this community service is to develop the teacher's ability to instill character values in thematic learning. This is because there are still many teachers who have not integrated character values in thematic learning so that there are still students who do not have good character. This activity was followed by teachers in the UPTD Education district. Sagalaherang which was attended by 32 teachers from 8 schools. The method used in this service activity is training with the steps of presentation, discussion, question and answer, individual and group exercises to integrate character values in thematic learning. The results of this service activity are 1) an increase in teachers 'knowledge and understanding of character values in elementary school thematic learning and 2) an increase in developing teachers' abilities in integrating character education in thematic learning in elementary school teachers.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PKM PELATIHAN KESADARAN HUKUM WARIS ISLAM DI MASYARAKAT DKM NURUL IMAN SUKAGALIH PERMAI KATAPANG DAN DKM NURUL FALAH CIKAMBUY KATAPANG KAB. BANDUNG JAWA BARAT 2019-07-31T14:48:59+07:00 Bunyamin Bunyamin Encep Ahmad Yani Ahmad Abdul Gani <p>Mitra dalam program kemitraan masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah DKM Nurul Iman Sukagalih Permai Katapang Kabupaten Bandung dan DKM Nurul Falah Cikambuy Desa Sangkanhurip Katapang Kabupaten Bandung. Berdasarkan hasil dialog dengan dua calon mitra PKM sebagai pihak DKM, diketahui bahwa berbagai permasalahan dihadapi oleh jamaah pada kedua mitra. Berdasarkan kesepakatan, mitra telah menentukan permasalahan yang menjadi prioritas mitra adalah banyaknya jamaah yang belum mengetahui, memahami dan menyadari cara pembagian warisan Islam. Berdasarkan kesepakatan dengan pihak mitra, maka alternatif solusi yang ditawarkan adalah penyuluhan hukum dalam rangka jamaah bisa mengetahui, memahami sekaligus menyadari pentingnya pembagian waris berdasarkan hukum Islam, selain penyuluhan, solusi yang ditawarkan yaitu pelatihan dan bimbingan teknis. Target luaran dari pelaksanaan PKM ini adalah membantu meminimalisir permasalahan hukum waris Islam yang terjadi di lingkungan mitra, terciptanya kesadaran hukum tentang hukum waris Islam. Terbitnya tulisan hukum waris Islam dalam jurnal nasional ber ISSN, publikasi kegiatan pada media masa nasional, pemakalah dalam temu ilmiah lokal dan buku hukum berlalu lintas ber ISBN. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan PKM ini, meliputi yaitu: penyuluhan/sosialisasi, pelatihan, bimibingan teknis, pendampingan dan fasilitasi. Selain menyiapkan metode, tim juga menentukan prosedur, langkah-langkah. Tim pelaksana merupakan pakar dalam bidangnya dari lingkungan fakultas hukum Universitas Pasundan Bandung, yang sudah berpengalaman dalam melaksanakan program penyuluhankhususnya terkait hukum waris Islam. Disamping prosedur tim menetapkan langkah-langkah rencana kegiatan meliputi: pembagian tugas tim, persiapan program, pelaksanaan penyuluhan, pelatihan, pendampingan, fasilitasi dan evaluasi serta penyerahan laporan sampai pada penulisan jurnal dan pembuatan buku. PKM ini direncanakan selama 8 (delapan) bulan dengan sumber pendanaan bersumber dari fakultas. Hasil pelaksanaan PKM ini dilakukan secara berkala di mulai dengan teori dan disertai praktek langsung agar para jamaah/masyarakat mengerti dan memahami hukum kewarisan Islam/ilmu faraidh.</p> 2018-12-24T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##