• Evi Oktarina Universitas IBA Palembang
  • Erniwati Erniwati Universitas IBA, Palembang
Keywords: Local Wisdom, Inheritance System, Semendo Community


The inheritance law of a group of people is strongly influenced by the religious beliefs and local wisdom of the area. One of the local wisdoms in Semendo village is sistim kewarisan Asking tubang, Maaf Tubang is the name given to the eldest daughter as inheritor of inheritance from parents. Based on this, the problem is whether the Wait Tubang inheritance system is still applied in the Semendo area and how the application of the Perpetual Waiting inheritance system is based on that local wisdom. this research is descriptive analysis that is describing, describing, explaining and revealing the system of local customary law or other legislation, its existence in people's lives and its relevance. The subject as a data source is the Semendo Village community and the Semendo Village Community in Palembang. The existence of traditional inheritance waiting for Tubang still exists today, this can be seen from the obligations they carry out, among others: (1). Trying to make rice fields work well. Rice fields are the main capital to be able to maintain survival for kinship, (2). Maintain and manage the inheritance properly (3). Maintain and take care of parents, in-laws, grandparents and grandparents who have not been able to live independently and maintain good relations with the jurai (big family)
