• Belinda Sukapura Dewi Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Indonesia
Keywords: Children with special needs, New media (cold wax batik)


 The media for the expression of children with special needs varies greatly, depending on the child's motor skills. If the motor skill of the child is weaker, then the media used is simpler, so that in this community service program, to be able to adjust to the media to be given, several children with relatively good motor skills have been chosen. The purpose of holding this training is to see the tendency of children with special needs in expressing themselves using a new media. The method used is the mentoring system, which is when researchers, assisted by special assistants, work together in helping children in making their artwork. When the programme takes place, the researcher as the content provider will deliver the material to the special assistant who helps to communicate to the child concerned. This training was given to children with special needs from Percik Insani with an introduction of a new media (cold wax batik). This media was chosen because it contains a local content with familiar techniques (beginning with drawing). This technique helps ease children to express their feelings and imagination in the artwork. An artwork is a way for a child to interact or communicate the feelings in his heart to others. Through their artwork, children with special needs can use art as a means of expression and to understand themselves.
