Conference of One Asia Community2019-11-25T00:35:28+07:00Open Journal Systems<p>Asia, the place where we belong to, is a large part of the world, which has an important role on the economy and world culture. Therefore, the Asia region today becomes a center of world attention and is getting attentions from various circles of communities and from many fields of knowledge. Countries in Asia have many similarities; although on the other hand has a lot of differences. In the mean time period, Asia has a good possibility to be able to build a some kind of large community of Great Asian Community (Komunitas Asia Raya). To build an Asian Community is not an easy matter, because Asia is a region that has much diversity in language, culture, and ethnic. It is, therefore, very important to look for ideas that could be a basic and important factor in order to form a community of Asia This course aims to get various thoughts and ideas associated with the formation of the Asian Community. Discussing on Great Asian Community based on various field of studies in order to provide a basis for the establishment of Great Asian Community in the future come. Finding various problems and obstacles encountered in the establishment of Great Asia community, exploring various ideas for dealing with these issues and finding out how Great Asian community should be established. As the ultimate goal of this course are expected to form an understanding of the formation of Great Asian Community and contribute to the purposes intended.</p> PROCEEDING OF ONE ASIA COMMUNITY2019-08-17T05:33:49+07:00Dindin Abdurohim BSdindinabs@gmail.comAcep Roni Asri Rizkiani<p>First of all, let us praise the presence of Allah SWT, the Merciful and Merciful, because with His permission, the International proceedings from the implementation of the One Asia International Lecture program with the theme of Strengthening Entrepreneurship In The Asian Community can be resolved. As an illustration, the purpose of this International Lecture from One Asia Community is to get various ideas and ideas related to the formation of the Asian Community. Discussing the Asian Community based on various fields of study to provide the basis for the formation of the Great Asian Community in the future. And find various problems and obstacles faced in forming communities, explore ideas to deal with these problems and find out how a great Asian community must be established. One Asia International Lecture is divided into two parts, the first is about the Asian community in general. Lecture Secondly, lecture in class during the Fourteen Meetings, with lecturers each time a different meeting discusses about Asian Communities from various disciplines. And at the End of this International Lecture, the One Asia Japan Foundation provides Scholarships for the twenty best students during the International Lecture of the Asian Community. This proceeding is a collection of articles from Asian Community lecture material from both Indonesian and Outside Indonesian lecturers as well as from one Asian college student participants, a blast about Asian communities from a variety of different perspectives. These international proceedings can be resolved thanks to the support of various parties. For this reason, on this occasion, we would like to express our gratitude to: The Chancellor of the University of Pasundan along with the ranks, Fellow Committee. Specifically to the Chairperson of the One Asia Japan Foundation and One Asia Indonesia for the trust given to organize this International Program.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## AND ITS AUTHENTICITY2019-08-23T06:56:43+07:00Dea Sekar Saraswatideaasaraswati@gmail.comEddy Jusuf<p>This paper aims to open mind of the entrepreneur who want to have a successful bussines, going well business, and exist everywhere without forgetting an important theory to reach their succesful. There are so many people who wants to be an entrepreneur for themselves or most of them want to help people get a job with their business. But most of them, they just followed what is trend now, they don’t think what is the power of their business, they don’t think about the authenticity for their business and finally make their business bankrupt. The most important things that has been forgotten by the entrepreneur are authenticity of the product, originality, creativity, innovation, using of technology and diversification. With has components of the idea above there will be creating a new product, unique product, knows what people need and will be useful for the society. This paper method by studying literature and based writer experiences that’s what make original. At the end, the implication of this paper is to realize the entrepreneur, the businessman or woman to have their authenticity which is will give the opportunity for their business, also using technology in this digital era will make us easier to catch our customer and make others relation.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## VALUE ADDED IN HIGHER EDUCATION FOR DEVELOPING COMPETENCY LECTURE TOWARDS QS ASIA UNIVERSITY2019-08-23T07:04:59+07:00Andre<p>With increasing pressure on universities to play a role in the social innovation process, exploratory case studies investigate how the university concept of entrepreneurship manifests itself in the context of general university settings in Asia. Semi-structured interviews with crucial professors covering a variety of university disciplines are conducted to uncover attitudes towards the third mission of entrepreneurship and the complexity that underlies the development of inseparable entrepreneurial character within the institution. This research attempts to propose the use of SEM Model to predict, Economic Value Added (EVA) for universities. In this research, EVA applications for universities propose. It shows how EVA can increase awareness of the importance of asset use at universities and guide universities for better resource management. EVA is proposed to use in university environments in two different segments: for-profit and non-profit.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MARKETING UTILIZATION FOR MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SME)2019-08-23T07:11:05+07:00Ridwan Saputra<p>The purpose of this research is to improve knowledge and skills about digital marketing, especially social media, to improve the business of small and medium enterprises (SME) their sales and profits. This can be a reason why social media is effective if it is done. The method used in this case is the explanation of using slide power points and LCD projectors, sharing and discussion experiences, and lastly direct practice of making social media (Facebook and Instagram) and how to make it appealing to Buyers (Pictures, words, those stories, etc.). The end result shows that only few are actively using social media as their promotional tool and they have not separate their online store account to their personal account, some others use it occasionally, and the rest of the participants are not Ever social media marketing is used due to lack of technological skills. This study aims for know the role of women sellers jamu gendong in improving social life, the contribution women make seller of jamu gendong against family income, and the impact the role of women seller of jamu gendong social and economic life family. The data collected consist of primary and secondary data by direct observation, in-depth interviews with selected informants, and documentation. Analysis data using data analysis qualitative with presenting the data in the form of tables be accompanied interpretation so that is obtained a conclusion. The results showed that the social and economic conditions of low family encourage women working in the public sector. Motivation women worked choose jobs sell jamu gendong is capital a little, do not require education / skill high, and solicitation friend or previously already there is brother who worked. Donations the lowest income of women seller of jamu gendong against the overall family income ketegori family is amounted to 20% and donations highest revenue is 72.72%. Impact social life the role of of women sellers jamu gendong is a family afford to send child, whereas impact economic life is increasing the family income which can fulfill needs of family life.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## BUILDING THE CIVILIZATION OF THE EMPIRE2019-08-23T07:15:26+07:00Widya Gustian Ramadhantywidyagustian.rayens@gmail.comDeden<p>The high percentage of employees and unemployment than socialpreneur make the Indonesian economy weakened. The bigger state burden in the countries that must subsidize the citizens must be given serious attention. Awareness of citizens sued in an effort to build the country. The orthodox mindset about the best job is to be an employee must be revamped, citizens must be able to harmonize the times and have an entrepreneurial spirit. Other critical social problems caused by the narrowness of the job makes people in the poverty and the higher rating of the crime. The deterioration made Indonesian citizens do not deserve to be called as the civil society. The research method uses a qualitative approach, using data collection techniques are literature. Socialpreneur have significant vital role in a country. Socialpreneur able to improve the country's economy and shape the character of citizens become civic virtue. The result is the rapid advancement of the country's economy which is supported by the character of civic virtue of citizens bringing the part of civil society. Because the basic principle of civic virtue is "do not ask what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do to your country."</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## RISE OF THE COFFEE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN ASIA2019-08-23T07:20:31+07:00Detha Daufinaaufina23@gmail.comAsep Dedy Sutrisnoasepdedysutrisno@yahoo.comAde<p>Culinary variations are increasingly growing, triggering the potential of culinary tourism, one of which is coffee, which is one of the most popular drinks of Indonesian people, even in Asia and the world. This can be seen from the number of coffee businesses in Asia and the increasing level of coffee consumption. Coffee is one of the world's most highly traded commodities and consumed beverages. Nowadays coffee business is changing and becoming more global, Coffee is widely cultivated by entrepreneurs. The mushrooming of cafes that sell bottled drinks and coffee can increase the consumption of national coffee beans and can encourage the growth of the creative economy of coffee commodities, both domestically and for exports. With the proliferation of coffee cafes and a high level of coffee consumption, it takes good quality coffee and is needed also by coffee makers or commonly called baristas and roasters that are qualified and experts in making coffee. Therefore, making a coffee laboratory or coffee school for education in making coffee until the presentation becomes a good and attractive business opportunity.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT THROUGH ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND TECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCT APPLICATION IN KERTASARI, BANDUNG REGENCY, WEST JAVA, INDONESIA2019-11-25T00:35:28+07:00Dindin Abdurohim BSdindinabs@yahoo.comAsep Dedy Sutrisnoasepdedysutrisno@yahoo.comJaka<p>Kertasari Sub-district is not only the largest producer of potatoes in West Java, but also proves itself as one of the suppliers of potato at the national level. The quality of the potatoes is not inferior. The target markets include some regions, such as Jakarta, Sumatra, and Kalimantan. The potato commodity is also able to penetrate the export market, especially Singapore, and some well-known supermarkets in Indonesia. Based on the field observations and interviews with some women/mothers, they have tried to help their families' income by processing the agricultural products into various processed products such as potato chips produced traditionally, which are sold to the surrounding areas. Nevertheless, the quality of potato chips has not matched market demands. They also face other problems, i.e. limitation in entrepreneurship and technology capacity. The solutions and output targets for the community empowerment through entrepreneurship and application of technology are as follows: 1) What are the implementation procedures, the solution steps to partner’s problems, and the types of expertise in the implementation of community empowerment through entrepreneurship and the technology application of the potato chips processing machine?, 2) How is the overview of science and technology transferred in the implementation of community empowerment through entrepreneurship and the technology application of the potato chip processing machine?, and 3) How are the solution and target of activity implementation achieved from the priority problems, which include: entrepreneurship problems and problems in the application of potato chip processing technology. The approach methods used to apply the solutions and achieve the output targets include training, technical Tuition (Bimtek), mentoring, and application of the technological product to the partners. The implementation of community empowerment through entrepreneurship and technology application has a positive impact on the two potato chip business groups in Cibereum Village, Kertasari Sub-district, Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia. This can be seen from the implementation of science and technology through training, technical Tuition, and technological mentoring by giving the following achieved solutions: 1) The partners’ entrepreneurship capacity, which includes a) The partners have high motivation in running their businesses, b) The partners are able to run a correct business management, c) The partners have a business plan as their business guideline, d) The partners are able to identify market opportunities and market/business networks and 2) The application of technology to the partners, which includes a) Each partner owns a potato peeler machine and the washer, a wave potato slicer machine, a deep fryer machine, an oil draining machine (spinner), a product packaging machine, and a bag sealer in which the machine designs are created by the team, b) The production process is more effective and can produce more potato chips, c) The partners’ skills increase by 100%, and d) The products have a better quality.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## IN THE CONTEXT OF ARTS AND CULTURAL MANAGEMENT2019-08-23T07:35:39+07:00Muliyadi<p>The field of Arts and Cultural Management and “Creativepreneurship” are related to each other as both focus on art products, in addition to engaging consumers and the public with artists and designers. As a new discipline, “Creativepreneurship” can be defined as a form of business activities that emphasise innovations and digital technology, as well as using the Internet and social media. Even though it is perceived as a new branch of entrepreneurship, “Creativepreneurship” is still based on the fundamental characteristics of Arts and Cultural Management. Consequently, the objective of this essay is to analyse in detail the relationship between “Creativepreneurship” and the discipline of Arts and Cultural Management by focusing on Claude Mollard’s theory of Cultural Engineering as a framework of its application. It is hoped that this essay will contribute to the effort of Strengthening Entrepreneurship in the Asian Community, which has been chosen as the theme of “One Asia International Course of One Asia Community 2019.”</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## THE SELF-RELIANCE OF SMALL BUSINESS ACTORS IN THE CITY OF BANDUNG, WEST JAVA INDONESIA2019-08-23T07:46:39+07:00Ali Anwar Suryanacecesuryana99@gmail.comEden Komarudin<p>Coblong Sub-District, Bandung City, West Java is majorly dominated by settlements and partly a trade and education area. The location which is close to the business center and government offices makes this sub-district an ideal area for residents to settle in. The biggest potential of this sub-district is in the trade sector. In addition, there are small business actors in the field of manufacturing industry which is the mainstay business of the residents. Therefore, the partner in this program includes a small business actor manufacturing jackets in the area of Sukapda Village, Cibenying Kidul Sub-District, Bandung City. The priority problems faced by the partner are as follows: 1) Not implementing good or right business management such as market and marketing management, production management, HR and organization management, and financial and accounting management; 2) Limited capital which causes them unable to replace old sewing machines, including buttoning, buttonhole, and over lock machines; 3) No advanced promotional activities (only word-of-mouth promotion) as well as the partner’s expectation to have equipment for promotion such as a computer set, participate in exhibitions (expo), and have business cards and product catalogs so that their jacket products can be known more and the sales increase. The solution and main output target of the implementation of this community service program include creating the self-reliance of jacket manufacturing small business actors by improving knowledge, skills, and management. The used approach methods include 4 (four) business training, technical assistance, facilitation, and mediation. The implementation of Community Service in Creating the Self-reliance of Small Business Actors in the City of Bandung has brought positive impacts on the businessman. This can be seen from the implementation of science and technology to solve the priority problems faced the partner by providing the following solutions:<br>1) improving the partner’s business management which includes marketing, production, HR and organization, and accounting and financial aspects; and 2) increasing the capacity of production machines and improving the partner’s promotional capacity.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SPIRIT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HIGHER EDUCATION2019-08-23T07:54:00+07:00Heri<p>The world of higher education in Indonesia knows three functions or the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, there are Education and Teaching, Research, Community Service. Is the function of our higher education adequate based on the concept of tridharma? With a new vision of the future that demands the function and role of the new tertiary institution, it is better to explore the basics of the tridharma principle. This study uses a naturalistic inquiry approach. This approach was chosen because it was considered more suitable with the characteristics of the problem under study, namely with regard to Entrepreneurship behavior. Scientific inquiry is the search for knowledge using a method known as data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Research with a qualitative approach uses a collection method as much as possible in detail and in-depth facts about one thing or social phenomenon in order to get an understanding of as much as possible the nature of the symptoms. Collection of information to understand the facts is done by research techniques such as interviews, observation (observation) including involved observations (participation observation). As from the results of the analysis of the spirit of entrepreneurship in Higher Education that has been discussed, the authors draw conclusions from the results of the discussion by referring specifically to the problematic Philosophical, Process, Results and Strategy questions, with conclusions as follows: Philosophical problematic; The developing meaning of entrepreneurship can be appreciated in practical understanding (practical concept), this is revealed because the narrow meaning that exists for entrepreneurship is interpretation and views that entrepreneurship is synonymous with what is owned and done by "businessman" or "entrepreneur" who owns a business (trading), Problematic Processes; One of the entrepreneurship development programs in universities is through the implementation of entrepreneurship courses that are integrated into the curriculum, namely how the curriculum is developed by identifying its uniqueness which has to do with developing entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship curriculum development can be adopted from the building of science management houses in higher education. Problematic Results; Implementation on entrepreneurship programs in the academic community will still face obstacles, because the understanding of each university is different. Some people feel that it is not right to view entrepreneurial universities which are interpreted as business-oriented universities, given the philosophical basis of non-profit service-oriented education. Even though the university entrepreneur concept views things as a whole as a unit that is interrelated and synergized. Problematic Strategy; Entrepreneurship development in higher education requires a strategy and development of an entrepreneurial cultural movement program with the Business Incubator program (INBIS). This means that the College's Business Incubator is an institution that functions to incubate the business potential of universities and businesses towards higher education based on research universities as well as entrepreneurial universities. Universities need to develop business units from the faculty level to the rectorate, directly the university business incubator is an integral part of the campus organizational structure because it will mobilize, direct and supervise university leaders for university-level business units, and faculty level leaders and study programs / majors for business units at the faculty and study program / department level.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## THE PATH TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH CREATIVITY2019-08-23T07:56:35+07:00Tendy Y.<p>Stretching the path of tracing the path of creativity can begin by asking: what are our hobbies. If like sports; maybe we have the chance to become seasoned athletes, qualified coaches or respected commentators. Reading habits provide encouragement for someone to become a reliable writer, 'sharp' reviewers, critics, and librarians who may be the owners of large-scale reading parks or publishing business owners. Watch pleasure allows someone to desire to be a screenwriter, become a director or as a producer who is known to be selective. Even someone who likes to daydream like a Stephen Spielberg or J.K. Rowling, the popular fiction writer Harry Potter, was able to achieve success in her career. The expression no one knows everything but must be know something, provides the foundation that creativity should be owned by almost everyone because not everyone knows everything but everyone "knows" something.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## WAY OF ACADEMICS COMPETENCY TO BECOME A UNIVERSITY BRAND IN THE ASIAN CONTEXT2019-08-23T08:01:55+07:00Dewi Indriani Jusufdewijusuf16@gmail.comImas Komariyahkomariyahimas26@gmail.comDadang<p>Higher education has a significant contribution to improving the quality of human resources (HR) in Indonesia. Padjadjaran University (UNPAD), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and the University of Indonesia (UI) as significant universities in Indonesia also played a role in facing ASIA Community. In this regard, this study aims to describe the role of UNPAD, ITB, and UI in improving the quality of education to face ASIA Community. This study presents different institutional characteristics of the three institutions as a representation of the state of higher education in Indonesia. The theory used to examine the theme of this research uses the Social Welfare perspective, especially the Social Development Theory and the perspective of International Relations with the Epistemic Community Theory. The research method is qualitative research using case study techniques. Data sources include primary data through independent interviews and secondary data with descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the three universities have prepared to face ASIA Community. From the aspects of vision and mission; rules; governance guidelines; student body; human Resources; infrastructure; Three Pillars of Higher Education comprising Education and international cooperation.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MAPPING TO PREDICT EFFECTIVE ACADEMICS FROM HIGHER EDUCATION IN ASIA2019-08-23T08:10:18+07:00Dyah Indriani Jusufdewijusuf16@gmail.comNirwan<p>Competency mapping is one of the instruments for the management and development of HR Research. This research aims to map competency needs for academics who are useful in the tri dharma of higher education (Three Pillars of Higher Education comprising Education, Research and Community Service). The methodology used by establishing academic competencies derived from teacher law and lecturer number 14 in 2005 namely professional competence, personality competence, social competence and pedagogy competence, then through a sample of 100 academics who have a compelling performance from universities that have a reputation for quality. The research findings produce competency requirements for academics who perform excellently in Three Pillars of Higher Education can be categorized into four groups of competencies, namely self-managing, professional, social competence, and the implications of this finding are academic competencies can be built through intention /spirit, experience, and work situations. Building competency is not enough with training.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN MILLENNIALS FOR INDONESIAN COMPETITIVENESS IN THE ASIA REGION2019-08-23T08:16:29+07:00Dindin Abdurochimdindinabs@yahoo.comIda Hindarsahidahindarsah31@yahoo.comAndre<p>Various obstacles hindering the movement of various resources and economic activities such as tariff and non-tariff policies have begun to be eliminated. Consequently, the level of competition in the ASEAN region will get more intense. The question is whether Indonesia is ready to face the millennial era. Indonesia’s entrepreneurial culture that is not yet strong is feared to affect the country’s ability to tap into the enormous potential of its domestic market. This is a reminder that in the millennial era, the penetration of foreign products into the domestic market will be even more massive. To strengthen the nation’s competitiveness, the Indonesian government must encourage entrepreneurship to grow into a new culture in the lives of the people. This can be done by involving educational institutions ranging from the basic level to higher education, increasing the research and development budget, and promoting entrepreneurship training.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## INFRASTRUCTURE STILL CHALLENGING IN ASIA? MODIFIED SOLOW GROWTH MODEL APPROACH2019-08-23T08:29:26+07:00Hadi<p>Infrastructure is an essential part of a country's economic growth. Previous research has shown that infrastructure has a positive effect on growth. However, this study shows that infrastructure relative minor effect on economic growth, and inter- island development inequality in Indonesia is vast. By using the Modification of the Solow model, we examine on infrastructure under branch Ministry of Public Works and People's Housing. It’s consisted of highway, road and bridge area, water resources area, human settlements area, and housing provision area. Further research needs to clarify this research.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## FOR THE ASIA’S FILM INDUSTRY AS AN ECONOMIC ENHANCER IN ASIAN COUNTRY2019-08-23T08:33:17+07:00Amelia Rostikaamelia@cipcorner.comRegina Octavia<p>Asia as the largest physical continent that has potential natural resources and human resources are very in price. The magnitude of the Asian continent stretching from the Eastern world until the middle world has potential culture. It can be shown in a film industry that is present in some countries to promote the culture of each country. Film Industry will help the economy of a country because in addition to getting the tax from the movie, the State would get long-term effects that will affect the economy. With the goal of community building efforts in Asia film industry will be one of the profitable industry because it has been proved by two Asian countries that succeed in the industry, State of India with film industry called "Bollywood" and South Korea is also famous for its "K-Drama". This potential will develop the economies of Asian countries. Asia has a big market as a power but also the film production of Asia must raise the culture and Asian country’s potential to promote the cultures so it can enhance economic of the country. If all Asian Country strengthen its cooperation in film industry then Asian Film Community will dominate the world film remembering Asia’s today is a large part of the world and becomes a center of world attention.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## THE QUALITY OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN INDONESIA TO BECOME ENTREPRENEURS2019-08-23T08:54:09+07:00Kartika Sarikartikasari2801@gmail.comSiti<p>Human resources are one of the important assets that must be owned, developed and managed properly. Human resources are one of the important aspects of achieving a goal. Improving the quality of human resources is very important in the current era of globalization. With the improvement of the quality of human resources, a country will be able to produce a variety of quality professions, one of which is to produce good entrepreneurs. this. So improving the quality of human resources must be done so that it can open up the insight, knowledge, and power of thought of the Indonesian people. The output obtained after improving the quality of human resources is to improve various abilities both hard skills and soft skills and strong mental attitudes so as to create good characters who are always innovative and creative. the goal of improving the quality of human resources in Indonesia can produce quality entrepreneurs who can help solve various problems that exist, quality resources will be able to compete locally and globally. This article will discuss how to improve the quality of human resources in Indonesian society to become quality entrepreneurs.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##, WHY NOT?2019-08-23T09:04:18+07:00Esti Wahyuniestiwhyeah@gmail.comMimi<p>Language is the stuff that has been around since ancient times and still continued to be used until recently. We live in the era that very closely with the development of technology. As the technology of the education sector, agriculture, politics, and even the economy. All these developments, is inseparable from the function of language as a tool to deliver the message. Everyone in this world is using language to communicate, such as praise, ask news, trade, vent emotions, even insulting. All depends on how the words are used. Words are the most powerful weapons that can move someone's heart to do something or not do something. In the era of globalization, the use of the words already many foster motivation for readers or listeners. On advertising slogans on the street, on a column caption in social media, not even a little looking for quotes from famous people to motivate themselves. Sometimes people get confused in creating just the right words to caption in social media or even in a branding effort that will be traveled. Thus, people who are capable of creating words into more meaningful is urgently needed in this era. Wordpreneur is the solution. Become a wordpreneur it means to be part of the economic development in the field of creative. In addition to moving in the field of art, people who are good at stringing words also contribute to economic development in the country.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPORTANCE OF GROWING AN ENTREPRENEURIAL SOUL FOR MILLENNIAL GENERATION ESPECIALLY FOR STUDENTS2019-08-23T09:08:31+07:00Sri Devy<p>This research is motivated by the reality that students' entrepreneurial spirit is caused by various factors. The enthusiasm is inseparable from the support and motivation of the community where students are active and interact with their environment, including campus as a community. This study wants to find answers to questions, namely: How is the spirit of students in entrepreneurship? The results of this study indicate that students who are self-employed apply their entrepreneurial spirit to their contributions through family background and support and social environment factors that foster student enthusiasm in entrepreneurship. The desire and purpose for entrepreneurship is not only due to economic goals but also with the aim of many things such as achieving ideals and the desire to please parents, want to be famous for their expertise, want to benefit others, and the most important is to channel their hobbies.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## IN IMPROVING SOCIAL WELFARE2019-08-23T09:16:10+07:00Amida Rizqi Amaliaamidaamalia1801@gmail.comYanti Susila Tresnawatiyantisusila61@gmail.comAbu<p>Basically everyone has an equally great opportunity to be a business performer. But unfortunately not everyone dares to hone their talents and interests, so it is natural if some people have managed to become successful entrepreneurs and some others are still there too who have not dared the action of running a business. Social entrepreneurship sees problems as an opportunity to form a new business model that benefits the empowerment of the surrounding community. The results that you want to achieve are not only material gains or customer satisfaction, but rather how ideas are posed can make a good impact on the whole community. Social entrepreneurship is a very interesting phenomenon nowadays because it perbedaan-perbedaannya with traditional entrepreneurs who only focus on material gains and customer satisfaction and its significance to people's lives. The study of social entrepreneurship involves a variety of science in its development and practice in the field. The cross-science of social Entrepreneurship Studies adopted is an important thing to explain and make new thoughts.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## NEW WAY TO FIND SUPPLIERS OF GOODS THROUGH THE FISH (FIND SELLER HUB) APPLICATION2019-08-23T09:23:45+07:00Risya Ananda Putririsyaputri07@gmail.comRizky IlhamiRisyaputri07@gmail.comRudi<p>The development of technology and information are indeed made of one benchmark of a country's progress. The higher and advanced civilization of a country then the technology would be more advanced condition in Indonesia was not much compared with other developing countries. The purpose of the creation of this article is to provide innovation or idea – the idea as to how to: (1) distributes goods and services from remote areas to the city – big city easily through an application, (2) help solve the problem of channelling goods and services, (3) overcoming social unrest scare – and creating business opportunities for the people of Indonesia. Harnessing entrepreneurial or business principle to cope with the social problems is a concept that is realistic. For the social entrepreneur, social problem is an opportunity to open a business in order to facilitate the entrepreneurs – small entrepreneurs in marketing its products. Social entrepreneurs saw the issue as an opportunity to establish a new business model that will benefit the local community empowerment. The results will be achieved rather than profit or satisfaction of the material, but rather how these ideas presented can give a good impact to the community. They are like a person who's saving in the long run because of the effort they need time and long process for visible results. A merger between the Sociopreneur and Technopreneur became one of a pretty good combination to help their fellow human beings to improve perekonomiannya and reduce unemployment because of the limitations of the information giving rise to the loss material. With unemployment in Indonesia can be pressed in such might and will make increasingly prosperous Indonesia.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## COURSE OF ONE ASIA COMMUNITY IN 2019 "TONGBU FOR ECOBRICK"2019-08-23T09:36:23+07:00Annisa Rahma Batubararbannisa@gmail.comAcep Roni<p>Reduction in the use and processing of plastic waste is a big problem in Indonesia. Piles of plastic waste mixed with organic waste into a source of disease. Because of the decomposition of the plastic waste is very long, plastic described in 1 millennium or about 1000 negative tahun. The negative nature of the plastic can be used to make a durable ecobrick.Ecobrick resistant plastic waste recycling solutions by introducing and compacting waste plastic into bottles, the result will be used as a substitute batubata`. Great ecobrick the standard minimum size ecobrick 1500ml bottle must have a minimum weight of 500gram and 600ml size bottles must have a minimum weight of 200gram. 0.33g / ml is the minimum density ecobrick nice and 0.7 g / ml maximum. Minimum weight = Volume of bottle x 0:33. To test the density, we can squeeze the bottle from the outside. Ecobrick good is when the bottle will not be flat and not make a sound when pressed down.To make good ecobrick bottle and weighed according to the standard it used tongbu (bamboo stick). Tongbu (bamboo sticks) is made of a series of bamboo with a knife. The type of bamboo used bamboo Tamiang and bamboo irateun because having a diameter corresponding to the width of the bottle, which is about 2-4 cm. In addition, because bamboo is a natural resource that can be refurbished and are organic so it will decompose properly in nature. By using the process of cutting out junk tongbu manually can be done automatically, just by entering the garbage into the bamboo tube of plastic waste will be cut by a knife that is on the tip of the bamboo automatically. Furthermore garbage that has been cut will be solidified by the end of the bamboo that has been made to resemble the shape of an umbrella. This is so that pressure can be evenly distributed throughout the cross-section of the bottle and trash compacted perfectly. The purpose of using tongbu (bamboo sticks) to make it easier and save time in the manufacturing process, resulting in a bottle ecobrick accordance with the standards and personal awareness to be responsible for the trash self.So spirit for processing plastic waste is maintained.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ENTREPRENEURSHIP FROM VARIOUS LEGAL ASPECTS OF COPYRIGHT LAW NO. 28 OF 2014 THE COVERAGE OF THE ASIA REGION2019-08-23T09:42:31+07:00Desi Anggerenidesianggraini16@gmail.comRobby Rizkiani<p>HKI is essentially a right with special and special characteristics because the rights are granted by the state. The state is based on the provisions of the Act, giving those special rights to those who are entitled in accordance with the procedures and conditions that must be fulfilled. Copyright is also an intellectual property right that is born or created from an idea and creativity of someone who creates a work that can eventually become an entrepreneurial opportunity. The concept of the Rule of Law in the one asia program in entrepreneurship is very important because in every entrepreneurial power it must be governed by the laws that govern it.Copyright has exclusive rights in it, namely rights that are solely intended for the holder so that no other person may use these rights without permission from the holder. Utilization of these rights includes the activities of translating, adapting, arranging, transferring manifesting, selling, lending, importing, exhibiting, publicly displaying, broadcasting, recording and communicating creations to the public through any means. And in the end, an intellectual property which is copyright here is giving an opportunity for entrepreneurial souls to open up opportunities to make a created copyright become an entrepreneurial power. The power of entrepreneurship can be a lot of factors that support it, because not only by trading but a work of writing, music and others is part of entrepreneurship. Laws in the field of intellectual property include communal rights and personal rights. The protection carried out on these two rights still faces many obstacles. This requires serious attention from the government and stakeholders and there must be a real solution that must be done to welcome the ASEAN free market in the future. There needs to be a breakthrough in the field of law to be able to protect the Indonesian economy, one of which is through the protection of intellectual property and fair business competition.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PROGRAM IN SURINAME FORM OF INDONESIAN CULTURE PROMOTION2019-08-23T10:13:48+07:00Eky Rahmadani Sihotangsihotangeky@gmail.comPurmaningrum<p>Indonesia is a country that has a religious culture, especially the Javanese culture. Javanese in Indonesia is the largest tribe with a large number of followers, not only Indonesia but also countries namely Suriname also has a population with a Javanese tribe with a large number. Because of the cultural closeness between Indonesia and Suriname many programs have been carried out to continue to enhance bilateral relations, one of which is the Indofair program. The Indofair program is a program created by Indonesia with the aim of further introducing Indonesian culture and with this it is expected to be able to increase Indonesian tourism. The Indofair program is one form of Indonesia's soft power practices carried out in the form of culture.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## OF CROPS AS THE COST OF TUTORING IN THE COUNTRYSIDE AND SOLD ONLINE WITH THE GOAL OF URBAN SOCIETY2019-08-23T10:21:24+07:00Farhan Nurul Imamfarhannurulimam98@gmail.comDhini<p>The rural area is beautiful and filled with a sense of high tolerance among the population. In her everyday villagers very tightly holding the sense of family, and mutual soul. The existence of such conditions makes the residents feel rural life filled with peace, tolerance is very high. Most of the villagers prefer the skill to work rather than intellectual ability, so rarely from villagers who feel the need to be educated. Education in Indonesia to be difficult for those who live under the poverty line. The majority of the population of Indonesia is under the poverty line resulted in his abandoned them in terms of education. In addition to the whims of those who never grow and be aware of the education, economic factors being the main reason for them not to touch the world of education. Agriculture and rural-are one-that unity is inseparable. Agriculture is the main component that sustain rural life in Indonesia. Agriculture is not just limited to narrow in terms of agriculture, but in broad sense i.e. peng-renewable primary products results, including agricultural food crops and horticulture, forestry, animal husbandry, perikan's, and forestry. Problems existing in rural areas among them, learning conditions in rural areas that are still lacking, rural conditions that still rely on the agricultural sector and, the cost factor in education in rural areas. On the first issue regarding learning in rural areas is still less than the expensive tuition fees, in the event of a book or other learning support tool. I as a student the University of Pasundan unthinkable to provide the solution of these problems, namely, by way of organising Tutoring with the cost of using the produce rural communities have. The agricultural sector which grew and produced a large surplus is a prerequisite to starting the process of economic transformation. At the beginning of the economic transformation, agriculture plays an important role in several ways. Fast-growing agricultural sector will be able to increase the income and well-being of the population in the country which in turn may increase the demand for goods and services generated by the sector nonpertanian. With agriculture as the cost of tutoring, facility obtained the supporting tools and materials is the lesson which has not been owned by the students who are in the country. This as implementation of tri dharma perguran high i.e., devotion to the community. On the above problem needs a solution to provide rural communities with the help of tutoring with low cost by giving them all the sufficiency in such learning books, and others, by making use of sector the farm that became the hallmark of a village.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ENTREPRENEURSHIP WITH A GRIT SYSTEM AND TRANSFORMATIONAL TECHNOLOGY TO FACE SOCIETY 5.0 IN ASIAN COMMUNITY2019-08-23T10:26:04+07:00Deviana Permatasarideviana222@gmail.comMochamad<p>Entrepreneuship is the main topic all over the world and also the innovation that seen as an important thing in millennial generation.Entrepreneur can change the way we live and work.Entrepeneurship need technology to The present technology in society 5.0 that use in human life is very important.Technology it’s the mother of civilizations of sciences.Technology has certainly changed the way we live. Technology plays an important role in ever sphere of live. As an entrepreneur, technology become very important. Its a new way that more easier to promoting everything, Entrepreneurship need to follow the modern timesWhere the marketing media uses the technology reform. In Asia, the entrepreurship is growth more fast. Its become an important studies in Asia. One asia community is the foundation that really support young generation to know more entrepreunrship and provide support in the form of learning and scholarship to make every student in asia have a higher education to build a successful society 5,0 in Asia. That society 5.0 make our life more easier. Entering the era of globalization and technological developments that are so fast giving changes and progress in various lives. In the advanced information era as it is today, it requires us to keep up with all modern technological developments. In order to keep abreast of the times, quality human resources are needed. Educational planning and workforce planning have a very important role in supporting economic development. In the implementation of education in this country which is responsive to changing times, it is necessary to have a good quality of education in order to create intelligent, superior and highly competitive human resources. The challenge of a world that is increasingly superior to all technologies encourages us to be able to bring creative ideas to create new innovations and bring change to a better direction.The role of education in the development era is to build the quality of human resources. With the quality of human resources that are superior, creative, innovative, have a strong motivation for achievement, skills and broad and in-depth insight. Entering the society 5.0 education and technology have the important role in human life. Society 5.0 can be interpreted as a concept of human-centered society and technology-based. Society 5.0 itself here is a process where human life is greatly assisted by technology. To keep abreast of the very fast developments, human resources must be more competent. To realize 5.0 society where technology is the best means for entrepreneurs, it is necessary to increase the knowledge of each young generation about technology that can be used in the global era as it is today.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## DEVELOPMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION BY GROWING MOTIVATION AND UTILIZING OPPORTUNITIES FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP2019-08-23T10:33:06+07:00Diana Komala Dewidianakomala7@gmail.comAcep Roni<p>Entrepreneurship is an activity to improve people's welfare in terms of a better and better quality of life. Entrepreneurship has a very large role in the development of economic growth. The role of entrepreneurship has been tested by the economic crisis that hit the Indonesian nation. Entrepreneurship based on the people's economy was able to survive in a difficult situation. For this reason, higher education as an institution that is a role model for the community can encourage a culture of entrepreneurship. Universities are also expected to be able to create reliable entrepreneurs, so as to be able to give encouragement to the community's intentions, especially students to become entrepreneurs. In giving a strong intention to encourage students to become entrepreneurs, efforts are needed that can build entrepreneurial spirit for students. Building this entrepreneurial spirit is not easy, of course, the main thing is by means of universities able to provide entrepreneurship courses in every department that exists. Thus, after the knowledge of entrepreneurship is studied, of course, it will be able to build motivation for entrepreneurship for students and students to be able to take advantage of the opportunities available to be able to become entrepreneurs. Motivation for each person is different and is not easy to learn because it cannot be seen. Not everyone has the motivation for entrepreneurship, but every person has the potential to become an entrepreneur. With this potential, it can be grown by instilling the motivation for entrepreneurship. The motivation for entrepreneurship will encourage everyone to be able to find a number of opportunities that can be utilized in entrepreneurship. Opportunities for entrepreneurship can be found by: conducting market research, preparing and preparing business plans, adhering to rules, and marketing strategies that are right on target.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## AGRICULTURE TO INDONESIA2019-08-23T10:50:38+07:00Amelia Zaen Ramadantyameliazaeen@gmail.comUus<p>Indonesia is the largest island country in the world consisting of 17,499 Islands from Sabang to Merauke. The total area of Indonesia is 7.81 million km2 consisting of 2.01 million km2 of land, 3.25 million km2 of ocean, and 2.55 million km2 of the exclusive economic Zone (ZEE). Indonesia dubbed as "Mother of Spices" (Mother of Spices) because of its geographical advantages, so it is still in the other country in its spice products. Indonesia is also known as agrarian state. Therefore, agriculture becomes vital for Indonesia. The agricultural sector is not only a vital part of Indonesia as a source of income and production resources of various commodities, but also a source of needs and dependence of the world community in fulfilling the current and future food needs Upcoming. At the same time Indonesian agriculture should compete with other countries in the seize the world market not only from the side of the production amount produced but related also to the quality and availability at any time. But it can not be denied as well, some young generations are currently less in the agriculture sector. Even students who choose the Department of Agriculture but when they graduate work on the bank or office. Therefore, let us as a young generation increase agricultural sectors. Let's reorganize the farmland in Indonesia. By using the land around the area.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MAKES LEARNING MATHEMATICS MORE MEANINGFUL2019-08-23T10:55:05+07:00Fitrioni Patriantopatrianto.fitrioni@gmail.comVikri Abdullah<p>Mathematics has been given from the first grade of elementary school to twelve secondary schools. These subjects are the main subjects in each education unit. There are various delivery methods used by the teacher with the aim to be more easily accepted by students. Mathematics has become a subject that is considered difficult for school students so that these subjects and their teachers are feared by students. Based on observations made, students assume that mathematics subjects are difficult and boring. Students contend that mathematics is rigid, abstract, theoretical, full of difficult symbols and formulas. Mathematics is also considered far from everyday life. This assumption contributes to students' negative perceptions of mathematics. If a student wishes to remember something without connecting with other things, both the process and the results of his learning can be declared as memorizing and will not be meaningful to him. Learning can be meaningful if the activities carried out by students are fun and moreover if it is relevant to everyday experiences. Therefore, so that mathematics learning is meaningful students are advised to take ethno mathematics based tutoring. With the opening of ethno mathematics based tutoring, it can help improve student learning with meaning followed by increasing numbers of entrepreneurs in Indonesia.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## OF ECOPRENEURSHIP FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY (BASED ON THE STUDY OF: WASTE4CHANGE AND BIN-GO TRASH)2019-08-23T10:58:39+07:00Rikawati W.<p>Trash is the one of the impacts of environmental damage of the lifestyle community. The amount of waste that can be handled by the Government are still very few compared to the total amount of trash produced per day. Currently many conventional business activities that are not concerned with the environment. One of the highlights is the garbage of garbage generated by the coffee shop. Therefore the concept of ecopreneurship judged to be one of the solutions that can bridge the gap between economic and environmental interests. The concept of ecopreneurship has been implemented by Waste4Change and Bin-Go Trash as a business that is not only concerned with the increase of people's income and social welfare but rather concerned with environmental sustainability. This research aims to introduce and implement the principles of ecopreneurship on start-up Waste4Change and Bin-Go Trash. In terms of handling garbage Waste4Change have first stood as a start-up in the field of handling trash and has had many models offer a service that is Collect, Create, Consult, and Campaign. While Bin-Go trash the newly founded beginning in 2019 currently has to handle the garbage generated by some coffee shop that is in the city of Bandung. The model of the services offered by Bin-Go Trash till now is Collect, Distribution, and Create.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## AN ECONOMY WITH ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION2019-08-23T11:01:51+07:00Yusup Roni<p>Education is one of the main pillars of a country, where the quality of a country can be seen from the quality of their education, as education is also a determinant of the economy of a country. Ho Chi Minh (reveals that without the teacher no education, and if there is no education without economic and social development. Expression of education implies that he does have an important role in the economic development of a country. One example of the education sector in the economies of developed countries is education, where the presence of entrepreneurial education entrepreneurship then it will be created by entrepreneurial-entrepreneurial excellence. Education entrepreneurship can be defined as the embodiment of insightful educational entrepreneurship education, i.e. applying the principles and methodologies towards life skill on his protégé participant through an integrated curriculum that developed at the school or college. According to McClelland one of the factors that cause a country become forward is when the number of entrepreneurs in these countries at least 2% of the population of its inhabitants. The number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia recently reached 1.56%. If it is left without the efforts of foster it, then very slow to meet numbers 2% self-employment. Therefore, the high number of entrepreneurs in a country, then the country will be more developed and advanced entrepreneurship participates because helping the Government in fostering development in the field of economy.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## VOCATIONAL BASED EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS2019-08-23T11:04:29+07:00Tussa Nurul Bahtiartussanbahtiar98@gmail.comDiani<p>One of the things that has caused Indonesia to not be able to become a developed country is the lack of business actors. Businesses in the service sector have a great opportunity, because many provide convenience for users. At present many companies request employment contracts because companies do not have to provide facilities and benefits. Entrepreneurs are people who establish, manage, develop and institutionalize their own companies. Employers can create jobs for others too. Labor provider companies are a form of legal entity (business entity) and have permits from agencies responsible for employment. Because of the large number of students who need work to pay for lectures and daily necessities as well as new graduates who still have not found a job and the very tight competitiveness of getting a job makes me think of opening a business that provides services especially for accounting staff. who provide services, gather students and also new graduates who study accounting.The aim is to channel their abilities in accounting to companies that need services in accounting. With the existence of this institution, it is expected that people who are looking for work and also companies that need accounting services will be assisted. In addition to getting extra money, students must have high motivation in practicing the knowledge they have gained during their studies in the workforce. Through this institution, students are expected to have real work experience after graduating from the University.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ROLE OF WOMEN FARMERS IN PROSPERITY THROUGH ENTREPENEURSHIP2019-08-23T11:07:52+07:00Jiandzani Ghina Aninnasaninmail3@gmail.comCharisma Asri<p>Indonesia has many natural resources that need to be conserved, even being the fulfillment of the needs of society Indonesia. One that is part of food that have an important role for the people of Indonesia. The workers who cultivate this food is one of the farmers, namely women or housewives who work as farm women to fulfill daily needs. Many denigrating women farmers, but on the other hand women farmers is a formidable woman who can work in terms of taking care of the household and earn a living or meet her everyday through the produce is obtained. Women farmers are often considered a degree so low, but not denied if seen women farmers here as a crutch. From her they produce can cultivate into a product sold to the community. In this case, the product is still natural and no preservatives so that people are either still guarantee the level of health and safety. Although still in the natural thing, with this product then the community will more guarantee and if marketed production will gain results and profit. It's just the need for a Government that can underlie the creation of products labeled kosher and Lordship. From here, too, can lift Indonesia, and can be recognized by the world that produkIndonesia it is based on kekyaan a alamidan can be used as natural and beneficial to others.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN STRENGTHENING ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH ONE ASIA FOUNDATION2019-09-01T13:16:54+07:00Luthfi BaehaqiLuthfibaehaqi17@gmail.comTaufik Satwika<p>The role of entrepreneurship in creating productive, innovative and creative human resources is the initial capital in encouraging economic development which can improve people's welfare. Schumpeter, who developed the theory of economic development, stated that entrepreneurs have a role in economic development through the creation of entrepreneurial innovations, employment, and welfare. The more productive communities, the more advanced and prosperous the country will be. At present, Indonesian society can be said to be very consumptive compared to productive, which can be seen from how Indonesian people import goods such as clothing, accessories, and vehicles for lifestyle needs. In this journal I have a goal of how to change the Indonesian mindset to be more productive through Entrepreneurship, because entrepreneurship is also related to how someone behaves and how someone makes a decision, in entrepreneurship we also have to overcome the evolving technology which when Indonesian people cannot following this era will have a bad impact or can be said to be a threat due to lack of interest. In overcoming technological developments, in my opinion, the key is in the millennial generation or the next generation of the nation, because they understand better and they always explore a technology and also they really enjoy technological developments in this era of industrial revolution 4.0. One organization that can produce advanced young people is one asia foundation because it has a goal to contribute to the formation of the Asian Community, in this case one Asia Foundation can certainly plan and target its goals, namely to improve the quality of human resources. Thus economic development and increasing community welfare can be achieved by expanding entrepreneurs</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## WASH SERVICE INDUSTRY2019-08-23T11:12:20+07:00Muhammad Miftaahuddinmuhmiftaahuddin153030020@gmail.comSenny Suzanna<p>Technological advances have narrowed geographical distance and made it easier for business people to do business. The world of car marketing in Indonesia is currently in a very tight competitive environment. Various types of cars offered in the market that have quality and innovation are very diverse. The presence of affordable cars is certainly highly anticipated by the Indonesian people, whose average income is not too high. In addition to vehicle purchases, maintenance is also needed for the vehicles they use because they have age and at any time can be damaged, so as to increase the length of life of the vehicle and maintain the vehicle, so that the vehicle is maintained, needed maintenance on the components in the vehicle. then the offer of car wash services for vehicle maintenance has mushroomed in Indonesia. The existence of car maintenance services is an important thing, because it is very necessary for car owners. This becomes a factor for entrepreneurs to become a business opportunity that is very promising.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE ASIAN COMMUNITY2019-08-23T11:15:40+07:00Yasin Purnama<p>Entrepreneurship is the spirit, attitude, behavior and ability of a person in handling business or activities that lead to efforts to find, create, apply the workings of new technologies and products by increasing efficiency in order to provide better services. Whereas Entrepreneurship is someone who is able to see opportunities in the surrounding environment and is able to take advantage of these opportunities to be something of value both for himself and for many people. Entrepreneurship strengthening in a country is very important and needed because after all entrepreneurship plays a role in the economic wheel of a country, creates jobs, sources of state income through taxes, as well as foreign exchange earners from export products that will strengthen foreign reserves, and carry out roles as social functions for advance the nation. But in reality the number of entrepreneurs in Asian countries is still below the average percentage of developed countries. The number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia alone is 3.1%, Malaysia 5%, Singapore 7%, China 10%, Japan 11%, Thailand 4.5%, Vietnam 3.3% of the total population in the country, while almost in every country forward, namely by having entrepreneurship as much as 14% of the total population in the country. From these data, several countries in Asia are still far from being able to reach the percentage of developed countries. Therefore, strengthening entrepreneurship in a country is very important and needed in achieving the country's prosperity and prosperity.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## CAPACITY BUILDING OF THE LEADING SMALL BUSINESS IN KAMPOENG RAJOET, BANDUNG CITY (REGIONAL LEADING PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (PPUD) OF DRPM KEMENRISTEK DIKTI)2019-09-14T12:36:12+07:00Yanti Susila Tyantisusila61@gmail.comDindin Abdurohim BSdindinabs@yahoo.comTrias Pyrenia<p>The knitting small business located in Kampoeng Rajoet is one of the leading small businesses in the City of Bandung. Kampoeng Rajoet area has 293 business units, has 31.366 billion investment capacity, produces up to 984,426 dozen per year capacity, and provides employment for 2,143 regional and national workers. Some business units have entered the international market. One of them is Eka Rahmat Jaya Small Business which is the PPPUD Program Partner in Batununggal Sub-district. The partner has the potential to be developed, but it still faces various problems. The priority problems faced by the partner include 1) production problem related to the limited capacity of knitting machine and limitations of raw materials, 2) marketing, 3) management & HR, 4) business completeness and promotion media. The solutions and output targets of the implementation of this PPUD program are as follows 1) increasing the capacity of computer-based knitting machines and capacity of raw materials, 2) increasing the marketing capacity (potential customers/segments, targets, and positioning), 3) improving the management and HR capacity, and 4) increasing the capacity of business completeness and media promotion. The methods used to achieve the solution and output target includes training, technical tuition (Bimtek), mentoring, and business facilitation. In addition, the Team also determine procedures, set solution steps in solving problems, and involve experienced experts in their respective fields. The leading small business capacity building in the City of Bandung through the implementation of Regional Leading Product Development Program (PPPUD) has a positive impact on the capacity building of small business partner. This is evident from the application of science and technology to solving problems by creating the following solutions: creating a computerized knitting machine named <em>Cixing</em> and increasing the raw material capacity, increasing the marketing capacity and the information of potential markets/consumers (segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP), increasing the business management capacity (vision, mission and business objectives and HR), increasing the motivation and creativity, and increasing the capacity for business completeness and promotional media.</p>2019-08-17T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##