• Luthfi Baehaqi Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
  • Taufik Taufik Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
  • Andrey Satwika Yogaswara Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Human Resources; Economic Development; Youth; One Asia Foundation


The role of entrepreneurship in creating productive, innovative and creative human resources is the initial capital in encouraging economic development which can improve people's  welfare. Schumpeter, who developed the theory of economic development, stated that entrepreneurs have a role in economic development through the creation of entrepreneurial innovations, employment, and welfare. The more productive communities, the more advanced and prosperous the country will be. At present, Indonesian society can be said to be very consumptive compared to productive, which can be seen from how Indonesian people import goods such as clothing, accessories, and vehicles for lifestyle needs. In this journal I have a goal of how to change the Indonesian mindset to be more productive through Entrepreneurship, because entrepreneurship is also related to how someone behaves and how someone makes a decision, in entrepreneurship we also have to overcome the evolving technology which when Indonesian people cannot following this era will have a bad impact or can be said to be a threat due to lack of interest. In overcoming technological developments, in my opinion, the key is in the millennial generation or the next generation of the nation, because they understand better and they always explore a technology and also they really enjoy technological developments in this era of industrial revolution 4.0. One organization that can produce advanced young people is one asia foundation because it has a goal to contribute to the formation of the Asian Community, in this case one Asia Foundation can certainly plan and target its goals, namely to improve the quality of human resources. Thus economic development and increasing community welfare can be achieved by expanding entrepreneurs
