• Jiandzani Ghina Aninnas Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
  • Charisma Asri Fitrananda Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
Keywords: Indonesia, women farmers, needs, products.


Indonesia has many natural resources that need to be conserved, even being the fulfillment of the needs of society Indonesia. One that is part of food that have an important role for the people of Indonesia. The workers who cultivate this food is one of the farmers, namely women or housewives who work as farm women to fulfill daily needs. Many denigrating women farmers, but on the other hand women farmers is a formidable woman who can work in terms of taking care of the household and earn a living or meet her everyday through the produce is obtained. Women farmers are often considered a degree so low, but not denied if seen women farmers here as a crutch. From her they produce can cultivate into a product sold to the community. In this case, the product is still natural and no preservatives so that people are either still guarantee the level of health and safety. Although still in the natural thing, with this product then the community will more guarantee and if marketed production will gain results and profit. It's just the need for a Government that can underlie the creation of products labeled kosher and Lordship. From here, too, can lift Indonesia, and can be recognized by the world that produkIndonesia it is based on kekyaan a alamidan can be used as natural and beneficial to others.
