• Amelia Zaen Ramadanty Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
  • Uus Toharudin Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
Keywords: agrarian State; Agricultural sectors; Land utilization


Indonesia is the largest island country in the world consisting of 17,499 Islands from Sabang to Merauke. The total area of Indonesia is 7.81 million km2 consisting of 2.01 million km2 of land, 3.25 million km2 of ocean, and 2.55 million km2 of the exclusive economic Zone (ZEE). Indonesia dubbed as "Mother of Spices" (Mother of Spices) because of its geographical advantages, so it is still in the other country in its spice products. Indonesia is also known as agrarian state. Therefore, agriculture becomes vital for Indonesia. The agricultural sector is not only a vital part of Indonesia as a source of income and production resources of various commodities, but also a source of needs and dependence of the world community in fulfilling the current and future food needs Upcoming. At the same time Indonesian agriculture should compete with other countries in the seize the world market not only from the side of the production amount produced but related also to the quality and availability at any time. But it can not be denied as well, some young generations are currently less in the agriculture sector. Even students who choose the Department of Agriculture but when they graduate work on the bank or office. Therefore, let us as a young generation increase agricultural sectors. Let's reorganize the farmland in Indonesia. By using the land around the area.
