• Amida Rizqi Amalia Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
  • Yanti Susila Tresnawati Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
  • Abu Huraerah Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Development, Innovation


Basically everyone has an equally great opportunity to be a business performer. But unfortunately not everyone dares to hone their talents and interests, so it is natural if some people have managed to become successful entrepreneurs and some others are still there too who have not dared the action of running a business. Social entrepreneurship sees problems as an opportunity to form a new business model that benefits the empowerment of the surrounding community. The results that you want to achieve are not only material gains or customer satisfaction, but rather how ideas are posed can make a good impact on the whole community. Social entrepreneurship is a very interesting phenomenon nowadays because it perbedaan-perbedaannya with traditional entrepreneurs who only focus on material gains and customer satisfaction and its significance to people's lives. The study of social entrepreneurship involves a variety of science in its development and practice in the field. The cross-science of social Entrepreneurship Studies adopted is an important thing to explain and make new thoughts.
