• Heri Erlangga Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia


The world of higher education in Indonesia knows three functions or the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, there are Education and Teaching, Research, Community Service. Is the function of our higher education adequate based on the concept of tridharma? With a new vision of the future that demands the function and role of the new tertiary institution, it is better to explore the basics of the tridharma principle. This study uses a naturalistic inquiry approach. This approach was chosen because it was considered more suitable with the characteristics of the problem under study, namely with regard to Entrepreneurship behavior. Scientific inquiry is the search for knowledge using a method known as data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Research with a qualitative approach uses a collection method as much as possible in detail and in-depth facts about one thing or social phenomenon in order to get an understanding of as much as possible the nature of the symptoms. Collection of information to understand the facts is done by research techniques such as interviews, observation (observation) including involved observations (participation observation). As from the results of the analysis of the spirit of entrepreneurship in Higher Education that has been discussed, the authors draw conclusions from the results of the discussion by referring specifically to the problematic Philosophical, Process, Results and Strategy questions, with conclusions as follows: Philosophical problematic; The developing meaning of entrepreneurship can be appreciated in practical understanding (practical concept), this is revealed because the narrow meaning that exists for entrepreneurship is interpretation and views that entrepreneurship is synonymous with what is owned and done by "businessman" or "entrepreneur" who owns a business (trading), Problematic Processes; One of the entrepreneurship development programs in universities is through the implementation of entrepreneurship courses that are integrated into the curriculum, namely how the curriculum is developed by identifying its uniqueness which has to do with developing entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship curriculum development can be adopted from the building of science management houses in higher education. Problematic Results; Implementation on entrepreneurship programs in the academic community will still face obstacles, because the understanding of each university is different. Some people feel that it is not right to view entrepreneurial universities which are interpreted as business-oriented universities, given the philosophical basis of non-profit service-oriented education. Even though the university entrepreneur concept views things as a whole as a unit that is interrelated and synergized. Problematic Strategy; Entrepreneurship development in higher education requires a strategy and development of an entrepreneurial cultural movement program with the Business Incubator program (INBIS). This means that the College's Business Incubator is an institution that functions to incubate the business potential of universities and businesses towards higher education based on research universities as well as entrepreneurial universities. Universities need to develop business units from the faculty level to the rectorate, directly the university business incubator is an integral part of the campus organizational structure because it will mobilize, direct and supervise university leaders for university-level business units, and faculty level leaders and study programs / majors for business units at the faculty and study program / department level.
