• Ali Anwar Yusuf Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
  • Makbul Mansyur Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
  • Cece Suryana Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
  • Eden Komarudin Soeardi Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
Keywords: Self-reliance, Business Actors, Bandung City


Coblong Sub-District, Bandung City, West Java is majorly dominated by settlements and partly a trade and education area. The location which is close to the business center and government offices makes this sub-district an ideal area for residents to settle in. The biggest potential of this sub-district is in the trade sector. In addition, there are small business actors in the field of manufacturing industry which is the mainstay business of the residents. Therefore, the partner in this program includes a small business actor manufacturing jackets in the area of Sukapda Village, Cibenying Kidul Sub-District, Bandung City. The priority problems faced by the partner are as follows: 1) Not implementing good or right business management such as market and marketing management, production management, HR and organization management, and financial and accounting management; 2) Limited capital which causes them unable to replace old sewing machines, including buttoning, buttonhole, and over lock machines; 3) No advanced promotional activities (only word-of-mouth promotion) as well as the partner’s expectation to have equipment for promotion such as a computer set, participate in exhibitions (expo), and have business cards and product catalogs so that their jacket products can be known more and the sales increase. The solution and main output target of the implementation of this community service program include creating the self-reliance of jacket manufacturing small business actors by improving knowledge, skills, and management. The used approach methods include 4 (four) business training, technical assistance, facilitation, and mediation. The implementation of Community Service in Creating the Self-reliance of Small Business Actors in the City of Bandung has brought positive impacts on the businessman. This can be seen from the implementation of science and technology to solve the priority problems faced the partner by providing the following solutions:
1) improving the partner’s business management which includes marketing, production, HR and organization, and accounting and financial aspects; and 2) increasing the capacity of production machines and improving the partner’s promotional capacity.
