• Widya Gustian Ramadhanty Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
  • Deden Ramdan Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
Keywords: Socialpreneur, Civic Virtue, Civil Society


The high percentage of employees and unemployment than socialpreneur make the Indonesian economy weakened. The bigger state burden in the countries that must subsidize the citizens must be given serious attention. Awareness of citizens sued in an effort to build the country. The orthodox mindset about the best job is to be an employee must be revamped, citizens must be able to harmonize the times and have an entrepreneurial spirit. Other critical social problems caused by the narrowness of the job makes people in the poverty and the higher rating of the crime. The deterioration made Indonesian citizens do not deserve to be called as the civil society. The research method uses a qualitative approach, using data collection techniques are literature. Socialpreneur have significant vital role in a country. Socialpreneur able to improve the country's economy and shape the character of citizens become civic virtue. The result is the rapid advancement of the country's economy which is supported by the character of civic virtue of citizens bringing the part of civil society. Because the basic principle of civic virtue is "do not ask what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do to your country."
