• Ridwan Saputra Utama Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
  • Yudi Garnida Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
Keywords: Digital Marketing, SME, Social Media


The purpose of this research is to improve knowledge and skills about digital marketing, especially social media, to improve the business of small and medium enterprises (SME) their sales and profits. This can be a reason why social media is effective if it is done. The method used in this case is the explanation of using slide power points and LCD projectors, sharing and discussion experiences, and lastly direct practice of making social media (Facebook and Instagram) and how to make it appealing to Buyers (Pictures, words, those stories, etc.). The end result shows that only few are actively using social media as their promotional tool and they have not separate their online store account to their personal account, some others use it occasionally, and the rest of the participants are not Ever social media marketing is used due to lack of technological skills. This study aims for know the role of women sellers jamu gendong in improving social life, the contribution women make seller of jamu gendong against family income, and the impact the role of women seller of jamu gendong social and economic life family. The data collected consist of primary and secondary data by direct observation, in-depth interviews with selected informants, and documentation. Analysis data using data analysis qualitative with presenting the data in the form of tables be accompanied interpretation so that is obtained a conclusion. The results showed that the social and economic conditions of low family encourage women working in the public sector. Motivation women worked choose jobs sell jamu gendong is capital a little, do not require education / skill high, and solicitation friend or previously already there is brother who worked. Donations the lowest income of women seller of jamu gendong against the overall family income ketegori family is amounted to 20% and donations highest revenue is 72.72%. Impact social life the role of of women sellers jamu gendong is a family afford to send child, whereas impact economic life is increasing the family income which can fulfill needs of family life.
