Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency 2019-05-31T08:07:30+07:00 Open Journal Systems <div class="heading-block noborder" data-heading="T"> <h3>BACKGROUND</h3> </div> <h3 class="text-rotater font-secondary" data-separator="," data-rotate="fadeInRight" data-speed="3500">The 1<sup>st</sup>&nbsp;Inter-university Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency (IFSAC) which will be held on October 2<sup>nd</sup>-3<sup>rd</sup>2018, and adopted theme of “Emerging Creativity and Innovation in the Digital Economy Era (ECIDEE)” is being organized and collaborated for the first time by cooperative between Universitas Pasundan, the Coordinator of Private Higher Education Region IV, and The Association of Indonesian Professor West Java-Banten Province Region IV. The purpose of this conference is to disseminate research finding on digital economy through the world. The conference highlights is the presentation of successful research, its commercialization and experiences of lecturer in higher education and local government officials in the implementation of creativity and innovation in the digital economy era, abound in their respective units based on research finding.</h3> <div class="heading-block noborder" data-heading="T"> <h3>THEME</h3> </div> <h3 class="text-rotater font-secondary">Emerging Creativity and Innovation in the Digital Economy Era (ECIDEE)</h3> <div class="heading-block noborder" data-heading="T"> <h3>SUB THEME</h3> </div> <h3 class="text-rotater font-secondary">Economic, Accounting, Finance, Marketing and Management&nbsp;<br>Digital economy based on Government Policy&nbsp;<br>Business Administration and Entrepreneurship<br>Economic Education and Economic Law<br>Digital economy on Engineering and Information Technology<br>Digital economy based on cultural heritage perspective<br>Digital economy based on religion perspective</h3> Full Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency 2019-05-29T22:48:01+07:00 Yuce Sariningsih <p>The 1<sup>st</sup>&nbsp;Inter-university Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency (IFSAC) which will be held on October 2<sup>nd</sup>-3<sup>rd</sup>&nbsp;2018, and adopted theme of Emerging Creativity and Innovation in the Digital Economy Era (ECIDEE) is being organized and collaborated for the first time by cooperative between Universitas Pasundan, the Coordinator of Private Higher Education Region IV, and The Association of Indonesian Professor West Java-Banten Province Region IV. The purpose of this conference is to disseminate research finding on digital economy through the world. The conference highlights is the presentation of successful research, its commercialization and experiences of lecturer in higher education and local government officials in the implementation of creativity and innovation in the digital economy era, abound in their respective units based on research finding.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Impact of Profitability and Capital Sturcture on Firm Value in Indonesia Listed Companies on Stock Exchange Indonesia 2019-05-29T21:27:59+07:00 D R Nawawi D Rahadian <p>This research aims to establish the relationship between profitability and capital structure on firm value in 30 Indonesian Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in Miscelanous Industry over period of five-years (2012-2016). The analysis is based on regresion data panel. The profitability indicator refer to return on asset and return on equity.The capital structure indicators refer to debt on equity, debt on asset, and long-term debt. Data sources are form Indonesian Stock Exchange and company annual reports. Results show that profitability has positive significant effect in firm value. Capital structure does not have effect to firm value. Profitability and capital structure have significant effect to firm value.</p> 2019-05-29T21:27:19+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of Interest Rate, Capital Structure and Information Risk on Yield to Maturity and Its Application on Company Value: A Case Study of Bond Companies Listed in The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2009 to 2013 2019-05-29T21:32:52+07:00 A Suryaningprang J Suteja <p>This research aimed at identifying and analyzing the effect of interest rate, capital structure, and information risk on yield to maturity in increasing the value of bond companies in the IDX. Descriptive method with quantitative approach was used. The samples comprised bond companies listed on the IDX from 2009 to 2013. The samples were selected using purposive sampling with the following criteria: the bonds were traded in the IDX from 2009 to 2013, they had bond ratings from PT. Pefindo, and they did not have the option to sell and purchase. The data were analyzed using panel data analysis. The results showed that 1) interest rate affected yield to maturity, 2) capital structure affected yield to maturity, 3) information risk affected yield to maturity, and 4) yield to maturity affected company value.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Savings As a Major Factor in Appointment of Distribution of Credit in addition to Other Third Party Funds 2019-05-29T21:38:23+07:00 D E Y Bernardin I Sofyan Y Komalasari <p>This study aims to analyze lending in the form of third party funds or savings, current accounts and time deposits, the Bank BJB annual report population and samples of financial statements for the last twelve years from 2006 to 2017 taken from the Indonesia Stock Exchange or IDX. With the descriptive method of verification and using time series data. The results of the study show that the distribution of credit is highly determined in its ability to spread from the results of third party funds collection, which consists of savings, current accounts and time deposits. Of the total third party funds collected, only savings with a very significant value between Current accounts and deposit values, this shows that the most supportive fund in determining the loan distribution fund is savings, because the progress of the savings value is always changing rapidly, because there is no time benchmark for withdrawal and storage and many customers save their funds because the business process or payroll is different from the Current accounts or time deposit that is pegged at the time of storage and disbursement.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Business Owners’ Responsibilities to Consumers Due to Defected Products 2019-05-29T21:43:11+07:00 N K S Adnyani <p>This research aims at examining the form of business owners' responsibilities to consumers in terms of defected products, following up on the efforts that can be taken if there are business owners who do not fulfill their responsibilities. The research method used is normative and empirical legal research, and the type of research is analytic studies by combining generally binding legal material in the form of legislation, supported by previous legal research, legal scholars' scientific work, and legal encyclopedias. In the study of the effectiveness of law enforcement in the community, this norm is deemed necessary to be reconstructed so that the purpose of the norm is able to bridge justice, certainty, and legal benefits. The focus of normative research is an inventory of written positive law, especially regarding the regulation of business owners’ responsibilities in buying and selling in the legal perspective of consumer protection in The Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning Criminal Law and related regulations on defective products. Legal material analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive. The determination of subjects in this research used simple random sampling technique. Empirical legal research, the achievement of aspects of justice, legal certainty, and legal benefits is based on sociological course of jurisprudence. The research results showed that business owners are responsible if the product context is completely defective. The effort taken from the business owner that does not want to be responsible for the occurrence of product defects in the sale and purchase transaction is to resolve the dispute resolution and family approach. If it does not work, then it can be taken through the court.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Influence of Net Income and Corporate Social Responsibility towards Stock Price (an Empirical Study of Manufacturing Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) During the Period of 2014-2016) 2019-05-29T21:52:32+07:00 F Syarief A S Adriyana <p>The aim of this research is to evaluate the influence of net income and corporate social responsibility (CSR) towards stock price. The population involved in this research are manufacturing companies listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period of 2014-2016. Purposive sampling method was used to determine samples, where 76 samples were selected based on the research criteria. This research employed stock price to par value ratio for measuring stock price. ROA (Return On Asset) was used to represent net income, and CSRI (Corporate Social Responsibility Index) was used for assessing the degree of CSR disclosure. This research also used corporate size and corporate risk as control variables. This research used a secondary data. The data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression. The results of this research indicated that net income proved to have a significant positive influence towards stock price. Another finding is that CSR had a relatively negative relationship (marginally significant) towards stock price. The research also found that net income and CSR simultaneously had a significant influence with positive influence towards stock price.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Enhancing Investment and Regional Gross Domestic to Encourage the Economic Growth in Trenggalek District 2019-05-29T21:57:07+07:00 U Rusilowati H Supratikta <p>This research aimed at choosing the implemented strategy in developing Trenggalek District through MICE. The types of data were primary data taken from the results of the questionnaires filled by the government and private parties, and secondary data received from the related sectors in Trenggalek district and from Statistics Indonesia in East Java Province, journals and literature related to the research. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was processed using the 9.0 version of expert choice. The results shows that the development strategy of Trenggalek District through MICE could emphasize on (1) enhancing the investment sector with the highest value as much as 0.614 and followed by (2) improving the economic growth of Trenggalek District with the value of 0.260, which will help in (3) increasing the Gross Domestic Regional Income of Trenggalek District through MICE as much as 0.126. It is suggested that Trenggalek District promotes itself using social media and electronic media platforms to introduce this investment not only within the country, but also all over the world. Creating more national or international events in Trenggalek District will help promoting the District domestically and internationally and improve the students’ skills to gain positive impacts for Trenggalek District income.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Purchase Intention Based on Environmental Knowledge 2019-05-29T22:06:40+07:00 D P Alamsyah Y Triyani W N Sari I Zuniarti A Solihat R Rahmayani A Setiadi <p>Customer behaviour in doing the purchasing of environmental friendly products is influenced by customer knowledge to environment. It becomes a study background of the correlation of environmental knowledge and green purchase intention. Experimental study is conducted by survey to 100 customers of Supermarket who have knowledge for environmental friendly products. Research testing through hypothesis test is based on quantitative questionnaire. Research finding is known that customer green purchase intention for environmental friendly product can be started by environmental knowledge. The highest knowledge that is most famous by customer for environmental friendly products relates to information of no animal testing on product, organic vegetables, unleaded petrol, and minimum information of materials on product. Environmental knowledge is important to be improved to customer; it encourages the growth of environmental friendly products and healthy lifestyle.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Value of Eco-Label on Organic Vegetables 2019-05-29T22:12:39+07:00 B Sukajie C M Noor A Suparwo Y Komalasari R D Sulastriningsih L Hakim <p>The purpose of this study reviews the impact of eco-label on organic vegetables towards customer green awareness. The study is triggered by the low of customer attention for organic products at Supermarket. Research method is conducted by survey to customer at Supermarket who has known organic products to 100 respondents. Data analysis technique is through factor and correlation analysis, also there is research model tested by hypothesis. Research finding is stated that eco-label; on organic vegetables cannot improve customer green awareness on organic products. The value of eco-label is not assumed to be important by customer, in fact of eco-label is one of differentiators of organic products with conventional product.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Factors Influencing Capital Expenditure 2019-05-29T22:16:18+07:00 D Mulyana N Nurochani <p>The purpose of the current study is to describe and analyze the partial and simultaneous influence of Local Revenue, Revenue Sharing Fund, General Allocation Fund, and Specific Allocation Fund on capital expenditure in cities/municipalities in West Java. The research method used was descriptive analysis. The data collection technique was documentation where the researcher analyzed documents, transcripts and reports related to and supported the current study. The data used was secondary data time series from 2012-2014. The data analysis technique was panel regression analysis of data involving the combination of the time series and cross-sectional of data. The finding showed that the Local Revenue (LR), Revenue Sharing Fund (RSF), General Allocation Fund (GAF) and Specific Allocation Fund (SAF) had a simultaneously significant influence on the capital expenditure. Partially, the Local Revenue, Revenue Sharing Fund, and the General Allocation Fund had a significant influence on capital expenditure, while the Specific Allocation Fund did not have any significant impact on the capital expenditure.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Influence of Incentives, Work Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Jakarta 2019-05-29T22:20:54+07:00 D Hidayat U Rusilowati I Y Rukmana <p>The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of incentives, work motivation, and work discipline partially and simultaneously on employee performance at PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Jakarta. This research is associative with a quantitative approach. The population involved were all employees of PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Jakarta, while the sample used was 115 respondents chosen using saturated sampling. The data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using test instruments, classical assumption tests, regression analysis, determination coefficients, t-test, and F-test. The results showed that incentives had a positive and significant influence on employee performance, proven by the simple linear regression values obtained, where Y = 30.357 + 0.317X1, coefficient of determination = 27%, and t-observe = 6.471&gt; t table (1.9811) with a significance of 0.000 &lt;0.05. Work motivation had a positive and significant influence on employee performance. It was proven by the simple linear regression values obtained, where Y = 20.053 + 0.592X2, coefficient of determination = 25.2%, t observe = 6.167&gt; t table (1.9811) with a significance of 0.000 &lt;0.05. Work discipline had a positive and significant influence on employee performance, proven by the simple linear regression values obtained, where Y = 25.201 + 0.470X3, coefficient of determination = 27.2%, and t observe = 6.498&gt; t table (1.9811) with a significance of 0.000 &lt;0.05. Incentives, work motivation, and work discipline simultaneously had a positive and significant impact on employee performance, proven by the multiple linear regression equation, where Y = 13,090 + 0,222X1 + 0,366X2 + 0,253X3, coefficient of determination = 49,1%, and F observe =<br>35.723&gt; F table (3.08) with significance of 0.000 &lt;0.05.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Influence of Hotel Tax, Entertainment Tax and Parking Tax toward Local Original Income in Bandung 2019-05-29T22:31:28+07:00 R Kurniawan <p>This Research to find out the influence of Hotel Tax, Entertainment Tax and Parking Tax toward Local Original Income in Bandung (2011-2016). This research uses quantitative research method and descriptive research type. Using classical assumption test among them test correlation test, a coefficient of determination test, multiple linear regression test, and hypothesis test partially and simultaneously. Show that the test of F test 0,004&lt;0,05, which means there is influence between hotel tax, entertainment tax and parking tax toward Local Original Income.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of Factors Affecting Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure 2019-05-29T22:35:38+07:00 M Maidani M Wijayanti R Purnomo <p>The aim of this study to determine the effect of profitability, the proportion of independent board of commissioner, leverage, and public share ownership. The population in this study were 27 companies listed in Indonesian securities for the period of 2015 - 2017, so as to obtain as many as 81 samples. Methods of data analysis in this study using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that profitability significantly affects CSR disclosure, meaning that the size of the company's profit affects the company to disclose CSR, while public share ownership also influences CSR disclosure because companies with good quality tend to provide social information so that the market can differentiate the quality of the company other. While the Independent Board of Commissioners and leverage do not affect CSR disclosure.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Analysis of the Effect of Intellectual Capital, Company Growth, Size, Solvency on Profitability and Their Impact on Company Value 2019-05-29T22:51:28+07:00 M Marjohan H Sarwani <p>This research aimed at determining the influence of intellectual capital, company growth, firm size, and solvency on profitability and their impacts on company value. The sample of this research consisted of 13 consumer goods sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2012-2016 period. Sampling was conducted by purposive sampling method. This research used descriptive quantitative method and employed multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing (statistical t-test and determination coefficient test). The results showed that partially the intellectual capital variable had an influence on profitability with sig value of 0.0000&lt;0.05. Company growth had no significant effect on profitability with sig value of 0.3283&gt;0.05. Firm size had a significant influence on profitability with sig value of 0.0313&lt;0.05. Leverage had a significant effect on profitability with sig value of 0.0091&lt;0.05. The results showed that simultaneously variables of intellectual capital, company growth, firm size and solvency had significant influences on profitability with sig value of 0.0000&lt;0.05. Profitability had a significant influence on company value with a sig value of 0.0016&lt;0.05.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Role of Capital Structure in Intervening The Effect of Ownership Structure on Company’s Value 2019-05-29T22:54:25+07:00 N Sunardi <p>Abstract. The purpose of this study is to examine the partial or simultaneous effect<br>between Stock Price consists of internal factors of the company associated with the Managerial Ownership (INSD), Institutional Ownership (INST), Foreign Ownership (FORG), Independent Board (INDB), Capital Structure (DER), Company’s Value<br>(PBV). The populations in this study 8 companies incorporated in Retail Trade Company’s in Indonesia at the period of 2013-2017. Regression analysis was performed based on panel data analysis results on Eviews 10.00. This research concludes several things as follows: Variables Managerial Ownership (INSD) has a negative and not significant effect on Capital Structure (DER), Institutional Ownership (INST) has a negative and significant effect on Capital Structure (DER), Foreign Ownership (FORG) has a positive and significant effect on Capital Structure (DER), Public Ownership (PUBL) has a positive and significant effect on Capital Structure (DER), Managerial Ownership (INSD), Institutional Ownership (INST), Foreign Ownership (FORG), Public Ownership (PUBL) simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on Capital Structure (DER) and able to explain Capital Structure of 0.972745 or 97.72 percent, Managerial Ownership (INSD) has a negative and not significant effect on Company’s Value (PBV), (7) Institutional Ownership (INST) has a negative and not significant effect on Company’s Value (PBV), Foreign Ownership (FORG) has a negative and not significant effect on Company’s Value (PBV), Public Ownership (PUBL) has a positive and significant effect on Company’s Value (PBV), Capital Structure (DER) has a positive and not signifikan on Company’s Value (PBV), Managerial Ownership (INSD), Institutional Ownership (INST), Foreign Ownership (FORG), Public Ownership (PUBL) and Capital Structure (DER) simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on Company’s Value and able to explain Company’s Value of Retail Trade Company’s In Indonesia of 0.922560 or 92.25 percent.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Impact of Digital Channel on Customer Purchasing Satisfaction 2019-05-29T22:59:49+07:00 A Amran A Suparwo S W K Dewi Y Sariwaty S R Herlina <p>Digital marketing is a new kind of marketing for companies. Customers can get complete information easily about the product that they intend to buy through related digital channels. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of digital channel on customer purchasing decision and customer purchasing satisfaction, and to find out the correlation between age and product types which customers prefer to buy using digital channels, and the correlation between monthly income and frequency of product purchase. The research employs survey method to 81 respondents in Bandung City. The data was analyzed by using the chi- square test. It is found that digital channels were correlated with customer purchasing decision and customer purchasing satisfaction, age was correlated with the types of product, and monthly income was correlated with the frequency of purchasing product using digital channels.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementation of Cooperative Principles as an Organization Culture and an Effect on Financial Performance 2019-05-29T23:03:11+07:00 S Sugiyanto <p>Cooperative as a business entity still has several problems according to realize cooperative objectives, that are member promotion and business efficiency, which measured by financial performance. In average showed that cooperative financial performance is lower than the standards set by the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small Medium Enterprises, allegedly of cooperative managers have not implemented yet cooperative principles as a cooperative culture in their managerial activities consistently. The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of cooperative principles as an organization culture and the effect on cooperative financial performance either simultaneously or partially. This research is conducted on 56 cooperative samples in West Java using quantitative descriptive method, and use multiple regression analysis tools. The results of this research show that the implementation of the seven cooperative principles have not been fully implemented in cooperative samples yet. Principle of democratic management is the highest principle implemented by the cooperative, followed by surplus distribution, cooperative education, the giving of limited remuneration to the capital, independence, voluntary and open membership. Lastly, the cooperative principle that is rarely implemented is partnership among cooperatives. Cooperative principles as an organization culture on financial performance simultaneously have significant effect on the cooperative financial performance, but partially do not give any significant effect on the cooperatives financial performance. This study indicates that the financial performance of cooperative will be determined by the implementation of the whole of cooperative principles consistently.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Implementation of Customer Relationship Management and Service Excellent in Improving Customer Satisfaction 2019-05-29T23:11:18+07:00 R Roisah I Iskandar R Mahanka R A Adillah I K Martana <p>The tight competition and regulation complicate banking in Indonesia to show its market strength. Customer satisfaction is the most important thing in the trading business. To improve the satisfaction of banking customers, banks should develop their business strategies through Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and improve their service excellences. The implementation of CRM and service excellence provides access to the banking world to be more proactive towards technology that makes it easier for companies to increase customer retention by using customer feedback. This study aims to determine the effect of CRM and service excellence on customer satisfaction. The research method used is a quantitative approach with descriptive and verification methods. The data used is primary data obtained from surveys, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that the application of CRM and service excellence has influences as an effort to improve customer satisfaction proven by series of strategic CRM processes, operational CRM, analytical CRM and service excellence cultures that are friendly, sincere and kinship.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Optimization of Fabric Production through Linear Programming to Maximize Profit of a Textile Industry 2019-05-29T23:16:22+07:00 R A Harianto S Supriyanto R Wijayaningsih <p>This study aims at maximizing a business profit in a textile industry. By using a descriptive quantitative approach, the study was conducted in the district of Cikokol, Tangerang, Indonesia by collecting data from a textile company producing yarn and woven fabrics for the years 2016 until 2017. The data was analyzed by using linear programming to maximize a business profit. In its daily process, the company faced many problems or constrains in its production planning. Uncertain demand fluctuation has caused shortage or overproduction. Other problems are the constrain of raw materials, machine working hour, labour working hour, spindle hour per unit, loom hour per unit, and demand of products. The result of the study showed that the total profit earned by the company to produce 6.67 dozen (80 pcs) of T/C woven fabric is US$ 133.400. On the other hand, total profit to produce 6.67 dozen (80 pcs) of cotton fabric is US$ 100.050, with the assumption that the profit is in accordance with fixed objective and constrain function.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Graphology for Employee Recruitment 2019-05-29T23:21:27+07:00 R C D Wulansari I Primiana M Kusman <p>Graphology can indicate well a person's personality structure, abilities, capabilities to grow and develop, and perhaps most importantly, integrity. This research aimed at knowing how Graphology works in daily lives. Graphology is a scientific method in a basis of analyzing strokes. Combinations of strokes have significant interpretation. The method used was qualitative method. The data collected consisted of primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through observation and interview to employee and Graphologist. While, secondary data were obtained through literature study. The sample was employees selected by using Graphology (20 employees). In analysing the data, N Vivo11 was used. The result concluded that the role of Graphology is very important because it is helpful in terms of knowing the extent of the competencies of the employee.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Impact of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) on Excess Return 2019-05-29T23:25:22+07:00 A A Hapsari N Susanti <p>Different ways and methods can be used in calculating asset pricing models. One method that can be used in calculating asset pricing model is Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a model that links the expected rate of return of risk assets with asset risk to balanced market conditions. This study aims to assess the risk and stock returns with the CAPM method of excess return, in order to provide a decent investment decision on stocks listed in the index LQ 45. Type of research used is descriptive quantitative research. Population in this research is the stock of LQ 45 period of 2012 until 2016. The sampling method in this research uses purposive sampling with a criterion of the company which listed continuously in Indonesia stock exchange and recorded in index LQ 45 period 2012 until 2016, which is 20 companies selected to sample research. Secondary data used in the form of closing price of shares of LQ 45 and interest rate of Bank Indonesia on a monthly basis. All data then calculated, hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression analysis with the help of software used is SPSS Version 24.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Influence of Co-Brand Service on Satisfaction that Implicates to General Patient at Green Care Clinic 2019-05-30T05:45:51+07:00 Y Budiyanti D Syarifuddin D P Alamsyah S Hayati E Irawan T P Ningrum <p>General patient’s visit get decreasing in the beginning of 2017 while patient of BPJS’s visit that is expected not to achieve more 15% of membership get improvement and it is more 20% of membership number. The low of general patient’s visit is assumed because the low of patient’s satisfaction and loyalty since there is increasing of BPJS service as the step of co-branding. The aim of this study is to know the description and the variable influence of co- branded service and patient’s satisfaction toward patient’s loyalty. The research analysis used is path analysis with survey to 90 respondents, which is general patient of Green Care’s Clinic. Type of this research used is descriptive and verification to assess the description and the influence among variable. The research finding shows that there is influence of co-branded service towards patient’s satisfaction. Co-branded service has no impact to the improvement of patient’s loyalty. When co-branding created so it will be able to improve patient’s satisfaction; patient who is satisfied will be able to improve loyalty. But, co-branded service cannot improve patient’s loyalty at green care directly.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Factors Affecting Trust and Satisfaction Level of Sellers and Buyers towards Online Marketplace 2019-05-30T05:52:09+07:00 S Rianti D B Srisulistiowati S Rejeki <p>This study was aimed at investigating the satisfaction level of buyers and sellers towards online stores and its influencing factors. An online questionnaire was distributed to 100 buyers and 40 online sellers. The data obtained in the form of data on the level of confidence, the level of satisfaction with use. Then the data were analyzed by SPSS. The results of the calculation of the correlation, quality of goods affect 16%, ease of transaction affects 47%, and the security of transactions affects 16% of buyer satisfaction. For seller satisfaction, the convenience of the goods quality factor affects by 35%, the product factor favored the buyer affects 21% and the convenience factor and receipt of payment and receipt of timely payments affects 24%. This shows that the level of risk is decreasing, the privacy and security of buyers and sales are increasing. The level of customer satisfaction can be seen from the goods sent according to the catalog, received on time, the waiter as promised, quality goods Level of seller satisfaction if sales are high, payment of buyers' money from the marketplace on time.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Value Added Intellectual Capital: An Empirical Study on Islamic Banks in Indonesia 2019-05-30T05:54:58+07:00 S Suroso I Setyawati <p>The purpose of this research to analyse value-added intellectual capital and its components in Islamic banks in Indonesia. The research methodology used is descriptive quantitative by comparing components of value-added intellectual capital, consisting of human capital efficiency, structural capital efficiency, and capital employed efficiency. In this research, only three of eleven Islamic banks have a positive of value-added intellectual capital. While human capital efficiency, structural capital efficiency, and capital employed efficiency, most Islamic banks have a negative value.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementation of Good Corporate Governance on Tax Avoidance and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure as Intervening Variables 2019-05-30T05:58:51+07:00 I Sastrodiharjo I Sulistiana <p>This research aims to analyze the influence of Good Corporate Governance to Tax Avoidance with Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure as an intervening variable. Technique sampling is purposive sampling. The research is conducted on the TOP 50 of Manufacturing companies in The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Countries (2014-2015) range of time. The estimation model being used is multiple regression analysis and Sobel Test to determine mediate variable. The purpose of this study was to determine if Good Corporate Governance have an influence on Tax Avoidance and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure able to mediate the relationship Good Corporate Governance to Tax Avoidance. The study involved tri variables, which is, one dependent variable, one independent variable and one variable of moderation. The dependent variable in this study was Tax Avoidance. The independent variables in this study are Good Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure as an intervening variable. Our result indicates a significant influence only impact Good Corporate Governance on Tax Avoidance. The purpose of this study not achieved as Good Corporate Governance not significantly uninfluenced on Tax Avoidance and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure unable to mediate the relationship Good Corporate Governance to Tax Avoidance.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Legal Protection for Recipients of Foreign Franchise Rights in Indonesia 2019-05-30T06:01:45+07:00 S Sugeng A N Rohman <p>Due to gobalization, world trade has increased tremendously. Franchising having surged as one of the many business models has the potential to improve the economy of the community. Basically, franchising refers to a method of goods and services distribution to consumers. The party who owns the method is referred to as the franchisor, while the party given the right to use a method the franchisee. This article examines the legal issues that arise in granting license rights from foreign franchisors to franchisees, and how the laws in Indonesia provide protection for the rights and obligations of the parties. The research employed the normative juridical method or library research. Normative legal research examines the law as a positive norm as it is written in the book. In accordance with Article 1320 and 1338 of the Indonesian Civil Code, arrangements of franchising agreement in Indonesia are based on the agreement between the parties. To provide legal protection for recipients foreign franchise in Indonesia, the government has enacted the Government Regulation No. 42/2007 on Franchise and Trade Minister Regulation No. 53/2007 on the Implementation of Franchising. In principle, the settlement of the problems that occur in international franchising agreement would be resolved by consultation or negotiation. If consensus is not reached, the parties can take the dispute to international arbitration. In general, the dispute over the franchise business concept is mostly resolved through the general justice institution.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Downsizing Policy: Job Insecurity Makes Non-medical Employee’s Work Engagement to Decrease 2019-05-30T06:04:51+07:00 W Ramadhani E S H Hutahaean <p>This paper arranged based on the downsizing issues, due to the implementation of new regulation at public health services. There are at least two problems i.e. the employee felt insecure in carrying out their job and the decreased performance. The research had been conducted in non-medical employees at a private hospital in Jakarta. The research was done toward 175 employees in total as the respondents. The data had been collected using job insecurity scale and work engagement scale. The data analysis was tested to see the causal relationship that occurred between job insecurity and work engagement. The results of the test showed that job insecurity had a role in reducing the level of work engagement. It indicated that an increased insecurity made the employee’s work engagement to decline. Another result of the test showed that job insecurity and work engagement had a negative interaction. Nevertheless, a conditions of high job insecurity gave an effect to decrease work engagement. Based on this condition, it is considered that employees significantly do not give benefits to the company. Despite being in uncertain regulation, downsizing is not expected to be the only solution. Therefore, the need for advanced empirical studies to explore the role of organizational climate and innovation culture may help the management to take the proactive steps.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Policy Network in Evaluation of E-Government Implementation Policy (a Case Study of Pesduk in Cimahi) 2019-05-30T06:07:46+07:00 I Mariane <p>The advancement of technology results effortlessness for human beings. The advances should be followed the awareness of positive manner and responsibility. For that reason, the government of Cimahi city through the office of communication, information, archive, and library launched a program called Pesduk (pesan singkat penduduk/short message service for citizen). Pesduk was intended to provide information. Unfortunately, the program has never been evaluated yet. In fact, evaluation is an integral part of the whole process and regarded to measure the effectiveness of respective program. This research used qualitative approach by employing case study method. The data were collected by in-depth interview method, participant observation, and triangulation. Then, the data were classified, edited, displayed, and processed based on data character and type. The analysis shows that the evaluation of Pesduk has not been effective. The evaluation is crucial to be a consideration of new strategic plans in implementing subsequent policies. It is necessary to conduct standard operational procedure (SOP) of Pesduk to make this program effective, directed, and have legal basis. The procedure is also able to measure some imperfections of the program and, finally, initiate collaboration between society, industrial sector, and government through policy network.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Consumer Legal Protection for Food Beverage Products That Do Not Have Halal Certificate 2019-05-30T06:13:29+07:00 D Anggraeni O Yanto A Kristianto <p>The purpose of this study is to increase the productivity of safe food and drinks for Muslim consumers in Indonesia. The research method used in this writing is a normative legal research method or normative juridical research that is by collecting data in library research. The efforts of the Indonesian government, through the establishment of laws on food, about consumer protection and about the guarantee of halal products are to ensure legal certainty and context. In terms of the laws and regulations needed by the government.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Role of Business Communication in Increasing The Survivability of Law Firms 2019-05-30T06:15:53+07:00 J Jemy <p>In the current environment, the involvement of an attorney in dealing with sensitive communication matters can also help to eliminate possible communication risks in business. This research was a case study research that used in-depth data collection. The data were collected from one law firm in Jakarta. The law office was chosen because it applied business communication. Although it was a new firm, it was able to compete with other law firms that had operated for a longer time. This research aimed at describing the effectiveness of business career based on communication skills. This research found that many attorneys had received training on communication skill, However, the majority were dissatisfied with the course content and quality. The results of the research showed that communication business is important for attorneys when they are not acting primarily as an attorney but, for instance, as a business advisor, member of the Board of Directors, or in another non-legal role.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Potential of Weakening Corruption Eradication through Indonesia’s Bilateral Investment Treaties 2019-05-30T06:18:08+07:00 H Widyaningrum <p>This study focused on analyzing Bilateral Investment Treaties which has potential to weaken Corruption Eradication in Indonesia and find the ideal conception in this treaties to make Corruption Eradication be stronger in Indonesia. This study uses the normative method by analyzing the case of Al-Warraq against Indonesia in International Arbitration and comparing the Indian and Indonesia Model BIT with Bilateral Investment Treaties in Indonesia. The results of this study explain that fair and Equitable Treatment and Investor- State Dispute Settlement mechanism content in these treaties can strengthens Investor's position as the suspect of corruption, because this content can be used investors to sue the state for law enforcement of corruption against him. Indonesian’s Bilateral Investment Treaties in the future, need to include content prohibition of corruption in this treaties as India did in their BIT model. In addition, Indonesia also need to immediately adopted the Indonesia-New Model BIT because this model has content to restrict investors from being able to sue the state for enforcement of corruption criminal law against them.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Influence of Public Relations and Direct Marketing on Purchase Decisions 2019-05-30T06:28:10+07:00 N Nellyaningsih R Hidayat <p>Competition in the paint industry tends to increase, make PT. ICI Paints Indonesia keep trying to increase sales by creating a promotional mix strategy through public relations and direct marketing activities so that consumer purchasing decisions should be maintained. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of public relations and direct marketing to consumer purchasing decisions PT. ICI Paint especially Dulux users. This research uses the quantitative method. Analytical techniques used are multiple linear regression, F test, and T-test. The renewal of this study is still at least research that examines the influence of public relations strategy and direct marketing to purchase decisions. The results showed the simultaneous impact of public relations and direct marketing to Purchase decisions</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Utilization of Digital Marketing to Increase Sales in Small and Medium Industries In Cirebon Regency, Indonesia 2019-05-30T06:34:33+07:00 Y Yanah M Ariyani S S Sugiyarsih <p>This research aimed at identifying the sales differences between small and medium industries (SMIs) in Cirebon Regency that use conventional marketing and digital marketing in promoting their products. The research employed a quantitative method and used SMIs in Cirebon Regency as the subject. The data obtained were secondary data containing the production cost of SMIs in Cirebon Regency. They were analyzed using Wilcoxon. The findings of the research showed that the negative ranks between sales with conventional and digital marketing were N = 24 and mean rank = 29.33. Those values represent the sales decline of 24 SMIs that used digital marketing with an average sales decline of 29.33. Furthermore, the positive ranks between sales with conventional and digital marketing were N = 50 and mean rank = 41.42. This means that there were 50 SMIs that achieved an average sales increase of 41.42. Therefore, it can be concluded that digital marketing had the ability to increase and decrease sales, so SMIs should be careful and meticulous when it comes to utilizing digital marketing to promote their products.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Creative Industry and Local Economy Development: A Strategy in Export Market 2019-05-30T08:21:23+07:00 I G A Purnamawati <p>This research aims at describing the design of strategy for developing small and medium enterprises. The strategy was intended to provide a valuable insight for export- oriented creative industry. It is a descriptive qualitative research. To determine the subject of this research, purposive sampling technique was employed. In this research, the analysis of SWOT alternative strategy is used to construct an appropriate development strategy. The analysis showed that internal strength score was 3.05 and internal weakness score was 1.42 (derived from average score of internal factor, which was 2.24). Moreover, the score of external opportunity was 3.24 and the score of external threat was 1.32. The total score of two external factors was 4.56. Therefore, the average score for external factors was 2.28. This research proposed 10 strategies by considering strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat of this sector. Furthermore, there were technical plans on development action for creative industry practitioners in all sectors.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Market Penetration for Micro and Small Business using Information Technology in Majalengka District Indonesia 2019-05-30T08:24:06+07:00 E Rusliati M Mulyaningrum <p>The purpose of this research is to obtain information about market penetration efforts by micro and small entrepreneurs in Majalengka. The market penetration strategy was intended to gain a broader market share to increase sales and profits. The analytical method used was descriptive qualitative with the Forum Pengusaha Muda (FPM) Majalengkaas the analysis unit. The results showed that micro and small businesses in Majalengka had made efforts to penetrate the market in good categories. Efforts made included products marketing by utilizing information technology, considering market segmentation, and listing the brand, expiration date, and composition for food entrepreneurs, and registering products to obtain P- IRT permission and MUI halal certification. The utilization of information technology was expected to increase market penetration efforts, including knowing about the needs of prospective customers containing products, product quality, expected services, complaints about products and services provided, and even competitor activities. The FPM Majalengka allowed for digital programs to occur, namely peer-to-peer contact, knowledge transfer, training, and intervention.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pinning-up Entrepreneurial Orientation for Hospital Industries 2019-05-30T08:29:33+07:00 P Sukmawati E T Sule Y Yunizar I Soemaryani D Harding U Kaltum <p>Phenomenon happened at regional referral hospital in Indonesia has not been fully achieved the accreditation standard set by government. It is one of them caused by supporting from human resource through not optimally of healthy workers. Reviewing from the phenomenon of human resources at regional referral hospital, this study focuses on reviewing the ability of entrepreneurial orientation in mediating the correlation of human capital with hospital business performance. The study is conducted at regional referral hospital in Indonesia with survey on the hospital leaders through questionnaire and interview. The research finding is stated that entrepreneurial orientation of hospital leaders can be improved by the implementation of human capital. Besides that, entrepreneurial orientation can improve hospital business performance. This study provides new point of view for hospital industries in Indonesia that it is needed entrepreneurship soul for hospital leader in managing regional referral hospital.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Comparative Analysis of Employee Performance of Cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade and Industry Agency in Bandung 2019-05-30T08:34:22+07:00 I Sumiati I Sodikin Y Mulyana T R Poerwantika <p>Based on Local Regulations of Bandung City Number 08 of 2016 on Formation and Structure of Regional Entities of Bandung City, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Trade Industry Agency of Bandung, the enterprises are divided into two departments, namely, Bandung Cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Agency and Bandung Trade and Industry Agency. Performance problems that occur are the quantity of work, namely the amount of work finished in a specific time period. The purpose of this research was to compare the performance of two agencies that previously these agencies were one in the first- year research. The research method used a research combination Sequential Model. The results showed that there were differences at the time before and after the department was separated. The employees performance of these two agencies was different in terms of quality-quantity, and personal quality and responsibilities in carrying out each main duties of each job's function, but in the placement of employees has not been optimal yet to their fields.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Group Dynamic of Business Group (e-Warong KUBE) towards a Cashless Society 2019-05-30T08:37:13+07:00 Y Sariningsih E Jusuf Sp E Dinihayati <p>E-warong KUBE is a small shop business group to alleviate poverty based on KUBE, an earlier program created by the Ministry of Social Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia that was managed traditionally. Today, there is a shift of paradigm of e-warong toward a cashless society. The purpose of this research is to describe the group dynamic of e- warong KUBE n responding digital era.This research used a qualitative method while data were colected from leader of KUBE. Since the group dynamic is low, a cashless society will hard to achieve where they could not fully use Electronic Data Capture (EDC) properly as a method of transaction and the beneficiaries might not understand how to use an electronic card as a digital payment method.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Potential Advantages of Installing Political Advertising Triggering Violations of Broadcasting Regulations of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission 2019-05-30T08:40:29+07:00 S Mujab M Madonna H Purwanto <p>This study aims to find out how effective television media is in increasing party electability through political advertising, as well as knowing more about the benefits of political advertising that trigger violations of the regulations of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission broadcasts. The study uses a positivistic paradigm with survey research methods. The results of this study stated that the massive display of political advertisements had violated the broadcast campaign regulations, the effectiveness of political party advertisements on party electability was still low. Moreover, the effectiveness of political advertising on party electability is still relatively low in society.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Proactive Personality on Entrepreneurial Intention 2019-05-30T08:43:07+07:00 N P N P Wijaya <p>Entrepreneurship is a creative and innovative ability used as a basis, tips, and resource to seek opportunities for success. An entrepreneur was developed through these processes. Recently, the profession of entrepreneur is thriving since it can overcome the existing economic problem, namely unemployment. The synergy among the government as a regulator, private sector as a provider of capital, and universities as education providers develops a strong foundation in creating entrepreneurs. Universitas Widyatama is one of the higher education institutions creating entrepreneurs. However, many factors determine the process, one of which is internal factors (proactive personality). Therefore, this research aimed at investigating the effect of proactive personality factor on entrepreneurial intention. 100 students of the Faculty of Business and Management at Universitas Widyatama were taken as respondents. This research employed the linear regression analysis method. The findings revealed that proactive personality had a significant effect on the entrepreneur intention by<br>26.9%.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Value Orchestration Platform, Innovation and Knowledge Sharing in Developing Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of Entrepreneurship-Based Pesantren 2019-05-30T09:04:21+07:00 M Muhardi C Cintyawati <p>Currently, the development of information and technology has brought a lot of changes in the business world. Businessmen are required to become more innovative to improve their competitiveness. It is a challenge and opportunity for Islamic educational institutions (known as Pesantren) in Indonesia to create new innovation to compete with other educational institutions. Some pesantrens produce a new innovation by adding entrepreneurship concept in their educational system. The students are equipped with entrepreneurship skills with the hope that they can be entrepreneurs in the future. To achieve this goal, effective knowledge sharing becomes important in the process. Not only qualified human resources, an appropriate platform is also needed in creating the process of effective knowledge sharing. Through an exploratory research with a semi-structured interview and the implementation of value orchestration strategies (involvement, curation, and empowerment strategy), the authors try to identify and determine an appropriate platform to be used as media of knowledge sharing in pesantren. The result shows that there are two types of platforms, which are real platform (seminar, forum) and digital (web-based or apps). Those platforms help students, teachers, and other stakeholders to share their knowledge and information to develop entrepreneurship in Indonesia.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SME’s Digital Economy-based Community Information Group 2019-05-30T09:13:46+07:00 M Rosana <p>The Community Information Group (KIM/Kelompok Informasi Masyarakat) is a public service institution formed and managed from, by, and for the community oriented towards information services and community empowerment according to their needs (Directorate of Social Communication Institutions, 2008: 1). KIM is a revitalization and the re-actualization of community empowerment with the development paradigm, which prioritizes the principles of democracy and good governance. It plays a role in facilitating the contribution and distribution of information, bridging the community and the government related to information dissemination and aspiration absorption. In each sub-district, it will be useful if the leader of KIM has the ability to empower the community, thus the national programs information as the community rights is delivered to the neighborhood units. Clean water is the basic needs for the community, health and the development of SMEs. SME activities for the community can be a major community empowerment platform in the context of economy democratization by providing public facilities and accessing financing according to the era of digitalization, so that economy activities of the community will develop and spread prosperity for others (share prosperity).</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Small Industry Performance Through Innovation As Implication of Spiritual Intelligence and Competence of Crafts Entrepreneurship in West Java Province 2019-05-30T09:42:23+07:00 H H Trismiyanto E T Sule J Joeliaty Y Yunizar <p>This research is a case study that aims at discovering the performance of small industrial craftsmen through innovation as an implication of spiritual intelligence and entrepreneurial competence in handicraft products in West Java by involving 386 entrepreneurs as samples. The sample size was determined using a simple random technique. The data was analyzed using correlation analysis and determination methods and processed by employing SPSS 24.00 program. It was found that spiritual intelligence and entrepreneurial competence had significant influence on the performance of small handicraft industry through innovation. This research is expected to determine the right strategy for local governments in an effort to improve the performance of small handicraft industry entrepreneurs in West Java.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Comppatance Of Communication As An Effort To Improve Marketing Of MSMEs in West Java 2019-05-30T09:51:17+07:00 S D Setiawati V Purba A Imran R N Kusumasari M Murtadi <p>This research was conducted to analyze government programs related to improving the quality of micro, snail and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The SME quality improvement program cartied out by the government included, new entrepreneurship programs (WUB) under the regional govenment of West Java through tressed agencks. Throe programs are coaching programs for MSMEs. Though s number of trainings conducted to improve the quality of SME actors. The problem is that the level of quality improvement of SME actors does not Mange too much. The numter of SME actors at the start up level is still high, which miens that MSMEs in West Java are sill vulnerable in running their businesses. To examine this phenomenon, researchers use descriptive methods, by digging up information from SME actors who have participated in WUB activities and then describe *ern in the form of evaluations that arc linked to the theory. Data was obtained through interviews with the designers of the MSMfs development progrmt coaching members. The results of this study fret indicate that WUB is an areisity of community empowerment from the grown:nen, in the SN1E mars. The WUB program has a good concept but in the fold the results are notThis research was conducted to analyze government programs related to improving the quality of micro, snail and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The SME quality improvement program cartied out by the government included, new entrepreneurship programs (WUB) under the regional govenment of West Java through tressed agencks. Throe programs are coaching programs for MSMEs. Though s number of trainings conducted to improve the quality of SME actors. The problem is that the level of quality improvement of SME actors does not Mange too much. The numter of SME actors at the start up level is still high, which miens that MSMEs in West Java are sill vulnerable in running their businesses. To examine this phenomenon, researchers use descriptive methods, by digging up information from SME actors who have participated in WUB activities and then describe *ern in the form of evaluations that arc linked to the theory. Data was obtained through interviews with the designers of the MSMfs development progrmt coaching members. The results of this study fret indicate that WUB is an areisity of community empowerment from the grown:nen, in the SN1E mars. The WUB program has a good concept but in the fold the results are notmaximised. Various MSMEs &amp;it kmisre activities from the government have similarities and overlap. including WUB. This is due to the lack of restrictions in recruiting participants. Secondly, the guidance shows that the focus of development in the field of marketing and management is not enough to deities, MSMEs. There needs to be a focus of development on communication skills in supporting maiketingeommunicatiec fee MSMEs.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Influence of China’s Vegetable Oil Consumption on Indonesia’s CPO Exports and Its Implications on IndonesiaChina Trade Balance 2019-05-30T10:01:49+07:00 J H V Purba <p>China is one of the main destination countries of Indonesian CPO exports. Empirically, there is a widening gap phenomenon in China's vegetable oil consumption patterns, where consumption growth rates are higher than domestic production levels which therefore affects Indonesia's CPO exports to China, hence lead to Indonesia-China trade balance. The analytical method used is the ordinary least square (OLS), which is arranged in two-equation models. The findings of this study conclude that Indonesian CPO exports to China are influenced by increased consumption of vegetable oils in China, and the value of Indonesia's CPO exports to China has a positive impact on the trade balance deficit between Indonesia and China. This is also in accordance with the hypothesis, where the export value has a positive effect on the trade balance. Indonesia's CPO exports have a positive impact on Indonesia-China trade balance, in which contributing to overcoming or reducing Indonesia- China trade balance deficit. The average CPO export reaches USD 3.25 billion per year. This research indicates that CPO as a strategic commodity in Indonesia has helped Indonesia in overcoming Indonesia's trade balance deficit.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Creativity on Learning Result of Education Economic Eyes in Teaching Graduate Students Using Learning Media Based Information and Coventional Technology 2019-05-30T10:28:52+07:00 A N Amalia S Supriyadi <p>Internal and external factors are the variables that can affect the learning outcomes of students' economic education courses. To optimize the learning outcomes of economics education subjects required knowledge about the influence of a factor and interaction factor. This study aims to determine the factor of creativity to the learning outcomes of economics education courses on students who are taught by the media of learning based on information technology and instructional media conventional. The interaction between creativity and instructional media used on students' educational economics learning outcomes is also analyzed. This study is a quasi-experiment with the population of all students of the fourth semester of Economic Education Studies Program STKIP Panca Sakti, Kota Bekasi. The sample of 120 students was taken using multi-stage random sampling technique. The data of learning result of videography and creativity is obtained by using the valid and reliable instrument. Data were analyzed by using regression analysis. From the results of data analysis can be concluded that there is an interaction between creativity and learning media (based on information technology and conventional) to result of learning subject of student education economy. In students who are taught with information technology-based media have no significant effect on the learning outcomes of the educational economy either in groups of students with high or low creativity levels. In students who are taught by conventional media, creativity has a significant effect on educational economy learning result in student group with high creativity level of determination coefficient 28,6%, while in student group with low creativity level coefficient determination 38,6%.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementation of Gamification into Management of Education for Motivating Learners 2019-05-30T10:35:45+07:00 U Rahardja Q Aini Y I Graha A Khoirunisa <p>As we know now, Indonesia has begun to enter the era of revolution 4.0 which in that era many changes occurs in all fields. Included in the field of education, the changes that happen in the world of education today is so significant with the start of abandonment of teaching methods that still use conventional way. Keeping track of tasks with books, face-to- face communication, collecting tasks in hardcopy, which of course will cause many losses in a certain period of time, such as many long-buried tasks and hard to find when needed. The learning method is considered a dull way, where students can not explore in the learning search for the number of files that have been collected. So from now on the application of learning&nbsp; methods is changed with the concept of gamification. Gamification learning method was made to keep up with the times when the students prefer to play games rather than learn, therefore gamification methods can be applied to educational management in higher education. It is expected that the method can increase students' interest in learning so that it motivates to explore the ability in the learning process.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Conceptual Understanding of Prospective Teachers of Economic Education on Basic Natural Science Through Project-Based Learning Approach 2019-05-30T10:37:58+07:00 M Nurkanti A Setiani <p>This research aims at determining the relationship between conceptual understanding and the quality of the product through project-based learning in the basic natural science course. This is a quantitative descriptive research with the design of pre-experimental design type on one-shot case study. The population of this research is all students of economic education in the 2nd semester with the number of 175 students (divided into three classes). The purposive sampling technique selected one class as the sample, which was class B with 58 students. The instrument of this research is a concept assessment appraisal sheet with product quality assessment using the rating scale model. Based on the calculations, the average value was 3.4 with 82% of students categorized as good. Moreover, the assessment of product quality had an average score of 3.8 with 94% of students categorized as excellent. Thus, a good process will produce a good result or a good conceptual understanding. It is directly related to the product of students.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Development of Electronic Document Management System as an Economical, Practical and Dynamic System at SMKN 14 Jakarta 2019-05-30T10:53:43+07:00 R Aryani <p>Most forms of documents in schools are in the form of physical documents, such as paper and various other physical forms. Physical documents will use a room that is quite spacious as a place to store it. This problem obstructs school performance and causes a decrease in the effectiveness and efficiency of the school. Related this problem, an alternative is needed in its settlement. Electronic document development is one of the technology-based, economical and practical archive management systems to support archiving activities in a school. This study uses research and development methods of Borg and Gall's research strategy. The purpose of this research is to implement and develop an electronic document management system as an economic system in SMKN 14 Jakarta. The results of this study indicate that the implementation at SMK 14 Jakarta shows positive results in improving document management. Digital document systems are integrated successfully within the organization and must be fostered by implementing a new culture that leads to electronic organizations (E-Organization).</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Enhancing Student’s Competitive advantage in Technology Based University 2019-05-30T10:56:35+07:00 E Soegoto S Luckyardi <p>The research was aimed at investigating competitive advantage of students in technology-based university and to what extent their competitive advantage can be enhanced. The research was performed through a case study in a private university in Bandung, which applies bases of technology in almost all activities of learning and administration. The methodology used was quantitative method by implementing validity test, reliability tests, and simple linear regression to analyze the percentage of relationship between Student Competitive Advantage and Technology Based University. Data collection was conducted by spreading questionnaires on 261 respondents and was rated with Likert Scale. Data retrieval from related division, interview, and literature review were also performed for additional data. The finding of the result has led to the significance of student’s competitive advantage in Technology based university. It means the application of technology is a major factor in winning the competition in field of global education. The findings contribute in providing recommendation for building technology-based university and shifting university management from conventional to technology-based university.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Consumer Trends to Visit Online Shopping (Survey in Postgraduate Students of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) 2019-05-30T12:10:31+07:00 S Almujab V A Sopiansah N Nurdiani A R Hamdani <p>This study aims to conduct a thorough analysis of the tendency of consumers to visit online shopping sites that are done repeatedly. The method used in this study is a survey method with a quantitative approach. To find data about the tendency of consumers to visit online shopping sites, a questionnaire is used that contains questions about the topics discussed. The population in this study is all postgraduate students of Economic Education 2017 at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The collected data will be tested for reliability and validity, then a regression analysis is used thoroughly for each related variable. The results of this study indicate the influence of each variable used. The level of online shopping site visits is not only influenced by one factor, but many factors influence it. Therefore, the results will be very useful for the development of online shopping sites that will increase economic growth in the era of digital economy.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Religiosity-Economy Simulacra within Sundanese Adat Law amidst the Acceleration of Digitalization and Technology 2019-05-30T12:14:47+07:00 A F Susanto H Septianita R Tedjabuwana <p>Local (Adat) law of Indonesia in all aspects of life holds the characteristics of instant, concrete, communal, and religious. The relation of man and its surroundings was bound with the spiritual aspect so that any destructing behaviors may imply “bala” (mala-), plague, or disaster. In its development, such principles particularly living in Sundanese community start to slowly shift, erode and fade in day to day life, and transform into other formal ceremony for the sake of image and tourism. The magic-religious values as the characteristics of local law is starting (also) to shift into economic values such as accelerated advantage. This research used philosophical and conceptual approaches which are combined with the hermeneutical study to obtain a comprehensive picture of hidden reality. This research was expected to discover new principles, norms of the more lenient local law and that of can respond the changes. The relation in the local community changed in a sense that it entered the abstract, consensual, and lenient principles. The religious concept and its adaptation and modification enters the “digitalization of religiosity-economy” of which the relation of man with the universe and its creator was constructed through digital, capital, and economic relation for the image fulfillment. Spirituality was determined by the news and live reports on what was happening in the world through the culture of media and “law of acceleration”. Giant enterprises constructed networks prying people consumption. Media has successfully created a massive symbolic power by forcing the life to enter entertainment world to be enjoyed by layers of community.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## “Rumah Paseban” as a Development Model for the Sustainability of the Equivalency Education Program 2019-05-30T12:21:38+07:00 E Rohaeti D Mulyono N Widiastuti A Ansori A Samsudin <p>The Rumah Paseban (Smart Households) community learning model of the Equivalency Learning Program in Indonesia has been implemented, but it still has weaknesses. The model is still dependent on the initiatives in the programs’ management, and has not reached a level where citizens learn independently. This study aims at implementing the Rumah Paseban model to optimize the management of equivalency education programs in increasing participation and self-reliance of the learning community so that the program can be developed and be sustainable. The research subjects consisted of 25 residents attending Siliwangi Community Learning Centre which uses the Rumah Paseban learning model. Data collection was by observation of the learning process, questionnaire and interview. Data processing was by use of Microsoft Excel and SPSS Software. The results showed: 1) Increased participation of learning citizens in the equivalency education program; 2) Response of citizens’ studying under the Paseban Rumah modal show that the implementation of the model is generally satisfactory; 3) The independence of learners can be nurtured through their entrepreneurial spirit to enable them finance their equivalency education programs independently for the sustainability of their education.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Implementation of ISO 9001 Certification to Improve the Competitive Advantage of Private Higher Education 2019-05-30T12:26:21+07:00 A A Yanuar W Sutari R Ruyan <p>At the 2005 World Trade Organization meeting, a General Agreement on Trade in Services was signed. The education sector was included as a part of the service business sector and Foreign Higher Education was allowed to be established in Indonesia, which raised the question: "Is the National Higher Education ready to compete with Foreign Higher Education?". This research investigated the level of improvement of the Quality Management System (QMS) implemented in a Private Higher Education that has ISO 9001 Certification. This research employed a survey method and descriptive analysis of three independent variables, namely the level of motivation of the study program to achieve ISO 9001 certification, the level of implementation of ISO 9001 Certification and the improved performance of the QMS. The findings revealed that the achievement of study program motivation and the level of implementation of ISO 9001 certification fell into “good” category (applied but not fully implemented). It indicated that the study program image, the growth of student interest (market share), the assurance quality of the academic process and the competitive advantage of the graduates could be achieved well. In addition, the performance improvement of the Study program QMS was at a high level.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Elderly Protection and Empowerment Towards Elderly Healthy, Independent, Quality, Creative and Productive 2019-05-30T12:28:36+07:00 Y Maryati <p>One indicator of development success, increasing life expectancy causes the number of elderly people (elderly) to continue to increase as well as challenges in development. In fact, the elderly cannot gain access from the results of development so that they cannot meet the needs of their lives adequately. In addition, the aging process of the population has an impact on various aspects of life, both social, economic, and health because the function of the body's organs will decrease both due to natural factors and due to illness. This article aims to implement Law No. 13 of 1998 concerning Elderly Welfare towards healthy, independent, quality, creative and productive elderly so that their welfare is realized, the maintenance of Indonesia's cultural and kinship system and closer to God Almighty are maintained. The method of implementation through the collection of secondary data from the results of activities to improve social welfare for the elderly, display, reduction and analysis of data and drawing conclusions. The realization of healthy, independent, quality, creative and productive elderly, through easy access, various social services and training.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Indonesia Economic Activity on Electronic Money: How Indonesian Economic Law Faces Current Global Development 2019-05-30T12:30:46+07:00 Y Yorisca <p>Nowadays, there is a trend of cashless transaction. The use of cashless money itself creates its own problems, especially related to the legal problem of using e-money itself. The most visible use of e-money is the use of e-money on the toll roads. Drivers or toll roads users, with the electronic money being helped because they feel practical, but on the other hand also feel burdened because they are forced to use the e-money. The aims of this paper are to write about various problems related to the existence of e-money and its impact on the economy in Indonesia. The research method employed is normative juridical research method. The issue was basically from the fact that there was no law that regulated how to increase public trust in e-money. The novelty of this research lies in the importance of laws that have general-abstract legal norms to increase public trust in electronic money. It is expected that this research will open the reader's insight to be more aware and educated about the existence of policies concerning e-money.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Building Knowledge Sharing Behavior Based on Social Media With DIKW Model in Paguyuban Asep Dunia (PAD) 2019-05-30T12:33:13+07:00 A Jalaludin <p>Social media has led to a shift in people's behavior patterns related to culture, norms, and ethics. The large population of Indonesia with diverse cultures, races, and religious groups has a lot of potential for social changes. Almost everyone has social media's account as a tool for obtaining and utilizing various data and information to the public. This research focused on knowledge sharing behavior through the DIKW model on Paguyuban Asep Dunia (PAD), which is a social movement aimed at uniting the owner of the name "Asep" everywhere to make the friendship stronger and to actualize themselves by benefiting the society and the nation. As this community develops, social media, particularly in Facebook and WhatsApps, is not only used to bind friendship, but also affects the awareness of the micro-economic of its members in which the result initiates the formation of several economic units, for instances, Koperasi Paguyuban Asep (KOPEPAD) and Asep Business Community (ABC). Although these economic units is not optimal yet, this action can be considered as an example to show that knowledge sharing behavior has positive effect to make creativity and innovation.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Readiness of The Cirebon City Government to Enter The Digital Economy Era in an ICT Perspective 2019-05-30T12:36:42+07:00 M A Al Hilmi M Guntoro A Sumardiono <p>The rapid globalization accompanied by democratization and the development of information and communication technology (ICT) pushes government institutions to use ICT in order to improve government public services, especially in the economic field. This research discussed the Cirebon City Government’s preparation to launch the Smart City Program planned from May 2017 for facing the development of ICT, particularly in smart economic sector. The research used qualitative and quantitative approaches elaborated by SWOT analysis to measure the readiness of the Cirebon City Government to enter the digital economy era. In addition, the level of the Cirebon City Government’s readiness was observed from the numbers of online shops and products managed by Cirebon citizens in online marketplace. The result showed that the Cirebon City Government and the citizens were in the early stages of entering the digital economy era in which it was proved through the existence of a basis/design of Local Regulations, community service products, and the design of the system integration of the Cirebon City that had led to the Smart City Concept.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## E-Commerce Development and Its Influence on Logistics Industries in Indonesia 2019-05-30T12:42:31+07:00 P Paduloh I Zulkarnaen M Widyantoro <p>This research was aimed at determining the changes in public spending behavior in relation to the development of e-commerce. This study assessed the changes in shopping behavior from physical stores to e-commerce and its impact on the freight forwarding industry in Indonesia. Data was collected through survey methodology by using a questionnaire as an instrument. A total of 200 respondents participated in this survey. Data was analyzed by using SPSS software. This research found that the development of e-commerce has yet to change the overall shopping behavior. People prefer to shop physically to fulfil their needs rather than online. The study also revealed that online shopping becomes popular for certain products such as clothes, cosmetics, electronics and more. The main reason of purchasing such products through online shopping is due to its affordable price, besides less time consuming. More importantly, the study showed that e-commerce potentially gives positive impact to the logistics industries through the increasing number of products being shipped as an impact of online shopping behavior.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Dominant Factors of Customers’ Buying Decision: a Case Study on Go-Ride in Bandung City 2019-05-30T12:46:13+07:00 V Paramarta A Effendi H Prayitno <p>The development of online motorcycle taxi is very rapid. Recently, more online motorcycle taxis exist with similar quality in various services, so that the business competition is getting tighter. It requires them to keep improving the quality of service to customers, so that consumers will be more satisfied. This research aims at knowing the dominant factors that make the customers use Go-Ride services, knowing the attributes that must be improved, maintained or reduced according to the priorities set by Go-Ride. The research employed a purposive random sampling to 303 Go-Ride customers \. The data analysis method used was load factor analysis. The result showed that the lowest loading factors lied in the attribute of â€Recognizes Destination,’ which was equal to 0.572. While the highest loading factors was on the reliable attribute associated with "Driver’s Quick Pick Up” that was equal to 0.817.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Investment Decision Making in Sharia Banking in Indonesia Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method 2019-05-30T12:49:28+07:00 S Sarwani B Hasmanto <p>This research aims at obtain a picture of the decision to invest in sharia banking. A combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches was used. The qualitative approach was used to measure the comparisons between the factors that influenced the decision making and the list of references from the primary data, while the quantitative approach was used to rank the hierarchy and calculate the weight of each criterion by using the AHP method. The quantitative data were financial ratios of Non-Performing Financing, Provisioning Allowance Earning Assets, and Risk Weighted Assets. The results showed that of three sharia banks that were the samples, the priority weight value for BNI Syariah Bank was 0.51, Mandiri Syariah Bank 0.19, and BRI Syariah Bank 0.31. It can be concluded that BNI Syariah Bank had the highest priority weight value (0.51).</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Looking for Alternative Online Promotion Strategy in Virtual Store-front Through Analytic Hierarchy Process 2019-05-30T12:52:54+07:00 F Abdillah K Kusnad <p>Technology, especially the Internet, keeps growing nowadays to offer a more convenience living. Exchanging information via Internet becomes easier and limitless. Consequently, it has been used to advance business and brings alternative promotion strategies. Previous researches in e-business less specifically concerned to promotional strategy, so that the current study aimed at exploring the implementation of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in a virtual store-front and finding elements that support the online promotion strategy. Data in this research was gathered by the qualitative and quantitative approach. The results showed that the implementation of online promotion strategy by the company consists of web promotion with the CPC system, price discount, social networking systems, smartphone application, and group discussion. Meanwhile, the actors who involve in strategic decision making included the director, marketing manager, and IT Department. The company has been developing an online marketing strategy to increase sales, consumers’ awareness, competitive advantage, and dissemination of information. The alternative strategies that could support the company's strategic actions, based on the rank order of priority, are the marketplace, search engine optimization, webvertising, and direct mail. Further, technical application for online business industries could give priority to IT skill development.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Gap Quality Analysis of Employee Attendance System Application using Technology Acceptance Model Approach and Fuzzy Method 2019-05-30T12:59:18+07:00 H R Suwarman R Indrayani <p>The employee attendance system application in an educational institution occupies an important role in providing evaluation and improving performance in addition to being able to improve the transparency of employee and institutional relations. In its use, the employee attendance system must be able to accommodate the needs of its users, namely employees and staffing. This research evaluates user satisfaction over system applications using the Technology Acceptance Model approach. The evaluation was conducted by assessing the level of perception and satisfaction level of 40 users, in this case, employees. The research variable used is perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use (level of ease of use received), and user satisfaction (level of user satisfaction). Computing process was done by fuzzy methods. The results showed that some quality of the application could not meet the expectations of employees at this time. The only variable that met the performance and expectation was perceived ease-of-use.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Design of RFID-based Parking System to Reduce Company’s Operating Costs 2019-05-30T13:05:41+07:00 A Noeman A Hiswara A Fauzi <p>The study was aimed to design a vehicle parking information system, which uses Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) cards. The study was done in three stages, which are identifying requirement plan, design workshop, and implementation. Through this research, a parking information system using RFID cards was resulted. With this information system, the parking process can be simplified and incoming and outgoing process of vehicles can be accelerated. The issues such the damage of the parking tickets can be solved, and payment system can be done in effective and efficient manners. Finally, it benefits the companies through reduction of company's operating costs.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Social Media Content Marketing Strategy of Infobdg in Online Media Business Competition in Bandung City 2019-05-30T13:10:02+07:00 D S Hambali N A Parwitasari T E Permana <p>In the era of marketing 4.0, which combines online and offline interactions between companies and customers, social media content marketing (SMCM) is considered to be a powerful marketing strategy. SMCM is a communication strategy that develop the trustworthiness through sharing knowledge and opinions to gain loyal followers. This paper aimed at understanding the segmentation strategy, the message strategy and the SMCM strategy used by Infobdg in facing the online media business competition in Bandung. This research employed qualitative method and the technique of data collection included observation, interview, and research documentation. This research found that the segmentation strategy of Infobdg was determined by geography, demographic and psychology. Furthermore, there were three types of message strategy used by Infobdg including rational appeals, emotional appeals, and moral appeals. Furthermore, the SMCM strategy of Infobdg included content, customers engagement, and goals.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Latest Presentation Date formula of Documentary Credit Subject to UCPDC-ICC Publication No. 600 2019-05-30T13:14:39+07:00 F Redjeki M Sulaksmi R Agusiady <p>This research was conducted to easily determine the Latest Presentation Date in the Documentary Credit that has not been written. Based on this issue, this research seeks to create a formula, using qualitative descrptive method. When determining the Latest Presentation Date, Shipment Date (Sd), Period for Presentation (PfP), Time (t) and The Latest Presentation Date (LPD) should be shall not exceed the Expiry Date (ED), as has been regulate in UCPDC 600 Article 6 paragraph e, Hence, there are six formulas that are found to simplify exporter state the Latest Presentation Date (LPD). The exporter should understand the latest presentation date otherwise it will be considered into the major discrepancy that will impact to his export transaction not being paid. The Importer, however, should approve the discrepancy to enable the exporter receives payment less deduction value.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Legal Protection for Bitcoin Users in E-commerce Transactions 2019-05-30T13:22:23+07:00 E Ruslina D Hernawan T Rastuti <p>E-commerce in the internet is growing rapidly, ranging from e-banking, pay pal, to virtual currencies, like Bitcoin. Bitcoin transactions are considered very profitable; therefore, it can be considered as a transaction method. However, in some countries, bitcoin has not gained legality, and it triggers Bitcoin users to get legal protection in transactions. Similarly, in Indonesia, any transactions using bitcoin are increasing well, but there has not been any legality. Even from the officials of Bank Indonesia prohibits the use of Bitcoin with the consideration that it is not a legal currency or payment instrument in Indonesia. The issues that arise are identified as follows; what legal aspects can be used as the basis for bitcoin users in e-commerce transactions and what is the role of the state in providing legal protection for bitcoin users. The method used is normative juridical which means testing the existing legislation associated with the discussion of legal protection of Bitcoin users in e-commerce transactions and analyzed juridically qualitative. The conclusion is that the legal basis used in the use of Bitcoin as an e- commerce transaction is considered private law because it involves relationships between individuals and public law because it involves the role of the state. The role of the state in providing legal protection to their citizens is an obligation.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Implementation of Audit towards Destination to Tourists’ Safety, Security and Comfort 2019-05-30T13:26:58+07:00 O I B Hariyanto H Mukti <p>Tourists must be sure about their safety and security during travelling to all destinations in Indonesia. By providing comfort and satisfaction, tourists will have memorable experiences, which in line with their expectation, when they return to their homeland. Tourists’ safety and security are major factors and they become the responsibility of destination management which consists of local and central government, businessman and stakeholder as well as local community. Recently, there have been accidents caused by negligence or natural disaster that suddenly come unexpectedly. Those events threat tourists’ safety and security. Therefore, tourism activity audit needs to be conducted holistically and continuously by<br>tourism manager. Methodology: This study used qualitative research method. Conclusion: The implementation of audit periodically towards destination’s characteristic has not been conducted to anticipate probabilities of accidents or unexpected disasters. Audit can adapt to supervision and evaluation process towards nature’s condition and destination’s characteristic as well as to ensure that the whole tourists’ travelling can run well.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The City Branding Component of Lampung Province Indonesia: Nemui-Nyimah and Banana Chips 2019-05-30T13:32:23+07:00 D Hidayat A Anisti T Suhartini D Sandini F Fatimah <p>This article discusses personal and product branding, with the purpose of establishing their relationship with the people of Lampung. In this study, personal branding involves the characteristics of the culture and personality of Lampung people, while product branding is associated with their most common food. The research uses constructivist paradigms, qualitative approaches and ethnographic studies of public relations. This research found that (1) a friendly and open character (nemui-nyimah) is a personality brand of Lampung people. This brand is well managed through personal branding activities. (2) Product branding was in the form of food products, banana chips, and these branding products were developed and maintained by introducing various innovations. The product was made in many varieties of banana flavour, the newest being banana flavoured potato chips. These differentiations became a pattern of customer service or customer relations in the social media (CRM) of Lampung people. Products branding in the form of banana chips, and personal branding in the form of falasafah in the form of community life namely Nemui Nyimah, are aspects or components in building city branding in Lampung. City branding as a distinctive feature of Lampung which is known by the general public.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Eviews Analysis; Determinan Tourism, Restaurant and Hotel Company's Soundness and Performance 2019-05-30T13:36:33+07:00 A Kadim N Sunardi <p>The purpose of this study is to examine the partial or simultaneous effect between Firm’s Size (Size), Asset Growth (AGR), BI Interest Rate (IIR), Inflation (INF), Company's Soundness (CR) and Company’s Performance (ROA). The populations in this study are all companies incorporated in tourism, restaurant and hotel company’s listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2013 until 2017. The samples in this study were 15 companies incorporated in tourism, restaurant and hotel company’s in accordance with the established criteria. Regression analysis was performed based on panel data analysis results. This study summarizes some of the following: The Firm Size (SIZE) has a negative and significant effect on Company's Soundness (CR), Asset Growth (AGR) has a positive and not significant effect on Company's Soundness (CR), BI Interest Rate (IIR) has a positive and significant effect on Company's Soundness (CR), Inflation (INF) has a positive and significant effect on Company's Soundness (CR) (5) SIZE, AGR, IIR and INF simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on Company's Soundness (CR) and able to explain Company's Soundness variables of 0.834760 or 83.48 percent, The Firm Size (SIZE) has a negative and not significant effect on Company’s Performance (ROA), Asset Growth (AGR) has a positive and significant effect on Company’s Performance (ROA), BI Interest Rate (IIR) partially has a negative and not significant effect on Company’s Performance (ROA), Inflation (INF) partially has a negative and not significant effect on Company’s Performance (ROA) and SIZE, AGR, IIR and INF has a positive and significant effect on Company’s Performance (ROA) of tourism, restaurant and hotel company’s in Indonesia at the period of 2013-2017 and able to explain company’s performance of tourism, restaurant and hotel company’s in Indonesia at the period of 2013-2017 is 0.730629 or 73.06 percent.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Entrepreneurship and Creative Partnership in Cultural Heritage Management on the Development of National Medicine Patent: a Contribution to the Current Public Health Issue 2019-05-30T13:44:08+07:00 T Rastuti T Mustika U D Fatimah <p>Statistical data from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Indonesia reveals an irony in which the domestic patent registration in 2016 was only 1.440, compared to 7.766 registered foreign patents in the same year. Moreover, 96% of medicine patents in Indonesia are for foreign products. As a mega-diversity nation, Indonesia possesses abundant ingredients for medicine. A lot of the ingredients are used for herbal or alternative medicine. Nevertheless, the number of national medicine patents is still not increasing. On the contrary, developed countries with their advanced technology aggressively register their medicine patents. This research aims to identify the collective action theory in the development of national medicine patent in its relation to the current issues such as public health and technology sharing based on mutual benefit. The results showed that collective action had an important role in managing cultural heritage in the form of genetic resources and knowledge of traditional medicine. This research also found that the collaboration of the hexa-helix in developing entrepreneurship and partnership significantly increase national medicine patents.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Influence of Culture on the Shift of Household Shopping Behavior Pattern from Traditional Markets to Modern Markets in Makassar Indonesia 2019-05-30T13:58:44+07:00 E E Pramiarsih A Mahsyar <p>This study was motivated by the phenomenon of the recent rapid growth of modern shopping centers that led to a shift in behavior pattern of household shopping previously done in traditional markets and then switched to the modern markets. There are many factors that influence the behavior pattern, one of them is the cultural factor which influences the shift in shopping behavior. This study aims to describe and analyze how the cultural aspect that is deeply rooted in the local community which actually still has behavior patterns of traditional cultural behavior mixing with the modern, causes household shopping behavior pattern in the traditional market then experienced a shift to the modern market. The research used survey method with 257 respondents chosen with accidental respondent method. The collected data then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) model with the assistance of AMOS Software Version 18.0. The result of the research indicates that culture has positive and significant influence on the shift of household shopping behavior pattern in the city of Makassar. Cultural factor has great contribution that can influence the attitude of someone in shopping. Customer’s behavior in choosing their very basic needs such as staple commodities especially in religious holidays in Makassar is a habit, and the belief to shop in traditional markets that are considered able to meet all their needs then changed and shifted to the modern markets. Customers choose to shift to the modern market because the comfortable market condition and the large amount of goods needed with price certainty.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Increasing the Productivity of Mendong Handycraft as a Part of the Creative Economy in the Globalization Era 2019-05-30T14:01:36+07:00 R Wijayaningsih R A Harianto <p>In the workplace it contributes to the regional economy and enhances community empowerment through handicrafts in Sleman Yogyakarta. Creation which is part of the process of increasing the productivity of Mendong crafts through IKK can improve the local economy. This craft has special characteristics in accordance with local characteristics and regional cultural reflection. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Several years of decline in crafting due to lack of guidance and creativity from the design and marketing system, this researcher aims to explore the potential and creativity of the Mendong design by applying technology to increase the impact on the regional economy through interviews and literature studies to help improve the productivity of Mendong.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control in Chemical Industry 2019-05-30T14:10:36+07:00 R Panday S Mardiah M F Nursal A Wibowo D Setyawan <p>This study was aimed at identifying hazards through risk assessment and risk control by using HIRARC method in the warehouse of Company XYZ (a pharmaceutical company). Data was collected through direct observations, documentations, and interviews. The study found that Company XYZ identified 104 hazards in the year 2017, which were caused by poor working environment, worker attitudes, manual work, tools and machinery. This study revealed 57% of the total risks fall in medium category, 38% high, 5% low, and none of them are categorized under extreme risk. To control the risk, the company has been taking proactive actions through the elimination of risks, engineering, administration and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Economic Empowerment of Child Labour in Family Business at Cibaduyut Footwear Industry 2019-05-30T14:21:49+07:00 Y Yuningsih S Sumardani U Hani <p>Child laborer tend to have high hazards and risks especially when they grind and glue a sole to the upper part of the shoe. Shoemaking remains to be a hazardous work for children and adults as long as chemical-based solvents are used. To overcome these problems, the government of the Republic of Indonesia launched a program by giving some aids to the parents of the child laborer to run their small business so that their children can stop working at the shoemaking industry. This research aims at analyzing the economic empowerment of parents who employed their children in the online business industry at Cibaduyut footwear industry and use a qualitative approach with a triangulation of data collected. The research informants were the child laborer, parents who employed their children, footwear craftsmen, and the Head of Industry and Trade Agency. The results of this research showed that economic empowerment in child laborer’s parents was still in low level and they could not market their shoes properly as a product of their small business. In this context, they need both training and workshop in social entrepreneurship and online business method in order to promote their product.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Contribution of Socio-economic Institution of Citarum Community to The spring conservation effort 2019-05-30T14:24:59+07:00 R Ruyani A Herlambang <p>This research aims at discovering the current condition of the spring, knowing the contribution of socio-economic institution of local communities in the conservation of springs, and exploring alternative solutions. The research method used was qualitative-verification through phenomenological approach that was intended to discover and reveal meanings beyond the facts. The findings show that spring condition of Citarum upstream was not affected by the season, socio-economic institution contributed to springs conservation by conducting three specific zones around Situ Cisanti (green zone, cultivation zone, and interaction zones), and the well-behaviour implementation to environment (though no formal procedure is established yet).The role of socio-economic institution, in this sense, is inseparable from religious system of Sundanese who hold the inherited phrase, namely "leuweung ruksak, cai beak, manusa balangsak". This means that forests and springs must be maintained; otherwise, humans will obtain bad consequences. Furthermore, there is a folklore maintained by the local community, to protect the nature, saying that for those who damage the environment of Situ Cisanti and Gunung Wayang will obtain bad life. Ecological wisdom in utilizing nature is absolutely necessary for sustainable water resources. The findings are expected to provide insights for stakeholders, especially ABCGM ~ (Academic, Business, Community, Government, and Media).</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Strengthening of Human Resources Based on Local Strength Through Current Mushroom Culture from Waste Processing Results Citarum River, West Java Province 2019-05-30T14:31:54+07:00 H Hendriana W Hidayat G Dani S R D Mulyono D Mulyono <p>This study aims to improve local strength-based human resources (HR) in the Citarum River Basin, namely Cihampelas Village, West Bandung. This research is based on the problems in the area such as the community only as a garbage collector and waste processing has not been maximized and is based on the potential that exists in the Cihampelas Village such as the social aspects of the community which has a strong value of mutual cooperation and ecologically many local strengths such as waste organic and inorganic. Oyster mushroom cultivation is one of the efforts to improve the quality of human resources by processing water hyacinth waste as baglog and briquettes used as fuel. The research method used in this research is qualitative and the instruments used for this research are interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of this study obtained a profile of the people who have the value of mutual cooperation and lack of understanding of the processing of waste, especially water hyacinth for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms, after the training began to maximize waste management using water hyacinth waste for baglog and steaming fuel, and the emergence of attitude creativity, discipline and responsibility in developing the economy.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Perceived Value and Social-psychology on Shopping Decisions using Credit Card 2019-05-30T14:40:57+07:00 G Wijayanto Y Suryana Y M Oesman A Helmi S Sutisna <p>Credit card users in Indonesia have continued to rapidly increase. This raises a variety of social problems, because credit card users can have a psychological influence on the people around them. Intention to do or not to do a certain behaviour is influenced by three things, which are attitude, subjective norms, and behavioural control. Behavioural control has a positive effect on non-compliance behaviour. In addition, the perceived value of a credit card is also an important factor in determining the intention to use a credit card. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of perceived value and social-psychology on shopping decisions based on the intention of using a credit card. The research method employed is<br>quantitative research, the data collection techniques is in the form of questionnaires, and the analysis method used is descriptive and verification analysis using a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) model based on variants or components, which is PLS (Partial Least Square). The results showed that perceived value and social psychology variables had a positive and significant effect on the intention to use a credit card with coefficient values of 0.25 and 0.23 respectively. While the influence of the intention to use a credit card on the shopping behaviour using a credit card showed 0.09 coefficients, meaning that the intention to use a credit card had a positive and significant influence on the shopping decision behaviour in using a credit card.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Leadership Style in Indonesia: Does National Culture Effect It? 2019-05-30T14:45:51+07:00 C Triwibisono <p>Although leadership traits are similar across countries, the style of leadership differs. Much research has been done regarding leadership style, but no one has discussed the Indonesian national culture influences on effective leadership style in Indonesia. The behavior of leadership develops through adaptation with the context and culture of the community. Understanding the effect of culture on leadership behavior will provide insight on effective leadership. This study aims to analyze the influence of Indonesia’s national culture to effective styles of leadership within Indonesian organization. A review of literature was conducted to determine the key concepts of national culture and connect them with leadership styles. Our study argues, from the five types of leadership style, the most effective style of leadership for Indonesian culture is consultative leadership. This style includes communicating transparently with the staff, building a team, and involving staff in decision making. This research is useful to assist enterprise leaders to understand the culture of Indonesia and adjust leadership style appropriate to the nation culture.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Organizational Culture, Leadership, Organizational Commitment and Work Engagement of Local Government Employees 2019-05-31T06:39:06+07:00 A G Sunny Yuyus Suryana S Sumantri I Soemaryani <p>The main topic of this research was the influence of Organizational Culture and Leadership toward Work Engagement through Organizational Commitment of local government employees.&nbsp; &nbsp;The &nbsp;population &nbsp;of&nbsp; the &nbsp;research &nbsp;was &nbsp;the &nbsp;local &nbsp;government &nbsp;employees &nbsp;in &nbsp;Riau Province. In&nbsp; general, this research aimed&nbsp; at &nbsp;reviewing, &nbsp;assessing, and&nbsp; recognizing &nbsp;how the influence of Organizational Culture and Leadership toward Work Engagement through Organizational Commitment of local government employees. The local government employees were considered still not able to achieve the objectives proclaimed in the Act of Republic of Indonesia number 43 of 1999 regarding the principles of local government employee. Research method used descriptive-verification method. Tool of hypothesis test used Structural Equation Model (SEM), whereas data processing used AMOS program. The result showed that Organizational Culture and Leadership did not significantly influence Work Engagement through Organizational Commitment. Therefore, Organizational Commitment variable could not be used as intervening variable in increasing Work Engagement by using Organizational Culture and Leadership through Organizational Commitment from provincial government of Riau Islands. It is suggested for further research to examine other variables that can increase the Work Engagement of employee, especially local government employees and study more deeply about each of the variables studied.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Influence of Community Empowerment to Support Sustainable Tourism Development: Evidence from Homestay in Tanjung Lesung 2019-05-31T06:55:11+07:00 D Kristanto N Krisnawati <p>This research discuss the influence of community empowerment in homestay to support sustainable tourism development in Tanjung Lesung. It aim to analyse to what extent community empowerment will influence the sustainable tourism development and develop strategies to improve it. The data was collected by quantitative approach which the questionnaires were distributed to twenty five homestay owners. In-depth interview was conducted with three homestay owners and three homestay guests to gain internal and external analysis&nbsp; as&nbsp; supportive &nbsp;information. &nbsp;Simple &nbsp;Linear &nbsp;Regression &nbsp;was&nbsp; used &nbsp;to &nbsp;analyze &nbsp;the influence of the community empowerment. Based on the findings, community empowerment in homestay has significant influence towards sustainable tourism development in Tanjung Lesung by fifty seven point seven percent. Based on in-depth interview, the homestay owners were &nbsp;positively&nbsp; respond &nbsp;and &nbsp;support &nbsp;the &nbsp;topic &nbsp;and &nbsp;the &nbsp;implication, &nbsp;and &nbsp;the &nbsp;guests &nbsp;were expecting the improvement and development of homestays and tourism in Tanjung Lesung.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Organizational Culture, Leadership, Organizational Commitment and Work Engagement of Local Government Employees 2019-05-31T07:07:40+07:00 A G Sunny Yuyus Suryana S Sumantri I Soemaryani <p>The main topic of this research was the influence of Organizational Culture and Leadership toward Work Engagement through Organizational Commitment of local government employees.&nbsp; &nbsp;The &nbsp;population &nbsp;of&nbsp; the &nbsp;research &nbsp;was &nbsp;the &nbsp;local &nbsp;government &nbsp;employees &nbsp;in &nbsp;Riau Province. In&nbsp; general, this research aimed&nbsp; at &nbsp;reviewing, &nbsp;assessing, and&nbsp; recognizing &nbsp;how the influence of Organizational Culture and Leadership toward Work Engagement through Organizational Commitment of local government employees. The local government employees were considered still not able to achieve the objectives proclaimed in the Act of Republic of Indonesia number 43 of 1999 regarding the principles of local government employee. Research method used descriptive-verification method. Tool of hypothesis test used Structural Equation Model (SEM), whereas data processing used AMOS program. The result showed that Organizational Culture and Leadership did not significantly influence Work Engagement through Organizational Commitment. Therefore, Organizational Commitment variable could not be used as intervening variable in increasing Work Engagement by using Organizational Culture and Leadership through Organizational Commitment from provincial government of Riau Islands. It is suggested for further research to examine other variables that can increase the Work Engagement of employee, especially local government employees and study more deeply about each of the variables studied.The main topic of this research was the influence of Organizational Culture and Leadership toward Work Engagement through Organizational Commitment of local government employees.&nbsp; &nbsp;The &nbsp;population &nbsp;of&nbsp; the &nbsp;research &nbsp;was &nbsp;the &nbsp;local &nbsp;government &nbsp;employees &nbsp;in &nbsp;Riau Province. In&nbsp; general, this research aimed&nbsp; at &nbsp;reviewing, &nbsp;assessing, and&nbsp; recognizing &nbsp;how the influence of Organizational Culture and Leadership toward Work Engagement through Organizational Commitment of local government employees. The local government employees were considered still not able to achieve the objectives proclaimed in the Act of Republic of Indonesia number 43 of 1999 regarding the principles of local government employee. Research method used descriptive-verification method. Tool of hypothesis test used Structural Equation Model (SEM), whereas data processing used AMOS program. The result showed that Organizational Culture and Leadership did not significantly influence Work Engagement through Organizational Commitment. Therefore, Organizational Commitment variable could not be used as intervening variable in increasing Work Engagement by using Organizational Culture and Leadership through Organizational Commitment from provincial government of Riau Islands. It is suggested for further research to examine other variables that can increase the Work Engagement of employee, especially local government employees and study more deeply about each of the variables studied.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## e-Marketing for Improving the Competitiveness of Traditional markets in Bandung 2019-05-31T07:16:47+07:00 Y Purwanti T H Fauzi T Firdausija S Patimah <p>The existence of traditional markets in Bandung has a strategic role in improving the economy of the community. The rapid market changes, such as the increasing number of markets and modern stores, consumer behavior, and technology, contribute in increasing the competitiveness of traditional markets, especially in Bandung. Based on the results of a Focus Group Discussion (FGD), some adaptation to these market changes through market management, support of the government policies, revitalization, and other supporting aspects are essential in enhancing the competitiveness of traditional markets. Market management requires improvements, especially in relation to market facilities and infrastructure, also professional management &nbsp;to &nbsp;keep &nbsp;abreast &nbsp;of &nbsp;the &nbsp;changing &nbsp;consumer &nbsp;preferences.&nbsp; The &nbsp;current market revitalization model has not provided a positive impact on enhancing the market competitiveness. Revitalization is not limited to the improvement of modern buildings or market buildings, but also the use of technology, specifically digital- based management to keep the managers well-informed about existing markets, social and economic revitalization. Moreover, there should be support integrated in the elements of the market management itself, such as the personnel, funds, facilities and infrastructure, technology, and government policies</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Critical Success Factors for Financial Technology Startup Company 2019-05-31T07:23:13+07:00 A Hermawan B Septiawan N Febriani <p>This study aims to sort out the critical success factors for financial technology company in Indonesia which consists of customer experience, technological and internet development, organizational culture, funding and government regulations. The research approach used in this study is descriptive analysis with qualitative research types. The data used is primary data by conducting interview directly with fintech company. Based on the results of the study, the most important factor chosen by informants are funding and the second is the development of technology and the internet. Following toward these two factors is customer &nbsp;experience &nbsp;factors, &nbsp;organizational &nbsp;culture&nbsp; and &nbsp;government &nbsp;regulations &nbsp;were &nbsp;also found in this study.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Potential and Constraints in The Business Development of Woven Sticks Handicrafts in Ciamis Regency during The Digital Economy Era 2019-05-31T07:26:39+07:00 T Nurkania <p>The purpose of this research was to determine the potential and constraints of the sticks woven handicraft industry, particularly with regard to the marketing of handicraft products. This qualitative research discovered&nbsp; that sticks &nbsp;woven&nbsp; handicraft products&nbsp; were relatively durable and potential to be marketed off line and on line. However, in spite of the online marketing, manual marketing models was still difficult to be implemented because the selling&nbsp; price &nbsp;was &nbsp;still &nbsp;determined &nbsp;by the &nbsp;dealers. &nbsp;The &nbsp;handicraft &nbsp;entrepreneurs&nbsp; could &nbsp;not negotiate with these dealers who were also capital providers for their business. Therefore, the results of field observations indicated that there was a need to develop the production of sticks woven handicraft products through digital marketing. This marketing method was expected to be able to boost the number of buyers because the online marketing system could bring potential buyers from both local and foreign countries. One of the ways to develop the marketing of weaving handicrafts is through business cooperation between entrepreneurs as producers and village-owned enterprises (BUMDes, <em>Badan Usaha Milik Desa</em>) in Cibadak village as marketers.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Analysis of The Performance Management Approaches on The Effectiveness of Hospital Patient Services in Tasikmalaya and Banjar Cities 2019-05-31T07:31:05+07:00 R Rustandi <p>This study aims to examine how the performance management approach and the extent of its influence on the effectiveness of inpatient services in the general hospitals of Tasikmalaya City and Banjar City. This research is focused on the type of quantitative research and refers to the theory of a performance management approach which has three components, namely an actor-based performance management approach, a behavior-based performance management approach, and an results-based performance management approach. This study uses an explanatory survey. The population and sample of this study are employees in the general hospital of Tasikmalaya City and Banjar City. Sampling technique uses proportional random sampling with 122 respondents. Primary data is obtained through questionnaires designed according to the needs of research and observation. Secondary data is obtained through documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that the performance management approach has a significant influence on the effectiveness of inpatient services at the General Hospital of Tasikmalaya City and Banjar City. On the other hand, the behavior-based performance management approach has an insignificant influence on the effectiveness of inpatient services at the General Hospital of Tasikmalaya City and Banjar. The actor-based management approach at the General Hospital of Tasikmalaya City and Banjar City shows the power displayed by employees or medical personnel, where medical personnel are able to display ways and strategies in the communication &nbsp;process &nbsp;with &nbsp;all &nbsp;of &nbsp;their &nbsp;subordinates, &nbsp;especially&nbsp; helping &nbsp;to &nbsp;provide services which is more effective in all patients. The Strength at the Public Hospital, among others; appearance, discipline and obedience to the rules, willingness and ability to learn, collaboration ability and teamwork, and high work loyalty. That power can change and give a significant influence on the effectiveness of the service. The results of the research have an impact on the working climate of the General Hospital, especially the ongoing communication process carried out by employees with their direct superiors more relying on the actor-based management approach and results-based management approach at the General Hospital. Therefore, the performance management approach is considered to be able to contribute and be applied in the Public Hospital of Tasikmalaya and Banjar Cities</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Value of Social Responsibility to Green Customer 2019-05-31T07:36:07+07:00 Didin Syarifuddin <p>This study aims to analyze the correlation of social responsibility and green marketing &nbsp;awareness &nbsp;is &nbsp;conducted &nbsp;by&nbsp; company &nbsp;and &nbsp;its &nbsp;impact &nbsp;to &nbsp;customer &nbsp;purchasing behavior. This experimental research is done by survey to customer at Supermarket which is about 100 customers in Bandung City. Data is obtained by questionnaire and data is processed by multiple regression analysis and also hypothesis test to emphasize research result. Research finding is stated that purchase intention of environmental friendly product at Supermarket can be controlled by green marketing awareness. Other strategies like social responsibility is done by Supermarket and it does not impact well to customer purchase intention for environmental friendly product. Company in determining marketing strategy depends on the final destination that wants to be achieved. Social responsibility cannot be marketing strategy because company’s necessity is assumed commonly by customer.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Organizational Culture, Ethical Orientation, Strategic Orientation, and Strategy Implementation on Financial Performance in Manufacturing Companies: a Research on Food and Beverage Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia 2019-05-31T07:44:18+07:00 E Rusyani A Suryaningprang <p>This research aims to obtain empirical evidence about organizational culture, ethical orientation, strategic orientation, and strategy implementation effect on manufacturing companies’ financial performance. The results are expected to contribute to the development of management accounting, strategic management, and business ethics. In addition, companies and practitioners can utilize the provided information in choosing a strategic orientation and implementation to improve the company's financial performance. The research was conducted on food and beverage companies registered at GAPMMI. The method used was the census method, a type of descriptive verification research. Furthermore, the hypothesis is tested by using Structural Equation Modeling. The first hypothesis testing results showed that there was a simultaneous effect of organizational culture and ethical orientation on strategic orientation. The second hypothesis testing proved that strategic orientation had a positive effect on strategy implementation. Moreover, the third hypothesis testing proved that there was an effect of organizational culture and ethical orientation on financial performance. The fourth hypothesis testing proved that strategic orientation and implementation influenced financial performance, and the fifth hypothesis testing proves that there was an influence of organizational culture, ethical orientation, strategic orientation, and strategy implementation on financial performance both simultaneously and partially.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Brand Awareness Strategy to Increase Tourist Purchase Decision in Sentra Rajut Binong Jati 2019-05-31T07:57:31+07:00 S Martina L Hakim G Rahmasari R Andriani P R Somantri <p>There are 15 production centers of various products included as SMEs in Bandung&nbsp; as &nbsp;shopping&nbsp; tourism&nbsp; destination. &nbsp;One &nbsp;of&nbsp; them &nbsp;is &nbsp;a &nbsp;center &nbsp;production&nbsp; for knitting clothes known as Sentra Rajut Binong Jati or Binong Jati Knitting Industrial Center. &nbsp;Although&nbsp; it &nbsp;has&nbsp; been&nbsp; operating&nbsp; since &nbsp;1960, Binong&nbsp; Jati &nbsp;Knitting&nbsp; Industrial Center has yet developed as fast as other production centers. Not many people have known this destination, even by domestic tourists. Therefore, this study aims to describe brand awareness and the level of purchase decision in Binong Jati Knitting Industrial Center, as well as analyzing the effect of brand awareness towards purchase decision. This research requires the sample as much as 129 &nbsp;respondents with purposive sampling techniques. This research uses techniques of descriptive statistical analysis, hypothesis testing, regression, classic assumption test lienear simple as well as the coefficient of determination. Based on the study results, it can be summarized that, first, brand awareness and purchase decision of domestic tourists at Binong Jati Knitting Industrial Center are at a moderate level. Second, brand awareness influences purchase decision. Strategies to increase brand awareness of the Binong Jati Sentra include increasing brand recognition with advertisements on instagram, google ads, or television advertisements, increasing brand recall by improving road infrastructure and regional identity, building product sales centers, and organizing tourism events that can invite tourist visits to Binong Jati.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Construction of Cirebon Palaces Existence in The Digital Era 2019-05-31T08:07:30+07:00 I H Agustina A M Ekasari I Fardani H Hindersah <p>Cirebon city is situated in West Java Province, Indonesia, until now, still has three palaces as its past relics, namely Kasepuhan Palace, Kanoman Palace and Kacirebonan Palace. The existence of those palaces must be maintained as a cultural heritage in accordance with the provisions of Law no 11 of 2010 on Cultural Heritage. Efforts to maintain their existences need high cost, while funds from the government are not sufficient. This article is the result of construction through the reflective action of Cirebon palaces phenomenon. The construction was carried out inductively from the field phenomenon. The result is a conception that was then created to be a basis for conducting a dialogue with the theory that is considered to have relevance to the findings of the concept. The results of this paper are the concepts and recommendations to maintain the sustainability of the existence of the palace and then be used as new knowledge for other palaces in maintaining their existence as cultural heritage centres.</p> 2019-05-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##