Brand Awareness Strategy to Increase Tourist Purchase Decision in Sentra Rajut Binong Jati

  • S Martina STP Ars Internasional, Indonesia
  • L Hakim AMIK BSI Tangerang, Indonesia
  • G Rahmasari Universitas BSI, Indonesia
  • R Andriani AKPAR BSI Bandung, Indonesia
  • P R Somantri AKPAR BSI Bandung, Indonesia


There are 15 production centers of various products included as SMEs in Bandung  as  shopping  tourism  destination.  One  of  them  is  a  center  production  for knitting clothes known as Sentra Rajut Binong Jati or Binong Jati Knitting Industrial Center.  Although  it  has  been  operating  since  1960, Binong  Jati  Knitting  Industrial Center has yet developed as fast as other production centers. Not many people have known this destination, even by domestic tourists. Therefore, this study aims to describe brand awareness and the level of purchase decision in Binong Jati Knitting Industrial Center, as well as analyzing the effect of brand awareness towards purchase decision. This research requires the sample as much as 129  respondents with purposive sampling techniques. This research uses techniques of descriptive statistical analysis, hypothesis testing, regression, classic assumption test lienear simple as well as the coefficient of determination. Based on the study results, it can be summarized that, first, brand awareness and purchase decision of domestic tourists at Binong Jati Knitting Industrial Center are at a moderate level. Second, brand awareness influences purchase decision. Strategies to increase brand awareness of the Binong Jati Sentra include increasing brand recognition with advertisements on instagram, google ads, or television advertisements, increasing brand recall by improving road infrastructure and regional identity, building product sales centers, and organizing tourism events that can invite tourist visits to Binong Jati.

How to Cite
Martina, S., Hakim, L., Rahmasari, G., Andriani, R., & Somantri, P. (2019). Brand Awareness Strategy to Increase Tourist Purchase Decision in Sentra Rajut Binong Jati. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 432 - 438. Retrieved from