Potential and Constraints in The Business Development of Woven Sticks Handicrafts in Ciamis Regency during The Digital Economy Era

  • T Nurkania Universitas Pasundan


The purpose of this research was to determine the potential and constraints of the sticks woven handicraft industry, particularly with regard to the marketing of handicraft products. This qualitative research discovered  that sticks  woven  handicraft products  were relatively durable and potential to be marketed off line and on line. However, in spite of the online marketing, manual marketing models was still difficult to be implemented because the selling  price  was  still  determined  by the  dealers.  The  handicraft  entrepreneurs  could  not negotiate with these dealers who were also capital providers for their business. Therefore, the results of field observations indicated that there was a need to develop the production of sticks woven handicraft products through digital marketing. This marketing method was expected to be able to boost the number of buyers because the online marketing system could bring potential buyers from both local and foreign countries. One of the ways to develop the marketing of weaving handicrafts is through business cooperation between entrepreneurs as producers and village-owned enterprises (BUMDes, Badan Usaha Milik Desa) in Cibadak village as marketers.

How to Cite
Nurkania, T. (2019). Potential and Constraints in The Business Development of Woven Sticks Handicrafts in Ciamis Regency during The Digital Economy Era. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 403 - 408. Retrieved from http://proceedings.conference.unpas.ac.id/index.php/ifsac/article/view/198