Legal Protection for Bitcoin Users in E-commerce Transactions

  • E Ruslina
  • D Hernawan Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia
  • T Rastuti Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia


E-commerce in the internet is growing rapidly, ranging from e-banking, pay pal, to virtual currencies, like Bitcoin. Bitcoin transactions are considered very profitable; therefore, it can be considered as a transaction method. However, in some countries, bitcoin has not gained legality, and it triggers Bitcoin users to get legal protection in transactions. Similarly, in Indonesia, any transactions using bitcoin are increasing well, but there has not been any legality. Even from the officials of Bank Indonesia prohibits the use of Bitcoin with the consideration that it is not a legal currency or payment instrument in Indonesia. The issues that arise are identified as follows; what legal aspects can be used as the basis for bitcoin users in e-commerce transactions and what is the role of the state in providing legal protection for bitcoin users. The method used is normative juridical which means testing the existing legislation associated with the discussion of legal protection of Bitcoin users in e-commerce transactions and analyzed juridically qualitative. The conclusion is that the legal basis used in the use of Bitcoin as an e- commerce transaction is considered private law because it involves relationships between individuals and public law because it involves the role of the state. The role of the state in providing legal protection to their citizens is an obligation.

How to Cite
Ruslina, E., Hernawan, D., & Rastuti, T. (2019). Legal Protection for Bitcoin Users in E-commerce Transactions. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 311 - 315. Retrieved from