“Rumah Paseban” as a Development Model for the Sustainability of the Equivalency Education Program

  • E Rohaeti IKIP Siliwangi, Indonesia
  • D Mulyono IKIP Siliwangi, Indonesia
  • N Widiastuti IKIP Siliwangi, Indonesia
  • A Ansori IKIP Siliwangi, Indonesia
  • A Samsudin IKIP Siliwangi, Indonesia


The Rumah Paseban (Smart Households) community learning model of the Equivalency Learning Program in Indonesia has been implemented, but it still has weaknesses. The model is still dependent on the initiatives in the programs’ management, and has not reached a level where citizens learn independently. This study aims at implementing the Rumah Paseban model to optimize the management of equivalency education programs in increasing participation and self-reliance of the learning community so that the program can be developed and be sustainable. The research subjects consisted of 25 residents attending Siliwangi Community Learning Centre which uses the Rumah Paseban learning model. Data collection was by observation of the learning process, questionnaire and interview. Data processing was by use of Microsoft Excel and SPSS Software. The results showed: 1) Increased participation of learning citizens in the equivalency education program; 2) Response of citizens’ studying under the Paseban Rumah modal show that the implementation of the model is generally satisfactory; 3) The independence of learners can be nurtured through their entrepreneurial spirit to enable them finance their equivalency education programs independently for the sustainability of their education.

How to Cite
Rohaeti, E., Mulyono, D., Widiastuti, N., Ansori, A., & Samsudin, A. (2019). “Rumah Paseban” as a Development Model for the Sustainability of the Equivalency Education Program. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 247 - 257. Retrieved from http://proceedings.conference.unpas.ac.id/index.php/ifsac/article/view/164