Small Industry Performance Through Innovation As Implication of Spiritual Intelligence and Competence of Crafts Entrepreneurship in West Java Province

  • H H Trismiyanto Dharma Negara Institute of Economic Science, Indonesia
  • E T Sule Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
  • J Joeliaty Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
  • Y Yunizar Padjadjaran University, Indonesia


This research is a case study that aims at discovering the performance of small industrial craftsmen through innovation as an implication of spiritual intelligence and entrepreneurial competence in handicraft products in West Java by involving 386 entrepreneurs as samples. The sample size was determined using a simple random technique. The data was analyzed using correlation analysis and determination methods and processed by employing SPSS 24.00 program. It was found that spiritual intelligence and entrepreneurial competence had significant influence on the performance of small handicraft industry through innovation. This research is expected to determine the right strategy for local governments in an effort to improve the performance of small handicraft industry entrepreneurs in West Java.

How to Cite
H Trismiyanto, H., T Sule, E., Joeliaty, J., & Yunizar, Y. (2019). Small Industry Performance Through Innovation As Implication of Spiritual Intelligence and Competence of Crafts Entrepreneurship in West Java Province. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 192 - 196. Retrieved from