SME’s Digital Economy-based Community Information Group

  • M Rosana Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia


The Community Information Group (KIM/Kelompok Informasi Masyarakat) is a public service institution formed and managed from, by, and for the community oriented towards information services and community empowerment according to their needs (Directorate of Social Communication Institutions, 2008: 1). KIM is a revitalization and the re-actualization of community empowerment with the development paradigm, which prioritizes the principles of democracy and good governance. It plays a role in facilitating the contribution and distribution of information, bridging the community and the government related to information dissemination and aspiration absorption. In each sub-district, it will be useful if the leader of KIM has the ability to empower the community, thus the national programs information as the community rights is delivered to the neighborhood units. Clean water is the basic needs for the community, health and the development of SMEs. SME activities for the community can be a major community empowerment platform in the context of economy democratization by providing public facilities and accessing financing according to the era of digitalization, so that economy activities of the community will develop and spread prosperity for others (share prosperity).

How to Cite
Rosana, M. (2019). SME’s Digital Economy-based Community Information Group. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 186 - 191. Retrieved from