Utilization of Digital Marketing to Increase Sales in Small and Medium Industries In Cirebon Regency, Indonesia

  • Y Yanah Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon, Indonesia
  • M Ariyani S Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon, Indonesia
  • S Sugiyarsih niversitas 17 Agustus 1945 Cirebon, Indonesia


This research aimed at identifying the sales differences between small and medium industries (SMIs) in Cirebon Regency that use conventional marketing and digital marketing in promoting their products. The research employed a quantitative method and used SMIs in Cirebon Regency as the subject. The data obtained were secondary data containing the production cost of SMIs in Cirebon Regency. They were analyzed using Wilcoxon. The findings of the research showed that the negative ranks between sales with conventional and digital marketing were N = 24 and mean rank = 29.33. Those values represent the sales decline of 24 SMIs that used digital marketing with an average sales decline of 29.33. Furthermore, the positive ranks between sales with conventional and digital marketing were N = 50 and mean rank = 41.42. This means that there were 50 SMIs that achieved an average sales increase of 41.42. Therefore, it can be concluded that digital marketing had the ability to increase and decrease sales, so SMIs should be careful and meticulous when it comes to utilizing digital marketing to promote their products.

How to Cite
Yanah, Y., Ariyani S, M., & Sugiyarsih, S. (2019). Utilization of Digital Marketing to Increase Sales in Small and Medium Industries In Cirebon Regency, Indonesia. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 147 - 151. Retrieved from http://proceedings.conference.unpas.ac.id/index.php/ifsac/article/view/144