Policy Network in Evaluation of E-Government Implementation Policy (a Case Study of Pesduk in Cimahi)

  • I Mariane Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia


The advancement of technology results effortlessness for human beings. The advances should be followed the awareness of positive manner and responsibility. For that reason, the government of Cimahi city through the office of communication, information, archive, and library launched a program called Pesduk (pesan singkat penduduk/short message service for citizen). Pesduk was intended to provide information. Unfortunately, the program has never been evaluated yet. In fact, evaluation is an integral part of the whole process and regarded to measure the effectiveness of respective program. This research used qualitative approach by employing case study method. The data were collected by in-depth interview method, participant observation, and triangulation. Then, the data were classified, edited, displayed, and processed based on data character and type. The analysis shows that the evaluation of Pesduk has not been effective. The evaluation is crucial to be a consideration of new strategic plans in implementing subsequent policies. It is necessary to conduct standard operational procedure (SOP) of Pesduk to make this program effective, directed, and have legal basis. The procedure is also able to measure some imperfections of the program and, finally, initiate collaboration between society, industrial sector, and government through policy network.

How to Cite
Mariane, I. (2019). Policy Network in Evaluation of E-Government Implementation Policy (a Case Study of Pesduk in Cimahi). Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 128. Retrieved from http://proceedings.conference.unpas.ac.id/index.php/ifsac/article/view/138