The Influence of Co-Brand Service on Satisfaction that Implicates to General Patient at Green Care Clinic

  • Y Budiyanti Universitas BSI, Indonesia
  • D Syarifuddin STP ARS Internasional, Indonesia
  • D P Alamsyah Universitas BSI, Indonesia
  • S Hayati Universitas BSI, Indonesia
  • E Irawan Universitas BSI, Indonesia
  • T P Ningrum Universitas BSI, Indonesia


General patient’s visit get decreasing in the beginning of 2017 while patient of BPJS’s visit that is expected not to achieve more 15% of membership get improvement and it is more 20% of membership number. The low of general patient’s visit is assumed because the low of patient’s satisfaction and loyalty since there is increasing of BPJS service as the step of co-branding. The aim of this study is to know the description and the variable influence of co- branded service and patient’s satisfaction toward patient’s loyalty. The research analysis used is path analysis with survey to 90 respondents, which is general patient of Green Care’s Clinic. Type of this research used is descriptive and verification to assess the description and the influence among variable. The research finding shows that there is influence of co-branded service towards patient’s satisfaction. Co-branded service has no impact to the improvement of patient’s loyalty. When co-branding created so it will be able to improve patient’s satisfaction; patient who is satisfied will be able to improve loyalty. But, co-branded service cannot improve patient’s loyalty at green care directly.

How to Cite
Budiyanti, Y., Syarifuddin, D., P Alamsyah, D., Hayati, S., Irawan, E., & P Ningrum, T. (2019). The Influence of Co-Brand Service on Satisfaction that Implicates to General Patient at Green Care Clinic. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 102 - 108. Retrieved from