Enhancing Investment and Regional Gross Domestic to Encourage the Economic Growth in Trenggalek District

  • U Rusilowati Universitas Pamulang, Indonesia
  • H Supratikta Universitas Pamulang, Indonesia


This research aimed at choosing the implemented strategy in developing Trenggalek District through MICE. The types of data were primary data taken from the results of the questionnaires filled by the government and private parties, and secondary data received from the related sectors in Trenggalek district and from Statistics Indonesia in East Java Province, journals and literature related to the research. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was processed using the 9.0 version of expert choice. The results shows that the development strategy of Trenggalek District through MICE could emphasize on (1) enhancing the investment sector with the highest value as much as 0.614 and followed by (2) improving the economic growth of Trenggalek District with the value of 0.260, which will help in (3) increasing the Gross Domestic Regional Income of Trenggalek District through MICE as much as 0.126. It is suggested that Trenggalek District promotes itself using social media and electronic media platforms to introduce this investment not only within the country, but also all over the world. Creating more national or international events in Trenggalek District will help promoting the District domestically and internationally and improve the students’ skills to gain positive impacts for Trenggalek District income.

How to Cite
Rusilowati, U., & Supratikta, H. (2019). Enhancing Investment and Regional Gross Domestic to Encourage the Economic Growth in Trenggalek District. Proceeding Interuniversity Forum for Strengthening Academic Competency, 1(1), 27. Retrieved from http://proceedings.conference.unpas.ac.id/index.php/ifsac/article/view/113