Family is an important educational process in human survival, parents are the first and foremost educators for children as the nation's successors. Parenting is an educational activity conducted by parents to prepare children to be ready to face the community environment, children are nurtured so that their growth can run optimally both physically and mentally.
The environment that plays an important role for children is the school environment with the role of students attached to children. At school, students are required to have adequate abilities to achieve optimal performance. In achieving optimal achievement, students need to have motivation to excel. The difference in the level of achievement of OSIS students in SMA Negeri 10 Bandung is due to the diversity of achievement motivation of students suspected of being motivated by parenting at home. The purpose of this study was to obtain data and analyze how much influence parenting had on achievement motivation of OSIS students in SMA Negeri 10 Bandung in achieving achievement in school. The research method is survey research, to see the effect of independent variables (variable x) on the dependent variable (variable y), namely parenting to the achievement motivation of OSIS students in SMA Negeri 10 Bandung. Data analysis uses a quantitative approach, through path analysis testing. The results of this study explain the influence of variable parenting (X) which consists of aspects of care (X1), maintenance (X2), guidance (X3), guidance (X4) and informal education (X5) on achievement motivation (Y), influential with multiple determination coefficients and all exogenous variables tested are R2 = 68.2%. The rest, which is equal to 31.8%, is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.