• Yuyun Yuningsih Faculty Economic and Busuness Persada Indonesia University YAI
  • Ummi Hani H.MH: Lekturers at the Faculty Economic and Busuness Persada Indonesia University YAI
Keywords: Social Protection, Juvenile Delinquency


This study aims to find out, examine, and explain social protection against juvenile delinquency which is conducted bychildren’s penitentiary in Sukamiskin, Bandung City, supporting factors and obstacle factors of social protection against juvenile delinquency in children’s penitentiary in Sukamiskin, the impact of social protection on against juvenile delinquency in children’s penitentiary in Sukamiskin.This research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation. Determination of informants in this study was using purposive sampling technique where researchers chose informants varied by 3 people and Informants from the officer 2 people. The results of this study indicate that social protection provided by officer’s penitentiarysuch as education, mental guidance, development of talent interests and health. In this case social protection is in accordance with the law on Child Protection No. 35 of 2014. In general, the results of this study are fulfilled, for the education sector penitentiary officer cooperation with several junior highs, high school, vocational schools in Bandung city.For the skills field, several skill courses and LAHA institutions were conducted, but in the implementation there were still several obstacles. The obstacles include: first, the low enthusiasm of children to go back to school and the difficulty of finding schools that want to accept of juvenile delinquency. second, in the implementation of health services becausejuvenile delinquency is not protected by the BPJS, so the penitentiary authorities are still looking for institutions that are willing to cooperate in providing health services. So it is recommended to pass the MOU with the General Hospital through the Ministry of Health.
