ICE (Internasional Conference on Education) FKIP Unpas <p>We have chosen to focus on “Character Building Through Pricesly International Education” as the theme of the conference. The book of conference contains 34 selected articles from all participants. The participants come from academia as lecturers and researchers. The International conference has been made to be held as the realization of cooperation between PB Paguyuban Pasundan, and FKIP Universitas Pasundan. Hopefully, these articles may give benefit to all of us for the development of education. In addition, it is also expected to be a reference for the nation and state-building efforts so that science and technology becomes a strong pillar in the face of the ASEAN Economic Community.</p> en-US Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 PROCEEDING ICE (INTERNASIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION) FKIP UNPAS 2018 <p>We have chosen to focus on “Character Building Through Pricesly International Education” as the theme of the conference. The book of conference contains 34 selected articles from all participants. The participants come from academia as lecturers and researchers. The International conference has been made to be held as the realization of cooperation between PB Paguyuban Pasundan, and FKIP Universitas Pasundan. Hopefully, these articles may give benefit to all of us for the development of education. In addition, it is also expected to be a reference for the nation and state-building efforts so that science and technology<br>becomes a strong pillar in the face of the ASEAN Economic Community.</p> Acep Roni Hamdani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 STYLISTICS STUDY ON WOMEN CHARACTER IN INDONESIAN NOVEL (SITI NURBAYA BY MARAH RUSLI) IN THE PERIOD BEFORE INDEPENDENCE <p>The novel as a literary work is one of the literacy tool which is favourited by readers. Through literature, a reader can learn the characters representation presented by the author. Stylistics study used by the author is able to interpret and describe the character's style. So it can build an understanding, that the women characters in the period before independence is limited and sackled by customs in the socio- cultural context. Recognition for women right nowaday must be appreciated and utilized for the people, nation and state welfare. Therefore, Indonesian women characters at present is a long journey of Indonesian women struggle in the past. It is represented in this novel.</p> <p>Keywords: language style, characterization, character, character, Siti Nurbaya, stylistics.</p> R. Panca Pertiwi Hidayat, Any Budiarti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 17 Jul 2019 16:00:35 +0700 SOFT SKILL AND HABITS OF MIND IS AN ABILITY TO BE POSSESSED BY STUDENT TEACHERS OF BIOLOGY, ESPECIALLY IN PROBLEMS SOLVING. THE RESEARCH AIMED TO DESCRIBE THE PROFILE OF SOFT SKILLS AND HABITS OF MIND THROUGH STUDENT ACTIVITY UNIT (UKM) ON FKIP PASUNDAN <p>Soft skill and habits of mind is an ability to be possessed by student teachers of Biology, especially in problems solving. The research aimed to describe the profile of soft skills and habits of mind through student activity unit (UKM) on FKIP Pasundan University. UKM is a means of student activities that can develop interest, talent, expertise and soft skills of students. The research used survey method with qualitative descriptive technique. The results obtained information that there are 12 courses are not liked by the students, namely courses: Genetics, Physiology and Entomology, Botany Criptogamae, Phanerogamae, Statistics, Nutrition, Physiology, Sundanese culture, Chemistry, and physics to Biology. Ability thinking skills students of Biology Education in problems solving overall problem resolution has category no good. The existence of a relationship between subjects who do not like the student with soft skill students in general.</p> Cartono Cartono, Ida Yayu N. Hizqiyah, Fitri Aryanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 INTEGRATION OF ETHNO-PEDAGOGY TO DEVELOP BIOLOGY LEARNING MODELS <p>Abstract. Model of learning is a syntax or learning steps depicted from the beginning to the end presented<br>in full or typical in the learning process. This study aims to determine the ability of biology pre-service teacher in developing an ethno-pedagogical oriented learning model. This research is a quantitative descriptive research, data obtained based on the results of data analysis is described to obtain information or description of the results of this study. Population in this study as many as 164 students are divided into 38 groups. Technique of data collecting with non-test, data obtained from document of assignment of student report given score based on its indicator which divided into some aspect of assessment and student response questionnaire. The results showed that the ability of biology pre-service teacher in developing the learning model oriented ethno-pedagogy including sufficient category with an average score of 75. Students’ response to development of learning model oriented ethno-pedagogy is good, 70.04% of students expected. Thus it can be concluded that the ability of students in developing biology learning model integrated ethno-pedagogy still needs to be developed especially for several aspects. The results of this study can be used as a reference for the lecture program in the future.</p> <p>Keywords: ethno-pedagogy, learning model, development of learning model, biology learning</p> Iwan Setia Kurniawan, Rifki Survani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 EDUCATION AS THE FORM OF NATIONAL CHARACTER <p>Character is a permanent behavior that appears to a person. When some people exhibit the same permanent behavior it is called the character of the community, and if the permanent character appears in most of a nation then it is called the character of the nation. Characters are formed through a long process, ranging from memory formation which will then control the behavior of each individual. Therefore the characters will not be handled instantly. Behavior is an educational goal, so character can be built through education. Behavior is controlled by memory, so that education can achieve its goal when its educators understand how memory is formed. The purpose of education is formulated based on the development of the level of competence (level of competence) that has been formulated in the theory of Kognitive Benyamin S. Bloom. So that the characters can be built properly and correctly every educator must master the theory of cognitive</p> <p>Keywords: Character, Permanent Behavior, Memory Formation, cognitive theory</p> Toto Sutarto Gani Utari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 ELEMENTARY PRE-SERVICE MATHEMATICS TEACHER SELF EFFICACY BELIEVE <p>This study aims to know how much the level of self-efficacy, analyze each indicator of self-<br>efficacy, analyze each statement of self-efficacy, and determine alternatives to increase mathematical self- efficacy in the final grade Elementary Pre-service Teacher. The method in this study is a qualitative research method in the form of analysis descriptively by using a self-efficacy questionnaire. The data obtained is the mathematical self-efficacy scale of elementary pre-service teachers. Population in this research is all final year student (class of 2013) at elementary pre-service teachers of Pasundan University. The sample of the research is taken by purposive sampling, which are 149 students from all population. The results obtained from the self-efficacy questionnaire analysis that the average student has a moderate self-efficacy level. The best indicator high self-efficacy of it an indicator to 6 (I-6), this means that a student is good enough to use previous experience as a measure of success. Other than that, One statement of the highest averages were students joined in the group work when getting the task group. So, a graduate student is able to interpret that previous experience and group work will bring confidence to the success in learning.</p> <p>Keywords: self-efficacy, mathematics, elementary pre-service teacher.</p> Darta Darta, Siti Maryam Rohimah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 IMPROVING STUDENTS' SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS (SPS) THROUGH PRACTICUM OF DNA IN BIOTECHNOLOGY COURSES <p>This study was aimed at investigating university students’ ability in inquiry learning. The study involved 7th semester students of a private teacher training institution in Bandung who were taking biotechnology in 2016. The method employed in the study was experimental one with one case shoot study design. Observation sheet was used as data collection instrument. From the three classes observed, the following data was obtained cllas A score 82.5, class B 71.5 and class C 77.5 the average SPS for observation, implementing the concept, designing experiment,interpreting, predicting, asking quetion, formulating hypothesis, playing experiment, using tools, applying concept and communicating with a few students still had difficulties despite regular practices of using the tools in the laboratory. Further study is necessary to be developed and be conducted on participants from different major.</p> Mia Nurkanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF INTERACTION AMOUNG SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY ASPECTS IN STUDENTS THEMATIC BOOK OF V GRADE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <p>Mastery of science literacy will make easier students to adapt to the advancement of science and technology in the present and future. One attempt to improve the ability of science literacy through the analysis of textbooks lessons. The interaction of science, technology &amp; society is a scientific aspect of science literacy. This research analyzes the literacy indicator of science in the thematic book of grade V SD students. The type of research used is descriptive, by collecting data in the form of documentation study. The sample in this study is several pages in one book analyzed taken by random method using multistage sampling technique. The results show 8.5% of the book presents aspects of interaction of science, technology and society. This aspect has not been presented in the entire theme of the book. The themes 4 and 5 are not presented at all, while themes 1, 2 and 3 each present 13%, 22% and 5% of them. The following findings show that Book Y rarely presents aspects of the interaction of science, technology and society. In other words, this book of Y does not emphasize material that supports the contextual mastery.</p> Azis Lukman Praja, Siti Sholiha Nurfaidah, Moh. Nurhadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 THE PROFILE OF AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT ON IPA COURSE IN EDUCATION STUDIES PROGRAM OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER OF FKIP PASUNDAN UNIVERSITY <p>Authentic assessment is a process of collecting the various of the data that can provide a comprehensive, the development of learners that includes the cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills. This study aims to find out how to applicate of authentic assessment on science lectures in major PGSD FKIP Unpas. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. Participants in this study were students at the major PGSD FKIP Unpas. The instruments used were student perception questionnaires, observation sheets, and interview guidelines. Data analysis techniques used are planned to use descriptive analysis. The results Showed that the application of authentic assessment on science lecture in major PGSD FKIP Unpas has been applied Although not yet optimally. While the student response to the application of authentic assessment on lectures Showed positive results.</p> Aas Saraswati, Ida Yayu Nurul Hizkiyah, Moh. Nurhadi, Uus Toharudin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 APPRECIATE AND EXPRESS FICTIONAL PROSE LITERATURE WORKS AS MEANS OF NATION CHARACTER FORMATION <p>Appreciate and express the literary works are essentially reading and writing the repertoire of human life with all life and life within. By reading literary works especially fiction prose, one will get a picture of the various human characters through the behavior and events it describes. Likewise, by writing literature especially fiction prose, someone will be able to describe the character and character of the figures through the behavior and events he told. Therefore, through the activities of appreciation and expression of literary works, especially the fiction prose, one can learn to respect human beings with all the values of humanity. Fictional prose as one form of literary works is a cultural asset of the Indonesian that needs to be preserved , developed, and exploited to the nation's character development. Literary readers and writers are usually very sensitive to the social, humanitarian, and natural affairs of this universe. Therefore, the ability to appreciate and express literary works, especially fiction prose must continue to be fostered and developed in order to build the character of the nation. Based on Curriculum<br>2013, there are five developed characters, namely: religious, nationalism, mutual cooperation,<br>independence, and integrity. These five characters can be formed in the students through the activities of appreciation and expression of fiction prose literary works. So, a teacher, should be able to choose literary material in the form of fictiona prose that can develop those five characters.</p> Titin Nurhayatin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 THE APPLICATION OF THE MAPLE PROGRAM TO SELF- REGULATED LEARNING ON THE MATHEMATICS' PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS STUDENTS <p>Self-regulated learning can be achieved if in the process of learning mathematics provides an open opportunity for students to learn independently. This research is a mixed method type embedded design, which aims to conduct studies that focus on the use of maple program on self-regulated learning. The sample selection was done from the population by purposive sampling, then taken 2 classes that contracted the Calculus. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire of learning self-regulated learning with a Likert scale, interviews, and observation sheet. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that (1) The self-regulated learning of superior student and low who received the maple program is better than of superior students and low students who received expository learning, (2) Student activity in following by maple program the average rises from fewer criteria to good, and students explain that the use of maple program is more interesting and better when compared with expository learning.</p> Jusep Saputra ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT OF CHILDREN NATIONS OF CULTURE PANCASILA BASIC PRIMARY SCHOOL IN HIGH CLASS <p>The advanced movement of the dynamics of education of a nation is on the shoulders of its next generation, and young shoots as its successors. Nowadays world development is so fast and fast. Any information can be easily obtained. This is the so-called globalization flow, the flow of globalization is contributing greatly to the development of our young generation. If our young people are not good at sorting it out, this globalization will affect the morality and values of the nation's children. So sad indeed, when these young people in the cradle in a very decisive position on the progress of a nation. In reality not a few young people act far from what we expect. The deterioration of moral and ethical values is sad, the brawl between students almost happens in all corners of the country, promiscuity, and the decline of respect and obedience to parents and teachers. In relation to the above description, character education must be reapplied, with character education expected to form individual soul especially learners and can be directed in accordance with national development and education goals. Character education here is character education that has noble values in accordance with the values contained in the basis of our country that is Pancasila. Teachers as the spearhead, and have a very strategic position in the world of education can apply the values associated with the formation of the character of learners. Especially teachers who teach basic school education, because this is where the initial foundation should really be cultivated, and in this period very open opportunities to shape their characters.</p> Asep Deni Normansyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 CREATIVE MATHEMATICAL REASONING IN MATHEMATICAL LITERACY REVIEW BASED ON PISA 2015 DOMAIN PROBLEM <p>Mathematics learning in line with 21st-century learning objectives has 4C characteristics: (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity and Innovation). Mathematical material and mathematical reasoning are two inseparable matters, mathematical material understood through reasoning and reasoning understood and trained through learning the mathematical material. There are two types of reasoning that students often use in completing mathematical tasks, namely: Creative Reasoning and Imitative Reasoning. Creative reasoning has four criteria: novelty, flexibility, plausibility and mathematical foundation. Mathematical Literacy is the individual's ability to formulate, employ, and interpret mathematics in various contexts. It includes mathematical reasoning and uses mathematical concepts, procedures, facts and tools to describe, explain and predict phenomena. Thus mathematical literacy helps one to recognize the role of mathematics in the world and to make judgments and decisions needed as citizens. PISA measures what the student knows and what he can do (application) with his knowledge of mathematical creative reasoning will examine more deeply the characteristics of mathematical literacy skills in which it contains some characteristics of creative reasoning ability.</p> Dahlia Fisher, Beni Yusepa G. P ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 THE DEVELOPMENT OF LITERACY CULTURE AS A MEAN OF ENHANCEMENT OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER’S PROFESSIONALISM IN ESTABLISHING STUDENT’S CHARACTER <p>Ever since 2013 curriculum enacted, School Literacy Movement (GLS) has been rolled out. This program is so meant to evolve literacy culture at school that a literate environment can be created so they can be a throughout life learners. Furthermore, it should solve problems, especially low reading interest and ability amongst students. Literacy Culture Development Training held for Elementary School Teachers in Lembang District is to enhance teachers’ professionalism in implementing literacy based learning. Problems submitted: 1) Have elementary school teachers in Lembang district coped with GLS (School Literacy Movement)? 2) What kinds of GLS activities are held by Elementary School teachers in Lembang district? 3) Are there problems found by Elementary School teachers in Lembang district in implementing GLS? 4) What have they done in solving those problems? 5) Has this training succeeded in implementing GLS? Method used is training with data collecting technique: interview and test. There are 19 training participants from SDN 1 Cibodas and SDN Buah Batu of Cibodas subdistrict, Lembang district, West Bandung Regency. Based on data from quesioner result, elementary school teachers in Lembang district have partly (42%) coped with GLS concept since they have attended the accompaniment on 2013 curriculum. Based on test result, it shows that this Development of Literacy Culture Training has succeeded. This is shown from pretest result of 65 in average and posttest of 90. This shows that there is ability enhancement amongst elementary school teachers in Cibodas subdistrict. Lembang district in mastering the concept and implementation of School Literacy Movement.</p> Titin Nurhayatin, Frilia Shantika Regina, Yeni Cania Puspita ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 THE DIFFICULTIES TEACHING MATHEMATICS MATERIAL ACCORDING TO STUDENTS PERCEPTION <p>Based on preliminary study of one elementary high school teacher education program (PGSD) one of the high private college in West Java and the result of literature review showed that elementary school teacher (PGSD) students still find difficulties in math course in elementary school, because mathematics is material which requires a level of understanding and teaching experience. Then this research to find out what factors are causing students difficulties in basic mathematics, difficult math materials, what students do to overcome difficulties to understand mathematical topics and demonstrate it, and alternatively overcome these difficulties. The method used is descriptive analysis, that is analyzing the data and information in the can. Participants in this study are students of Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) semester V one in private universities in West Java. The results showed that the factors that caused the students difficulties in basic mathematics were attitude factor, motivation, variation of teaching, media usage, infrastructure, and environment. Then the elementary school mathematics material which according to difficulty is the factor, multiples, angles, flat waking area, integer, fractional, volume, flat build properties and round count operation, the effort made by students to overcome the difficulty of understanding mathematical material and demonstrate it is looking ask questions of friends and lecturers, and the alternative to overcome these difficulties is to do lesson study.</p> Rina Indriani, Darta Darta, Taufiqulloh Dahlan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 THE ROLE OF EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES THE FLIGHT PASSENGER IN GROWING STUDENT STUDENT NATIONALISM <p>This research entitled "The Role of Extracurricular Activities of Flag Fuel Generator In Growing Student's Nationalism Attitude". Descriptive Analysis Study at SMP Negeri 2 Anjatan Indramayu. The purpose of this research is to know and get a picture of the role of extracurricular activities paskibra in growing the nationalism attitude of students in SMP Negeri 2 Anjatan Indramayu. The method used in this study is a case study that focuses intensively on a particular object by studying as a case also using methods of qualitative analysis method which is data collection using primary data and secondary data concerning the classification or categorization of a number of variables. Research subjects were Teacher Pkn, Pembina Paskibra and all Paskibra Extracurricular Members. While the object of research is SMP Negeri 2 Anjatan Indramayu. The results showed that extracurricular paskibra SMP Negeri 2 Anjatan Indramayu role in the case of growing student nationalism attitude. In conclusion, the existing activity program on ekstrakbricular paskibra support the formation of student nationalism attitude, especially discipline, responsibility and confidence. Suggestions from the authors are expected to always support the school and facilitate all its activities. Paskibra members must be able to attract other students to become members paskibra. And for the next peliti expected to develop and perfect the various variables and instruments used in this study.</p> Dadang Mulyana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 TEACHER ROLE IN DEVELOPING COMMUNITY LEARNING AND MOTIVATION FOR STUDENTS IN PRIMARY <p>This article focuses on "Community Learning and Motivation Students". The concept of learning community (learning community) is not just a collection of individuals, but the settings where individuals in the community who have common goals which include 6 things that make it a complex system (multidimensionality / multidimensional simultaneity / simultaneous, immediacy / immediacy, unpredictability / unpredictable, publicness / openness, history / history), linked together in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom, and each show concern for each other participant classes that have the inclination and norms similar to feel and act in certain ways in order to achieve the objectives and the reward has been determined. Based on the analysis of "community learning and student motivation", it could be concluded that motivation is a very important factor that influences and directs our behavior. For the teacher, it is important to understand motivation and apply in their teaching teachers to create a productive learning community. By understanding the different motivational needs of students and different forms of motivation, such as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation is a motivation that comes from within, without any desire to get a prize or award. While intrinsic motivation is a motivation that occurs because of a desire to earn rewards, reward, or to avoid punishment. Provision of this motivation is adapted to the needs and levels of students we teach. Do not be afraid to experiment, but be sure to learn from experience. We recommend that teachers should evaluate the achievement of motivation in the classroom, by assigning students to keep a diary to write down your thoughts and feelings about everything they learned and what happens in the classroom. What they wrote giving a deep insight (insights) about fears and emotions they are feeling in their students, as well as their cognitive development. So that teachers know what is causing the lack of student motivation, then what is causing the problem arises. By using the daily notes that teachers can understand what students understood conceptually and able to use them to build new ideas and provide solutions in order to create a productive learning community. Teaching is a process that requires constant revision and careful. Needs important service to the students, but the structure of the school has been based on the policies of the present administration.</p> Devi Rahmiati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF STUDENT UNDERSTANDING AND PERCEPTION OF THE ESSENCE NATURAL SCIENCE (NATURE OF SCIENCE) AS A BASIC FOR DEVELOPING LEARNING BASED CHARACTER IN BASIC SCHOOL <p>This study aims to determine the extent to which students' understanding of the nature of Natural Sciences, because it is a natural or natural concept of Nature Science is what memorized concepts. The students' understanding of the nature of Natural Sciences varies from one place to another, with this study aims to develop character-based nature teaching in elementary school according to their respective regional characteristics. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The study was conducted in several Primary Schools in Odd Semester Year 2016/2017. The population of the study were elementary school students in West Java and East Java. The sampling technique was done by using stratified random technique that is elementary school students grades 3 to 6, at 4 elementary school in West Java province, and three elementary school in the province of East Java. From the data collection process, obtained a sample of 485 students. Data collection techniques were conducted using non-test instruments, including: questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The results show that differences in understanding and perception influenced the background of the students and the condition of school infrastructure. Thus this can be used as a basis for developing character-based nature learning by applying scientific approach.</p> Acep Roni Hamdani, Udin Samsudin, Imas Srinana Wardani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 MANAGEMENT CURRICULUM FOR BUILDING EDUCATION <p>From the beginning of the old order government currently, the education curriculum in Indonesia has experienced ten times the curriculum changes. The curriculum changes are expecting development towards better education management. However, the translation of the UNDP (United National Development Program) 2015 Indonesia is still in the order of 113 from 188 countries far from neighboring countries, especially Malaysia and Singapore. In this case, curriculum management becomes very important, comprehensive, systemic, and systematic can, of course, accelerate the achievement of educational goals. This article is intended to provide an overview of the impact of improving the quality of education in Indonesia. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis research. The analysis done by examining the theories of curriculum management and how to apply it in the world of education, especially education in Indonesia. Once events in Indonesia are rarely done through research and full of political elements</p> Saiful Almujab, Yudho Ramafrizal ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 THE ROLE OF INDONESIAN LANGUAGE IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT, GLOBALIZATION ERA, AND IN DEALING MEA (ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY 2017) <p>The development of Science and Technology and the Arts during the era of globalization, coupled with the inclusion of the Asean Economic Community (AEC), would greatly affect the influence on all aspects of human life bound together by culture. The purpose of this discussion is to provide insights that language as part of the cultural elements that have a role as a communication tool in the face of these conditions, including the role of Indonesian Language in the face of the three events. By using the language, the information can be understood and accepted based on its goals and objectives. In addition, the language is also used to convey something, an idea, a mindset, in order to others can understand what we want. Without any language (including Indonesian), science and technology probably cannot grow and thrive. Besides, Indonesian, in the cultural structure, has a position, function, and dual role as the roots and cultural products that also functions as a means of thinking and means of supporting the growth and development of science and technology. Without that similar role of language, science and technology will be hardly able to develop. The implication in the development of reasoning power is to make the language as an infrastructure of modern thinking. The advantages being humans compared with other creatures not only lies in the excess of mind, but also in language skills. Without the ability to speak, human beings can not develop their culture because without the ability to speak, there is no way to pass on the cultural values from one to the next generation. In addition, without the ability to speak, human can not think systematically and regularly.</p> Dheni Harmaen ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 ENHANCEMENT OF INDONESIAN SKILLS AND STUDENT CHARACTER THROUGH APPROPRIATE APPROACH <p>The loss of the supervising role in learning Indonesian language skills in elementary school (SD) is a factor causing the difficulty of students communicating both orally and in writing. In an effort to solve the problem, the researcher gives an alternative problem solving skill in Indonesian language through guidance approach. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the guidance approach can improve the skills of Indonesian primary school students. method: The research method used is Collaborative Action Research which is divided into four cycles with the research participants are the students of class I B SDN Cirangrang with the number of 34 students. The instruments used were student worksheets, observation sheets, and spontaneous interviews. The results showed that the guidance approach can improve the skills of Indonesian language. Conclusions:This is evident from the increased language skills in students' width, and changes in the character of the students. Therefore, the guidance approach can be used as an alternative as an effort to improve the Indonesian language skills of students in elementary school.</p> Yuni Indriyani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 SOFT SKILLS FOR 21ST CENTURY TEACHER <p>21st century forms a superior human resource. Education not only creates graduates who are able to compete, but coupled with healthy competence and able to excel in various fields. The duties of 21st century teachers are able to organize learning process and implement the four pillars of learning recommended by UNESCO for education, which is learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together. Four competencies that must be owned by professional teachers are: pedagogic competence, professional competence, personality competence and social competence. 21st century education requires teachers to emphasize learning on critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and innovation, communication, collaboration, and global awarness. The 21st century skills teachers must have are (1) life and career skills, (2) learning and innovation skills, and (3) information media and technology skills. Therefore, teachers are required not only to have hardskill but also to have softskill to succeed in their career and functioning in social life. soft skill a teachers should have interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.</p> Feby Inggriyani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 ROMANCE PENGERAN KORNEL: TRILOGUE REFLECTION OF SUNDANESE COMMUNITY LIFE <p>Sundanese society as trapped in a pattern of globalization that can eliminate its identity as a Sundanese society. This paper wants to express 1). How the value of pengkuh agamana reflected in Roman Pangeran Kornel, 2). How the value of luhung elmuna is reflected in Roman Pangeran Kornel, 3). How is the value of the jembar budayana reflected in Roman Pangeran ornel. This research uses qualitative method with phenomenology approach. With data collection techniques: 1). Observation, 2). Interview, 3). Library Studies. This research reveals that: Roman Pangeran Kornel as the work of the Sundanese community has the values of life of the Sundanese society that developed from the time where the Sundanese people exist in this earth until now. These values are trilogy of Sundanese society life that is pengkuh agamana, luhung elmuna and jembar budayana. The three contents of the trilogy when fully implemented by the Sundanese society even by the people of Indonesia in general to the intornational society, then humans will reach the point of perfect life.</p> Asep Sjamsulbachri, Deni Zein Tarsidi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FACTORS IN STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT STUDY PROGRAM OF ECONOMIC EDUCATION FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION PASUNDAN UNIVERSITY <p>This reascrh aims to determine the description of internal factors and external factors that affect student achievement, knowing whether there is influence of internal factors and external factors on student achievement, and know how much influence internal factors and external factors on student achievement. The research method used is descriptive analysis. With data collection techniques using documentation studies and student questionnaires and data processing techniques using the percentage of students calculations. Based on the results of the research it is known that: internal factors are more dominant in student achievement than on external factors. The average item on the internal factor dimension is in the "Good" category aimed at a weighted average of 271.73 out of 375 or 72.46%. While the average item on the external factor dimension is in the "Good" category shown in average weight of 262.87 from 375 or 70.1%. As the end of the study the authors suggest that the campus should always pay attention to the quality of teaching and learning facilities in accordance with national standards of education, teaching staff need to increase student learning interest in learning methods and interesting teaching media. Campus parties are more selective in choosing undergraduate students to give less good scholarships, so that the scholarship is right on target and can be used with the best, the family is expected to ask more<br>frequently about the achievement of student learning and supervise the association of students so as not to fall into bad acts which if done continuously can be a bad habit of students, students should be smarter to mambagi time between the time to learn and play.</p> Leni Maryanai, Sri Marten Yogaswara, Saiful Almujab ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 ATTITUDE LEARNING AND EFFECT ON STUDENT LEARNING ACHIEVEMEN IN THE COURSE FEASIBILITY STUDY IN ECONOMIC EDUCATION FKIP UNPAS <p>The study aims to evaluate the learning in the course of Feasibility Study in Majors of Economic Education Facultyof Teachers and Education Pasundan University, so that the students perceptions of learning attitudes during learning and their influence on learning achievement are known. Through this research, lecturers can make various learning improvements in future learning that focus on developing behavior, attitude, skill, knowledge (BASK). The research method used is descriptive and associative causal. The population is 122 students and comes from the students of Economics Education who in the academic year 2014/2015 contracted the feasibility study. The sample size is 41 students who act as research respondents. The result of the study showed: 1) 41.46% of students had positive learning attitude, while the rest of 29.27% had negative learning attitude, and 29.27 had neutral learning attitudes. 2) The influence of learning attitudes toward student achievement in the course of Feasibility Study in majors of Economic is 47.9%. Generally, the results of the study show that the learning process conducted through the learning strategy used in the course of Feasibility Study has not achieved maximum results in fostering behavior, attitude, skill, knowledge (BASK) students. Suggestions for subsequent learning are the need to improve the quality of planning and implementation of learning.</p> Sri Marten Yogaswara, Leni Maryani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 THE ROLE OF SCHOOL IN DEVELOPING SMART CONSUMERS’ CHARACTERISTICS THROUGH HABITUTATION <p>Students’ consumption pattern influences both themselves and environment. This article reflects an education that becomes a mean in constructing characteristics. One of the characteristics is smart consumers, that is consumers who are healthy and enviromentally friendly (eco-friendly). A healthy consumer is someone who is smart in choosing food for himself and the eco-friendly consumer is someone who is concerned about the impact of consumption on the environment. These characteristics can be used as a foundation in behaving and supporting sustainable life. Sustainable development is an attitude in meeting the needs of the present without reducing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The method used in this paper is the literature study. Through habituation started from the school environment, it is expected that smart consumer characteristics can be realized so that the expected Indonesian people can be realized in accordance with the predetermined educational goals.</p> Mela Darmayanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 BUILDING CHARACTER OF STUDENTS OF PROSPECTIVE BIOLOGY TEACHERS THROUGH BLENDED LEARNING METHOD ON EMBRYOLOGY COURSE <p>This study is aimed at testing the learning effectiveness of embryology course with blended learning method which combines the learning with interactive multimedia uploaded on Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle and accessed on the internet (e-learning) and in-class learning. The subject of the study consists of 50 students of prospective biology teachers attending embryology course. The characters to be built are discipline, learning independence, liveliness in discussions, and enthusiasm in learning. The data collection was conducted through monitoring students’ learning activities accessing e-learning system and observing their learning behavior in the class. The result of the study shows high effectiveness on embryology learning with blended learning method on building characters of learning independence, enthusiasm in learning, and liveliness in discussions. However, the effectiveness on building the character of discipline is moderate.</p> Nia Nurdiani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 GENERATION Z AND DIGITAL LITERACY <p>Every generation of its time has different characters and habits. According to the words of Umar bi Khattab that “educate our children according to his time”. Then it is imperative that practitioners and educational institutions adapt the way learning to their generation. Generation born after 2001 called the generation Z or a lot of so-called “net generation”. This is because they grow as the internet progresses rapidly. Understanding of this generation brings a concept that generation Z should be equipped with good digital literacies. Because generation Z should be able to avoid the negative influence of the virtual world and its negative effects. The conclusion that can be obtained about the generation Z is they are the generation that still needs to upbringing and good direction, full of potential but can also be dangerous if not equipped with good ability in mastering technology. then the participation of teachers, lecturers and institutions needs to provide education in a manner appropriate to their characteristics..</p> Nurul Fazriyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 TRAINING OF INDONESIAN USE IN PACKAGING SMALL PRODUCTS IN VILLAGES OF LEMBANG DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT BANDUNG BARAT <p>The attractiveness of a product, in addition to the result of product recognition through advertising and promos also arises from the attractiveness of the product packaging itself. The ability to design packaging becomes a demand for the company. This is based on the notion that advertising and promos work only for publication, but when products are lined up on the ground or on an attractive packing market shelf is a smart solution to enhance consumer appeal. To create buyers' appeal, creative breakthroughs are needed for products other than product quality, one of them through packaging that attracts buying interest. Packaging on a product imitates itself in the marketplace and tries to offer itself in the middle of another product crush. So if we look at it we can say that the communication effort of the product required a characteristic of the product as an identias, simply we need a design on the packaging of the product or need the packaging design on the product</p> Dindin M. Z. M., Aries Setia Nugraha, Eggie Nugraha ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF CHARACTER EDUCATION THROUGH SCHOOL CULTURE VALUES <p>This research is motivated that character eduaction of elementary school children have strong influence on children behaviour in their life in the future. However, the problem that occur in primary schools are more dominant in the knowledge aspect. The purpose of this study is to describe the character development of elementary school children trough the habituation of school culture values. This research uses qualitative method with case study at public elementary school of Soka Kota Bandung. Data where collected trough indept interviews with principals and teacher. Triangulation of data and member checks is used as an analitical tools. The results show that character education of elementary school children can effectively be build through the habit of doing school culture values.</p> Uum Murfiah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 LEARNING WRITING POERTY OF CHARACTER WITH USING PROJECT BASED LEARNING MODEL <p>Writing is one of the language skills that are considered difficult and should be dicuas by the students. Among them is writing a poetry contained in the Curriculum 2013 at the level of SMA class X second semester. Writing a poem to be applied is to write a character-filled poetry by using a project based learning model. The purpose of this study, students are expected to be able to write poetry containing characters in which keep a moral message for readers. The research model that will be used is the quasi experimental model of matching-only pretest- posttest control group design on the second semester of the second semester. The sample of research will be used as much as two classes with each class as many as 32 students (64 people). Data were collected through poetry writing tests, learning implementation observation sheets, interviews, and student response questionnaires. The process of obtaining data is done by learning to write poetry. The results of this study will be processed using data analysis, tested with statistics, and the end result of this learning will be recorded into a collection (anthology) character- themed poetry.</p> Adi Rustandi, Setiawan Setiawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT BASED LEARNING TO IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING MOTIVATION <p>Motivation of learning giving an important contribution in the learning process, therefore the motivation of students in the learning process needs to be improved. One way is to present meaningful lessons and guide them to be directly Involved in the learning process Including assessment activities. The assessment in Curriculum 2013 is an authentic assessment. Authentic assessment is a process of collecting various of data that can provide a comprehensive, picture of the development of learners that includes the domains of cognitive, affective and psychomotor. This assessment Allows the teacher to Obtain a result of comprehensive assessment, the which encompasses all aspects of the student's personality, such as moral development, emotional development, social development, cognitive development and other aspects of individual personality. With authentic assessment-based learning is expected to a make learning more Become qualified so as to the make students Become more motivated in learning.</p> Moh. Nurhadi, Siti Solihah Nurfaidah, Jaka Permana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTATION OF LANGUAGE GAMES (CATHARSIS) TO INCREASE ACTIVITY OF IVA TEACHER AT SD NEGERI 01 METRO PUSAT <p>Creativity and innovation are needed for teachers in delivering active learning with good quality. Increased activity of a teacher in teaching affects the student learning activities, but in fact the learning system of the teacher of class IVA SD Negeri 01 Metro Pusat is still using lecture method dominantly so that the student learning activity does not increased significantly. The purpose of this research is to improve teacher’s activity through the application of game language (catharsis) in class IVA SD Negeri 01 Metro Pusat. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative through teacher performance observation sheet. The result of data analysis showed that the teacher’s activity in cycle I (70%), cycle II (80%), It means there is an increase 10%. While the teacher’s activity from cycle II (80%) to cicle III (90%) increased 10</p> Arifin Ahmad ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 THE ANALYSIS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT’S ACHIEVEMENT OF SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS AND SPIRITUAL ATTITUDE THROUGH 2006 CURRICULUM AND 2013 CURRICULUM <p>Based on TIMMS and PISA survey result from 2000 to 2012 indicated that science learning quality in Indonesia is still on the lower level. It is caused by students who are less accustomed to the learning that develop science process skills and inculcate attitude. In addition, nowadays there are schools that use 2006 and 2013 curriculum. Based on those problems, the present of the study aimed to find out how are the fourth grade elementary schools students’ achievement of science process skills and spiritual attitude through 2013 curriculum and 2006 curriculum in the SDA (natural recourses) science concept. The study is done qualitatively to the two elementary schools that used 2006 curriculum and two schools that used 2013 curriculum. The instruments of the study are science process skills test in multiple choice, spiritual attitude questionnaire, and videograph to support the researcher to analyze the emerging of students' science process skills and spiritual attitude in learning process. The result of the study show that the means of science process skills test for elementary school that used curriculum 2006 is 64,92%, and 65,53% for those that used 2013 curriculum, whereas the emerging of science process skills for elementary school that used 2006 curriculum is 19,95%, and 17,85% for those that used 2013 curriculum. On the other hand, the achievement of students' spiritual attitude for elementary school 2006 curriculum is 58,90% whereas elementary school 2013 curriculum is 59,15%. Besides that, the emerging of spiritual attitude in learning process for elementary school 2006 curriculum is 1,60%, and elementary school 2013 curriculum is 2,70%. The conclusion of the study is the elementary school students' achievement of science process skills that used 2013 curriculum is greater than the school that used 2006 curriculum. However those contrary to the emerging in learning process, whereas students' spiritual attitude achievement 2013 curriculum is greater than elementary school 2006 curriculum as well as the emerging spiritual attitude in learning.</p> Sofyan Hendrayana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 RECOGNITION OF THE PEOPLE'S STORY OF MAJALENGKA TALAGA MANGGUNG AS THE FORM OF LOCAL SENIARIANCE IN LANGUAGE LEARNING AND LANGUAGES OF INDONESIA IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL LEVEL <p>Excavation value Sundanese culture that is reflected in folklore is very important to be socialized in the form of implementation of learning in schools, one of which Talaga Manggung oral story text.From the analysis of the structure, the researchers found their story elements that strengthen the grouping opinions on the folklore, that the story is included in the genre legends naming a place. From the analysis of the narrative context, researchers found the characteristics of orality these stories. With regard to the function of the story, researchers found their belief that the speakers and the local community of the story can be taken wisdom to serve as "mirrors" in life. The value of the character found in this story is a reflection of the embodiment of the behavior and lifestyle of the people of his day, such as belief in God, patience, hard work, and others. The results of the analysis of the structure and value of the characters contained in legend, the researchers take advantage became a teaching material in the form of worksheets and implemented in literary appreciation learning at the high school level by using contextual learning model.</p> Lili Sadeli ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 THE DEVELOPMENT OF INQUIRY BASED-INTEGRATED FIELDTRIP PROGRAM TO ENHANCE SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDE AMONG STUDENTS OF BIOLOGY EDUCATION <p>Abstract. This study aims to find a form of integrated fieldtrip program which is<br>effective to develop problem solving ability, scientific attitude and concept mastery among students in Ecology, Invertebrate Zoology, Cryptogamae Botany and Phanerogamae Botany courses. The subjects of this study are some students of Biology Education study program semester VII in a LPTK in Bandung City. This developed integrated fieldtrip integrate some courses among others are: Ecology, Invertebrate Zoology, Cryptogamae Botany, and Phanerogamae Botany courses. In this integrated fieldtrip program, students are equipped with inquiry learning experience. To facilitate it, researcher develop Student Activity Sheet which can guide and direct students to do inquiry in fieldtrip activity. The effectiveness of inquiry based-integrated fieldtrip is evaluated by using written test, performance observation sheet, scientific attitude assessment peer, student working outcome, and video recording of students activity when doing integrated fieldtrip activity. The study result show that: a) the fieldtrip done so far had not been effective and had not organized well, so the aim of fieldtrip had not achieved completely; b) inquiry- based integrated fieldtrip can enhance students’ scientific attitude which is seen from indicator score mean of 80.22 which is in high category; Based on the study result above, inquiry based-integrated fieldtrip can enhance problem solving ability, scientific attitude, and concept mastery, and it is proved that it can enhance the<br>quality of lectures effectively and efficiently.</p> Yusuf Ibrahim, Hertien Koosbandiah Surtikanti, Riandi Riandi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 07 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0700 INNOVATIVE TEACHING MATHEMATICS THROUGH LESSON STUDY <p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong><em>. </em></strong>This study aimed to provide a real experience of learning mathematics for primary school</p> <p>lesson study - based in improving the ability of mathematical understanding with Lesson Study design.</p> <p>The main participants are PGSD UPI students and elementary school teachers in Purwakarta. To analyze</p> <p>data, the study followed several steps, including: (1) identify the learning problem of teachers` model (2)</p> <p>plan the learning steps (a way to solve the identified problem); (3) implement the learning done by the</p> <p>model teacher while the other teacher observing the learning process, (4) evaluate the learning process that</p> <p>has been done (5) improve the learning planning based on the results of the evaluation (6) re-implement</p> <p>the learning, (7) go after the implemented learning, and (8) share the experience and findings of the</p> <p>evaluation to other teachers. Activity sheets were used to gather the data. They are linked to mathematical</p> <p>understanding ability, attitude scale, and student journal. Referring to the results, they showed the the</p> <p>teachers learned triangle and pyramid triangle prism through the Lesson Study design got sightly</p> <p>improvement and a positive attitude.</p> <p><strong>Keywords : </strong><em>Lesson Study design</em>, Prisma tegak segitiga dan limas, understanding, mathematics.</p> sunata sunata ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 09 Jun 2020 17:11:09 +0700